文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

In this, they both revealed that they had been set up (invited) by a honey trap.

2020年02月22日 13時05分14秒 | 全般

The following is a chapter published on February 16, 2017.
Sometimes some events seem to be beyond chance. It is standard in the world of fiction, such as movies and novels.
I read the monthly magazine WiLL released yesterday on a train heading for Kyoto.
There was a special talk about Hiroshi Furuta, Professor, University of Tsukuba, one of Japan's leading Korean peninsula researchers, and O Sonfa, Professor at Takushoku University, entitled 'Poisoning Nation next door.'
I was surprised to find out that Hiroshi Furuta's wife was a Korean in Japan, but that he was writing the truth, contrary to, for example, Makoto Oda, who was in a similar position. Confident.
Oda Makoto was once rated by the Asahi Shimbun and others, but it is a dubious tale.
In other words, I reconfirmed the correctness of Mr. Furuta's paper.
What surprised me the most was what I guessed with 100% confidence that all maneuvering, especially by Chinese and Koreans against civilians, was honey traps, regardless of gender. It was proved that the speculation was 100% correct.
The oddity of Alexis Dudden studying at Yonsei University, Wakamiya, who died unnaturally upon entering Beijing from Korea, Reporters involved in the fabrication of comfort women reports, Now, reporters and others writing strange editorials, everyone turns around,
If you look at the Asahi Shimbun, which was studying at Yonsei University for some reason, it was an inference that floated naturally.
As I mentioned earlier, I was convinced the other day when I was watching two young Korean female travelers sitting opposite the subway.
In the featured article above, both Mr. Furuta and Ms. O Sonfa describe the titles of the people who have set up honey traps on them as members of the Korean embassy and, in fact, the people of the National Intelligence Service (Korea CIA). 
In the case of Mr. Furuta, the other party said, 'Actually.'
In the case of Ms. O Sonfa, it was in a situation where she felt in danger, so check the other person before meeting.
In this, they both revealed that they had been set up (invited) by a honey trap.
In Goo, French was the number one searcher yesterday, but it was an editorial I wrote the first step in information crafting is a honey trap.


