文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

that distorts its history and advances from itself and lies in Korea and abroad will perish

2019年08月29日 22時46分28秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Correct Anti-Japan Tribalism
By the way, what is the situation for Korean conservative intellectuals?
Shouldn't it appeal for that existence with the courage?
Many conservative intellectuals are also anti-Japanese, and few conservatives criticize Anti-Japan Tribalism.
Even they will not have the courage to come out.
Criticizing Anti-Japan Tribalism in Korea is very dangerous.
If you are a politician, you have to spend your political life.
Anti-Japan is the best card for Korean politicians who can get the most support at the lowest cost.
So they can't stop anti-Japan.
The conservative intellectuals are precisely the same.
Then, it seems that there is no intention to hold a joint press conference with Dr. Lee.
There are no people with such intentions, and they will not come out.
About ten conservative politicians participated in the book concert (symposium and autograph session) that we held for this issue of 'Anti-Japan Tribalism' (co-authored by Lee U-yeon and others / Miraisha). Comes to an exception, it is an exception.
Where are the immediate enemies for Dr. Lee? Media (speech), labor union, Moon administration ...
However, in the long term, it will only be possible to correct the historical distortion of the entire Korean society, problems like now will not happen again.
Dr. Lee speaks majestically and calls for opposition to the installation of comfort women statues and drafted worker statues. Why is that?
Where is the true meaning of the word 'Anti-Japan Tribalism makes South Korea extinct.'
One reason to oppose the statue is that it distorts the history of comfort women and recruiters.
Comfort women were not forced to take, not 'sex slaves.'
The workers were not forced to take, not slave labor.
In short, these statues distort history so much.
Second, if history is distorted so much, lessons from 'history' that can be called 'the best textbook' for one society, that is, lessons and guidelines for current and future development cannot be obtained.
History distortion is a suicide that hinders our development over the long term.
Third, in the short term, deteriorating relations with Japan will harm the economy, the military, and society.
Actions that deliberately deteriorate relations with Japan in such a severe situation, attitudes that do not learn from history over the long term, and attitudes that distort history will bring a crisis to Korea.
'South Korea may be destroyed' means that in the short term an economic crisis will come soon.
In the long term, a country that distorts its history and advances from itself and lies in Korea and abroad will perish.
This article continues.

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