文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Japanese Media Cooperating with China's 'Ethnic Extermination'

2020年10月13日 11時47分19秒 | 全般
It is from yesterday's Sankei Shimbun.
Nobuhiko Sakai
Japanese Media Cooperating with China's 'Ethnic Extermination' 
Women's tennis player Naomi Osaka's actions at the U.S. Open have brought attention to American racism in Japan.
However, the existence of the Chinese ethnic problem, which is far more severe than that, has been surprisingly neglected.
It is a severe issue of ethnic oppression and suppression that goes beyond discrimination. Moreover, it is not just an issue of human rights violations; it is a policy of assimilation of "minorities" into the "Han" ethnic group basically, as reported in the Sankei Shimbun (pages 1 and 2) on September 29.
Migration and vocational training are forced in Tibet, and there are significant concentration camps in Uyghur.
In Inner Mongolia, the abolition of education in the Mongolian language has carried out, but since a nation's foundation is language, depriving people of their language is nothing more than eliminating the country itself. 
In the first place, China has created logic and a rationale that does not allow the nation to be independent.
That is the ideology of Chinese nationalism. Chinese nationalism refers to integrating all 56 individual ethnic groups in China as the "Chinese nation."
Therefore, each ethnic group is called the "~ race" like the Tibetans and Uyghurs.
Therefore, the Chinese people in Japan are called "Han Chinese."
This logic of Chinese nationalism, especially the sense of assimilation of non-Han people into Han people, was not invented by the Chinese Communist Party.
Sun Yat-sen already advocated and is clearly stated in "Nationalism" in "The Three Democratic Principles." 
In September 2008, when it formed Taro Aso's cabinet, it appointed Nariakira Nakayama as the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport.
However, Nakayama was immediately forced to resign over a "set of three gaffes."
One of the blunders was that Japan is a "mono-racial" nation.
There had been several similar cases before that.
But China, as the Chinese nation, proudly asserts that it is a single nation.
The Japanese media, including the Japanese newspapers that drove Nakayama to resign, apparently had no qualms about this obvious fact. 
In other words, the Chinese terms "~ race" and "ethnic minority" are the ultimate discriminatory terms with a highly politicized background and are the keywords of Chinese nationalism.
On this issue, Mr. Yang Hae Ying mentioned the October issue of Sound Argument and Mr. Seki-Hei in Hanada's November issue.
I have pointed this out twice in this column, but since it is a crucial fact and yet it is not understood, I will repeat it.


