文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

In order not to let Japan work to fill this hole, not to take countermeasures · policy,

2017年08月11日 17時23分43秒 | 日記

When I was a golf freak, every summer I also went to Hawaii.

The number of times I went to Hawaii is about I am surprised at myself.

In recent years, I went to Hozugyo during the current season and went swimming at Shirahama.

This year, I will not go anywhere and keep writing.

Because I am now, the crisis there ... Depending on the evil that the countries of unknown evil and mysterious lies are committing,

When it is obvious that China will land on the Senkaku Islands,

Or when Japan is being attacked by being shaken all over the world for a completely bullish tokens in Korea,

It can not afford to be looking idly.

If there is something that the Abe administration will collapse,

In other words, it is totally not an exaggeration to say that a traitor with the Asahi Shimbun as the lead,

It is because how much outrageous it is, and how dangerous it is to inform the Japanese citizens and the world.

If the Abe government fell, at that moment China will land on the Senkaku Islands.

Why is it that you can understand by reading my corresponding chapter so far.

It is such a country that is a country with a single party dictatorship of the Communist Party, a country of unknown evil and mysterious lies.

They know that there is a hole in the Japan - US alliance, and every day they repeat such a violation of territorial waters.

In order not to let Japan work to fill this hole, not to take countermeasures · policy,

China manages the media such as the Asahi Shimbun, NHK, and opposition parties such as DP and the Communist Party,
Moritomo, Kake, GSDF log etc, really bad, unscrupulous attack,
Far from saying that it is not exaggeration to say that they are continuing to do so to the Abe administration, that would be a perfect answer.

Besides this, NHK 's watch 9, TBS and TV Asahi' s talk and variety TV show 's aspect can not be explained.

As their symbol, I say to NHK's Arima and Kuwako,

Emperor Saga and Kukai are really angry.

Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Ieyasu, you will not be merely amazed.

In 2,600 years, the myriads of great men from Japan are really angry.

The Japanese mountain, the sea, the forest, the river, the lake are really angry about your form.

In what kind of intention, you guys are equal to selling Japan to other countries,

You can do it straight with your face of justice.

This draft continues.

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