文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The CCP's infiltration operations are still being conducted on a global scale

2021年09月14日 15時23分50秒 | 全般

The following is from Mr. Shí Píng's lifetime's work below.
While the Asahi Shimbun is indisputable, my article on the deep penetration of Chinese manipulation into TV stations such as NHK and newspaper media such as the Nihon Keizai Shimbun has been proven to a frightening degree.
It is against pro-China lawmakers such as Tatsuo Fukuda, who Mr. Kadota Ryusho pointed out in the recent LDP presidential election, and against all terrestrial TV stations.

Sanae Takaichi, who as a woman has been proposing, creating, and implementing policies with the utmost sincerity and tenderness, must not have been aware of this fact.

In the first place, it is no exaggeration to say that the people who make a living in the mass media are entirely unstudied and lack the consciousness of lacking 5W1H, which is the basis of journalists.
In addition, I guess Ms. Takaichi could not recognize that most of these people are under the control of China.
The CCP's infiltration operations are still being conducted on a global scale. 
Even after defeating the Kuomintang forces and establishing the current People's Republic of China, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) did not stop its signature infiltration campaign.
Even after the Kuomintang regime, which had lost the civil war, fled the Chinese mainland and moved to Taiwan, the CCP continued its infiltration of the Taiwan-based Kuomintang regime (i.e., the Republic of China) and the Kuomintang forces.
When the Wu Zhongxi mentioned above was engaged in espionage activities at the local command post of the Nationalist Army during the Huaihai Battle, another operative infiltrated the command post as Wu Zhongxi's assistant.
It was Wu Shi, a secret Communist Party member from Fujian Province, the same province as Wu Zhongxi.
After the Battle of Huaihai, Wu Zhongxi fled from the KMT army and disappeared, but Wu Shi remained in the KMT army under the orders of the Communist Party leadership.
When the KMT regime and the KMT army moved to Taiwan, Wu Shih followed them to Taiwan and rose to Deputy Chief of Staff of the Ministry of National Defense of the KMT regime. 
At that time, he sent a large amount of information on the intelligence network left by the KMT in mainland China to the Chinese Communist Party, which led to the destruction of the KMT intelligence network. Partly because of this, the KMT's special services eventually discovered Wu Shih's true identity, arrested him, and shot him dead.
It was in June 1950, one year after Wu Shih had moved to Taiwan. Even after Wu Shih's capture, the Communist Party's infiltration efforts continued.
In the more than seven decades since then, the ROC's intelligence units in Taiwan have always had to contend with the CCP's espionage activities.
To cite one example, in 1999, another CCP spy was arrested in Taiwan. 
He used to be a swimmer in the Guangzhou Military Region of the Chinese Liberation Army, but he "defected" to Hong Kong in the 1980s.
In the early 1990s, he came to Taiwan via Hong Kong. He was recruited by the intelligence department of the ROC Ministry of National Defense as an agent against the Chinese Communist Party.
Of course, the person selected as an agent for the CCP was a genuine CCP agent.
Later, Li Zhihao worked as an intelligence officer in the Military Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of China. Still, he was later exposed and arrested when the KMT's intelligence department passed the CCP about a foremost spy infiltrating the CCP military. 
And even in the 2000s, one or two Chinese Communist spies have been caught in Taiwan almost every few years.
Even today, the CCP's infiltration of Taiwan and the ROC's counter-espionage war against it are fiercely unfolding daily. 
The CCP regime's infiltration operations are not limited to Taiwan. 
It must conduct similar espionage operations daily in other countries worldwide where the CCP deems it necessary. 
For example, Australian scholar Clive Hamilton's "Invisible Invasion: China's Plan to Dominate Australia" (Asuka Shinsha) revealed the reality of the CCP's infiltration of Australia, which was truly horrific. 
Even as a former Chinese citizen, I was shocked to read this book, which revealed the following astonishing facts. 
In 2009, the media revealed that the then Australian Minister for Defence, J. Fitzgibbon, had a "very close" relationship with a Chinese-Australian businesswoman, Helen Liu.
It later discovered that this Liu Haiyan was connected to the Second Department of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army. 
The Australian public broadcaster, SBS, has a Mandarin-language station, and it later discovered that some of the radio announcers working there are members of the Chinese Communist Party. 
It said that the black shadow of the People's Liberation Army and the Chinese government had crept into the research department of a prominent Australian university that deals with advanced technology.
The Australian National Defence University has a research institute called the Australian Cyber Security Centre, which is literally an institution that researches and develops advanced technologies to prevent cyber attacks.
However, China has been sending international students to the doctoral program there for years. And they naturally have access to the technology being developed there.
In addition, a Chinese professor working at this research center even collaborated with a laboratory affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of State Security. 
Or the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation set up a national research project called "Data 61" for artificial intelligence (AI) research. Still, it later discovered that one of the senior Chinese researchers at Data 61 had close ties to the People's Liberation Army's Defence Science and Technology Human Resources Department. 
There are about one million Chinese in Australia, and many are organized under the Chinese embassy or consulate. They engage in political activities at the behest of the Chinese government.
For example, in parliamentary elections, Chinese Australians are mobilized by the embassy as an organizing force to elect Chinese legislators who are loyal to the Chinese Communist Party while disqualifying those who are not to China's liking. 
Former officers and enlisted men of the People's Liberation Army living in Australia have formed a Liberation Army alumni association called the Australian Chinese Ex-Servicemen's Association.
They dress up in Liberation Army uniforms, wear military caps and logos, and gather in cities around Australia to hold events, raise the Chinese flag, and sing military songs.
When Chinese Premier Li Keqiang visited Sydney in 2017, the association members went all out to welcome him. After returning home, the President of the association said in his diary, "Today, the Chinese flag has conquered Sydney," he said. 
When I read the exposé mentioned above, which vividly depicts these shocking facts, my mind is always filled with the names and faces of legendary CCP bigwigs such as Qian Zhuangfei, Li Ke'nong, Xiong Xianhui, and Guo Ruoxi.
All of them are no longer with us, but their ghosts have not disappeared from this world.
The terrifying hijacking and infiltration work of the Chinese Communist Party, which inherits their wishes, is still being secretly deployed in countries worldwide, including Japan.
It is precise because of these infiltration efforts that Zhai Dongsheng, a professor at Renmin University of China who is involved in CCP operations against the US, openly stated in a speech at the end of 2020 that "before the Trump administration, the US-China relationship was in our hands," and even brought up the name of the son of the current President Biden, expressing high hopes for the future improvement of the Biden administration's relations with China.
It is clear that the Chinese Communist Party has successfully penetrated the American political world on a considerable scale. 
And in the case of Japan, it is not without reason that there are so many Japanese in Nagata-cho and Kasumigaseki who have devoted themselves to the CCP.
It is because CCP agents, possessed by the ghosts of such big spies as Qian Zhuangfei, Li Ke'nong, and Xiong Xianhui, are still active in Washington, Tokyo, or somewhere close to us.


