文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is all the product of pseudo-moralism.

2023年09月26日 12時15分22秒 | 全般

World, this country causes air pollution that even a schoolboy could understand.
October 14, 2020
It is probably due to the coronavirus disaster, although it is much better than when I first noticed it one day and sent out a message.
Besides the dampening of production activities caused by the coronavirus disaster, what if air pollution in China is starting to improve?
If air pollution in China is improving, it is also the result of China's rapid construction and operation of new nuclear power plants, which aimed at gaining global dominance in this field as well,
The world must know this as a reality even an elementary school student can understand.
Those poisoned by pseudo-moralism must go to China and do fieldwork there for a few years.
Then, they will see how China has plotted to gain global hegemony.
China is also trying to gain global hegemony in energy supply, which is the foundation of the country and the source of its industrial competitiveness.
To achieve this, maintaining China's growth speed is the minimum requirement.
China will maintain its growth speed and, conversely, slow down the growth speed of the developed countries, which are the biggest obstacle to China's growth.
We must realize that the Paris climate change movement, symbolized by the Paris Conference, was designed to achieve this goal.
Today's Nikkei newspaper's front-page and back-page articles on Japan's energy policy (although the Nikkei has no way of knowing the truth) make it clear that Japan has been the biggest target of China's plot to weaken the industrialized countries.
Additionally, Japan has lost trillions of yen to China, which has always called itself a developing country, because of the international fraud of emissions trading and other schemes perpetrated by Canadian academic fraudster Maurice Strong, China, and Al Gore.
Japan fell for a stupid trick that even a grade schooler could understand, such as trading emission credits, and lost a vast sum of money to China.
Why did this happen?
It is all the product of pseudo-moralism.
GHQ orchestrated the continuous brainwashing of the Japanese people by the Asahi Shimbun and NHK.
Pseudo-moralism was indispensable for brainwashing.
It is how Japan became stupid and produced the most idiotic DPJ administrations, especially that of Naoto Kan, who turned 福島 into Fukushima,
And now, after having turned 福島 into Fukushima, Japan is being led by China's tricks in every way.
This article continues.


