文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

If the 'reluctant ambassador' is real, then we will have to replace him

2020年10月08日 18時54分39秒 | 全般

The following is an article I just found on Twitter.
If you don't have a spirited 'no tolerance for historical falsehoods' attitude, it's impossible to remove the girl statue. 
If the 'reluctant ambassador' is real, then we will have to replace him.
I'm not suggesting that it should replace a statue of Lai-dai-han.
But anyone who can't fight the falsehood that Japan used girls as sex slaves is not a Japanese diplomat. 
I ask that Foreign Minister Motegi exercise his personnel authority. (Kadota Ryusho)
Kaori Arimoto: 'Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato has also lobbied to remove the Berlin comfort women's statue, but the feeling on the ground is that the ambassador is not enthusiastic about it. The inscription on the statue says that 'countless girls and women from all over the Asia-Pacific were kidnapped and made into sex slaves by the Japanese military,' which seems to sow hatred against Japan. 
https://twitter.com/i /status/1314102027224403968


