文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

so every time there's a new event, a new character is created. That's what fools do.

2020年05月23日 11時26分59秒 | 全般

The following is from the column of Masayuki Takayama, brought the Weekly Shincho to a successful conclusion, in this week's issue of the magazine titled 'Learning from Michizane.' 
The emphasis in the sentence except for the headline is mine.

The relationship between Japan and China is quite old.
In the first century A.D., the King of Na gold seal arrived. 
In the Later Han Dynasty, it is said that Emperor Guangwu of Han gave the gold seal to an envoy from Japan.  
The characters of the mark are Chinese characters.
The Japanese knew Kanji from that time, but they didn't start using it until 500 years later. 
It also began to use Chinese characters as Manyo kana, a phonetic character rather than the original ideographic character. 
Chinese characters are useful, but the way Chinese people use them is weird.
It's an ideology, so every time there's a new event, a new character is created.
That's what fools do. 
So, the Japanese invented kana and filled in the flaws.
It thought it had something else to learn, so it sent a Japanese envoy to China.
They learned papermaking and plating, but the Chinese also practiced Imperial examination, castration of boys, eunuchs tying women's feet to the smallest of spoonfuls, slavery, and cruel punishment..... 
Sugawara no Michizane said, 'There is nothing for China to learn anymore.' At the end of the 9th century, he abolished Japanese missions to Tang China, cutting off China and discarding it. 
China insulted the neighboring countries with the Four Barbarians Eight Wild Tribes. The dynasties built in China began with the Sogdish Shang, followed by Xianbei's Sui, Tang, and Mongol Yuan and the Four Barbarians Eight Wild Tribes. 
During the Ming Dynasty, which was finally established by the Han Chinese, Hideyoshi went to China for a bit. 
The Chinese people raised their bronze guns, but the Matchlock (Tanegashima) punched their armor and destroyed their entrails.
It was as powerful as the dum-dum bullets later invented by the British military. 
In the middle of the battle, Hideyoshi passed away, and the Ming did not fall.

At the end of the Edo period (1603-1868), Niimi Buzen no Kami was on a mission to the United States and returned from the Atlantic Ocean by way of the Cape of Good Hope.
He saw the Chinese of those days in his last port of call, Hong Kong. 
'The British will control the Chinese with their whips and open the way for us to pass.' 'The Chinese against the British is like a small fish against a crocodile.' 
It is recorded that the people of the land of virtue, which Ogyū Sorai says was not visible to them at all. 
Meiji Japan, which opened up to the world with the arrival of the Black Ships, quickly began to absorb the technologies and ideas of Western countries such as railways, communications, gas, and electricity through hired foreigners. 
On the other hand, he argues that Chinese Confucianism, which supported the Edo period, 'discards only the pretense of appearance without knowledge of truth principles or even morality' (Fukuzawa Yukichi's "Datsu-A Ron (Good-bye Asia)"). He continues to cherish such things, saying, 'There is no way for China and Korea to maintain their independence without self-reflection' (ibid.). 
In fact, the Chinese people who fought in the Sino-Japanese War were despicable. 
After encountering Togo Heihachiro's cruiser Naniwa off Teshima, the captain of the Chinese cruiser Jiyuan, Fang Boqian, stopped and lowered the battle flag after a brief engagement. 
It was a form of surrender according to international rules, but as soon as the Japanese ships approached, they suddenly fired torpedoes and fled. 
They also do not abide by international agreements.
It's a characteristic of the Chinese people. 
Jiyuan also appeared in the Battle of the Yellow Sea, but he also performed the first escape in the history of naval battles in front of the enemy. 
The land battle was also terrible.
They had no concept of POWs, and when they took Japanese soldiers as POWs, they always slaughtered them "for the cruelty of shaving their ears and noses and gouging out their eyes" (Aritomo Yamagata's admonition). 
The 5 Confucian virtues (benevolence, justice, courtesy, wisdom, and sincerity) were a race that had no shortage of them.
Still, the Japanese thought, like Pillsbury, that it would be a little better if we gave them education and affluence.
So they built the biggest pier in the Orient in Tanggu while fighting against Chiang Kai-shek, who had become a pawn of the United States. 
Gonjiro Inatsuka, who created the Nobel Prize-winning wheat with high yield, Norin-10, was also sent to breed grains and vegetables. 
Incidentally, Norin-10 was stolen by the Americans after the war and won the Nobel Peace Prize. 
But Masanobu Tsuji was against any measures to improve the Chinese people.
In his "If You Read This Much, You Can Win the War," he writes that it is useless to put your faith in the Chinese people. 
That China spread Corona and made the world build a coffin pile.
It also deliberately hides the true nature of the plague. 
When they find out, they don't say sorry.
On the contrary, they open up by cursing the other country. 
The figure is not even remotely different from that of China, as seen by Michizane, Yukichi, and Masanobu Tsuji.
We will not repeat the mistake.
Let's cut and dump China for sure this time.



