文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

You know there is only one candidate for PM who will raise the LDP's approval rating.

2024年05月14日 22時36分24秒 | 全般

Ryusho Kadota
Sanae Takaichi's presence has increased with the passage of the SC Law.
It shows up in Jiji and Sankei's question, "Expectations for Mr. Takaichi as PM seem to be increasing with the passage of the SC.
Who are the conservatives and realists waiting for after winning six consecutive national elections for the first time in history?
Who can boost the support for the Liberal Democratic Party and protect Japan from Chinese aggression?
If you want to destroy Japan with a regime of fawning Chinese politicians, go ahead.
We no longer have the luxury of time.

Kamiyu Takayasu.
Jiji Press and Sankei understand.
'It seems that with the passage of the SC, expectations for Mr. Takaichi (as PM) are rising...'
It's a fact that both the LDP and the media are misleadingly claiming that there is no post-Kishida. This blatant disregard for the truth should make us all feel indignant and critical.
You know there is only one candidate for PM who will raise the LDP's approval rating.



2024/5/6 in Osaka
