文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

We must recognize that the most significant deterrent to war is nuclear capability

2022年02月04日 17時38分21秒 | 全般

The following is from Yoshiko Sakurai's serial column, which brings the weekly Shincho released yesterday to a conclusion.
This article also proves that she is a national treasure defined by Saicho, the supreme national treasure.
It is a must-read not only for the people of Japan but also for people all over the world.
China has nurtured the world's annoyance, North Korea
North Korea continues to launch missiles with unprecedented frequency.
One of its aims is to bring the U.S. to the negotiating table and have U.N. sanctions against North Korea lifted at any cost.
In September 2017, North Korea conducted its most extensive nuclear test.
It tested a 160-kiloton hydrogen bomb warhead, about ten times the size of the Hiroshima bomb.
In November of the same year, North Korea also launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).
It is not surprising that the United Nations imposed severe economic sanctions on North Korea.
Mr. Nishioka Tsutomu, an expert on North Korean affairs, says: 
The U.N. sanctions are working very well, led by Prime Minister Abe and President Trump. The plight of North Korea is shocking. In January this year, a train and a bus flew between China and North Korea, but this has not restarted trade between the two countries and is far from solving the shortage of goods in North Korea. As a result, North Korea has run out of paper and printing materials needed to print banknotes. So the North Korean authorities have been forced to issue temporary notes called 'Central Bank Foreign Exchange Certificate' using domestically produced flimsy paper".
The following is a note of caution about the Foreign Exchange Certificate.
The paper is of poor quality and should be used with care and cleanliness, not soiled or damaged, and with patriotism for as long as possible.
The food crisis is also severe.
In 2021, the General Assembly of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea was held three times in succession, in January, February, and June, to discuss urgent measures to overcome the food crisis.
Despite this, food rations to the military and party cadres were intermittently suspended last year.
Standing on the precipice, Kim Jong-un's series of missile launches may, first of all, mean that he wants to negotiate with the U.S. to overcome this predicament.
At the same time, the hard-line approach of firing a series of missiles may also be a sign of fear of the U.S. military.
Three weeks after the hydrogen above bomb test on 3 September 2017, then-President Trump sent a B-1B strategic bomber to North Korea, from Guam to North Korea.
Protected by more than a dozen aircraft, including F-15C fighter jets, the hulking bombers conducted a mock air raid exercise off Wonsan, on North Korea's east coast, where Jong-un was staying at the time.
The U.S. military could have killed Jong-un.
Mr. Trump complained that the exercises off the coast of Motoyama were "expensive." Still, Secretary of Defense Mattis said he was "distressed" "in preparation for the situation where he had to recommend the president to use nuclear weapons." The situation was agitated.
Sensing that the U.S. anger was real, Jong-un stopped testing nuclear weapons and missiles.
And now, the U.S. is deploying five aircraft carriers in the western Pacific.
Jong-un cannot be unmindful of this.
Former defense minister Itsunori Onodera points to the possibility that Jong-un, backed into a corner, may come out swinging.
He said, "There is no appeasement in the Biden administration's policy towards the North, unlike under Trump. I think Jong-un wanted to show his power by firing a medium-range missile that could reach Guam. There may also be an ICBM launch experiment after the Beijing Olympics. In that case, the United States will face a three-front battle against Russia, targeting Ukraine, North Korea, and China."
Time for Ukraine to Give In
At the end of August last year, Mr. Biden realized the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.
It was to withdraw from the Middle East and concentrate on China because the two-front war between the Middle East and China was not possible.
However, the situation has changed drastically in just five months, and the danger of a three-front war is growing beyond two fronts.
We do not know what Russian President Vladimir Putin's strategy for Ukraine will be.
During the Beijing Olympics in 2008 and the Sochi Winter Olympics in 2002, Mr. Putin invaded other countries.
He may launch another military invasion of Ukraine.
When that happens, will the U.S. be able to get through it with just the economic sanctions against Russia that we are discussing now, or will the NATO countries demand more decisive action?
If the U.S. does not act, Russia will set up Ukraine.
When the U.S. does nothing, and Ukraine gives in, China will see an opportunity and increase pressure on Taiwan from all sides. 
It is also a crisis of Japan's survival.
It is essential to know how evil China is.
The following is a quote from "The Nuclear Express" by Thomas Reed and Danny Stillman, published in 2009.
Incidentally, Mr. Reed was the Secretary of the U.S. Air Force and a National Security Council staff member under the Reagan administration.
He was instrumental in formulating the Reagan administration's policy toward the Soviet Union, which led to its collapse without a fight. 
Mr. Stillman is a nuclear expert who worked for 28 years at Los Alamos Laboratory, known for its work on the atomic bomb.
In its conclusion, the book makes special mention of the role of China, especially Deng Xiaoping.
Deng was responsible for the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the Third World.
First, Deng gave nuclear technology to Pakistan, which built a secret nuclear reactor in the Algerian desert and tried to produce plutonium.
He sold missiles to Saudi Arabia that could only carry nuclear weapons.
It tacitly approved North Korea's nuclear development and turned a blind eye to Iran's nuclear development program in the pursuit of oil.
Deng was most enthusiastic about nuclear weapons and genocidal biological and chemical weapons proliferation.
China's Culpability
In 2006, in response to North Korea's nuclear test, there were calls at the United Nations for on-site inspections of ships entering and leaving North Korean ports. China was adamantly opposed to this.
In addition, when the nuclear proliferation countries procured goods and products in North Korea that were banned by international conventions, China facilitated their aircraft to fly over China.
Before the U.S. entered the Iraq War, China sent missile parts to Iraq.
It also provided Iraq with the software needed for missile guidance systems, disguised as "computer software for children.
It gave Dr. Khan, a Pakistani merchant of death, information on nuclear weapons in bulk, which he sold to Libya, Iran, and other countries. 
I will omit many other examples.
Mr. Reed and his colleagues conclude that China may not even oppose a nuclear attack on New York or Washington as long as there is no trace that China did it.
It is no surprise that the U.S. is struggling in a three-front war.
What Japan should do is to strengthen its power as soon as possible.
There are agreements between Japan and the U.S., such as the joint declaration by leaders Kan and Biden and the Japan-U.S. "2+2" agreement.
In both cases, Japan and the U.S. have pledged to deter China because Taiwan's security and Japan's security effectively overlap.
In the unlikely event that deterrence is not possible, Japan and the U.S. have also agreed to "take action. 
To deal with China means to act together and to help each other militarily.
When a battle with missiles flying around is expected, it is impossible to deal with it by missile defense, and it is necessary to strengthen striking power.
Against China, Russia, and North Korea, which threaten us with nuclear weapons, our three non-nuclear principles should be revised to two principles as soon as possible.
We must recognize that the most significant deterrent to war is nuclear capability.


