文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The realities of a military superpower that has opened Pandora's box

2021年08月31日 23時07分40秒 | 全般

It is no surprise that many people at the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University are nothing more than honors students taking entrance exams.
Not only are there many Marxists, i.e., leftists, but also people whose brains are made up of Asahi Shimbun editorials, i.e., people with a masochistic view of history, anti-Japanese ideology, and pseudo-moralism, have continued to trivialize postwar Japan under the guise of being professors at the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University.
Furthermore, there are many pro-China and pro-Korea people. Still, each university, including the University of Tokyo, seems to have some quota for Chinese and Korean professors (especially in the humanities). There are always at least two Chinese or Korean professors (including those living in Japan) in each department.
It is also an obvious fact that most people who call themselves writers, Keiichiro Hirano and those who become writers to win the Akutagawa Prize, grew up subscribing to and closely reading the Asahi Shimbun, which means that their brains are made up of Asahi editorials.
When I first read the above tweet by Keiichiro Hirano, I was deeply shocked. I was stunned that such a brain had graduated from Kyoto University and won the Akutagawa Prize.
Akutagawa must be very embarrassed in the grave.
Those who subscribed to WiLL, a monthly magazine now on sale, which carries the following special interview between Kazuyuki Hamada and Kumiko Takeuchi, must have been horrified, and at the same time, terrified that the Asahi Shimbun, NHK, and other media did not report anything about the reality of Elon Musk, a so-called global celebrity.
Ms. Takeuchi Kumiko is the opposite of someone like Hirano Keiichiro, a person truly worthy of studying at Kyoto University and a national treasure defined by Saicho, a supreme national treasure.
A chip implanted in your head!
Shortly after I appeared on the "Turntable of Civilization" in 2010, I wrote about Junichiro Koizumi about a Hollywood movie in which a man with a chip implanted in his head is about to become the President of the United States.
When Ryutaro Hashimoto, the prime minister of the time, was sure to be re-elected, Junichiro Koizumi ran for office as a bait dog, as it would not look suitable for the LDP if Hashimoto did win without the election.
I was surprised to see how Koizumi kept saying "privatization of the postal system" as if he were an idiot in a TV debate on NHK.
It is clear that the privatization of the postal service has not done anything for Japan but has only led to a decline in the quality of post offices.
When I saw Koizumi's bizarre behavior at that time, I was reminded of the Hollywood movie mentioned above.  
It is because it should convince every reader that the incident described on the Internet, which Koizumi committed as a Keio University student, is undoubtedly true.
Incidentally, at that time, Waseda and Keio universities were open to anyone with connections and money, regardless of grades.
I'll leave it at that.
U.S., China, and Russia Compete in Human Modification Operations
From body modification to cyborg humans, immortal soldiers to resurrected dinosaurs!
The realities of a military superpower that has opened Pandora's box
The "Immortal Soldier" and the Tokyo Olympics
I served as a member of the Tokyo Olympic bid committee when Shintaro Ishihara was governor of Tokyo.
There was a lot of confusion before the Olympics, but I am relieved that they were successfully held.
The Japanese team won a record of 58 medals.
More than anything, I was happy to see that on the last day of the Olympics, the Americans won more gold medals than the Chinese.
I was scared that China would come in first.
Hahaha, Ms. Takeuchi doesn't seem to like China (laughs).
A person has been supporting the U.S. team that won the most gold medals behind the scenes.
That person is Mr. Elon Musk, who is known as the standard-bearer of venture businesses such as Tesla, the electric car company, and SpaceX, the space rocket development company.
Mr. Musk is the third richest man in the world, isn't he?
Yes, Mr. Musk, one of the world's richest men, is working with the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) on research to improve physical performance dramatically.
He has generously used the results of his research for the Olympic team. 
The basis of this research is the research to create "robot soldiers," funded by the Department of Defense.
Robot soldiers. ... It's like the world of the movie "Terminator.
Of course, we are studying robot soldiers like the Terminator. Still, the closest thing we have to a robot soldier is a soldier who can fight 24 hours a day, without eating or drinking, by giving a flesh-and-blood person the illusion that they are an immortal soldier. "Immortal Soldier," I suppose. 
In recent years, with the development of pilotless bombers, the style of warfare in which flesh and blood clash on the battlefield has been said to be obsolete.
However, in Afghanistan and Iraq, flesh and blood American soldiers fought.
When that happens, American soldiers are forced to fight hard in the unfamiliar environment of the Middle East. It is when immortal soldiers come in handy.
Right now, Afghanistan is in a difficult situation.
The Taliban have overrun significant cities, and the President, ambassadors, embassy staff, and ordinary people are fleeing, which is unthinkable in Japan, where Article 9 of the Constitution exists.
Unlike Japan, military powers such as the United States, China, and Russia have accumulated research on human modification.
The knowledge gained from such research is used by the U.S., China, and Russia to create athletes who can win medals.
By using human modification technology and space rocket and ballistic missile technology, we can advise swimmers and track and field athletes on how to reduce air resistance to zero and how to move their bodies faster. The Olympics are now a "proxy war" for the military power of each country.
Connecting the Brain and AI
In his research on immortal soldiers, Mr. Musk launched a company called Neuralink Corporation in July 2016.
Initially, it was somewhat secretive, but in March 2017, he announced its establishment the following year.
At that time, he declared that he had raised approximately 2.9 billion yen in Japanese yen and that the purpose of establishing Neuralink Corporation was to develop BMI, Brain-Machine Interface. 
BMI is a general term for technology that connects the brain and computer to the Internet for communication and may also refer to the device attached to the brain.
It is the human version of IoT (technology that connects "things" to the Internet), the "IoB" (Internet of Bodies).
In other words, "a combination of the brain and AI (artificial intelligence)," or a cyborg human being?
You are right.
Mr. Musk has said, "Within four years, we will develop a device (BMI) implanted in the brain, and through repeated research, within ten years, we will make it possible for a healthy human brain to interact with a computer. 
True to his words, on April 9, 2021, four years after his declaration, he released a video of a monkey wearing a BMI device playing a game without using its hands.
The monkey plays the game without touching the control lever, moving the cursor on the monitor using only brain waves.
Is this logically permissible?
Wait a minute. How does that work?
To explain the mechanism in simple terms, the monkeys have straws in their mouths, and when they succeed in the game, the straws supply them with their favorite food, banana smoothies.
The monkey then continues to move the lever to get the banana smoothie.
The BMI device detects the monkey's "intentions" and converts them into data for the AI, which then uses the data to instantly predict how to move the hand and move the game machine. 
Neuralink has also released a video of "three little pigs" with wires thinner than a hair sewn into their brain cortex.
When the piglets smell the food, the computer detects it and emits a beeping sound. At the stage of animal experiments, the combination of brain and AI has already been successful.
Monkeys and pigs also have consciousness in no small measure.
Don't the American people, most vegetarians and vegans, make a fuss about animal cruelty?
The reason why Mr. Musk is promoting the merging of the brain and AI is "to compete with AI.
It is whispered that AI will take most jobs by 2035 and that "Singularity" will come in 2045 when AI is more intelligent than humans.
When that happens, Mr. Musk warns that AI will replace "lazy people" who don't do any work and dominate the human race.
It is to prevent such a future from happening; the goal is to combine humans and AI to improve memory and judgment and compete with AI dramatically.
Will this convince the American people?
It is where Mr. Musk is clever. He advertises, "If the brain and AI are combined, it will be helpful for paralysis and dementia patients.
As human life expectancy increases and the number of paralysis and dementia patients increases, no one can argue with the idea of helping the sick. 
The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIIH) and U.S. medical institutions have been conducting a series of experiments to restore human functions by providing some external stimulation for over 20 years.
We can't argue with it, so it's similar to an environmental problem.
Even if it is said that plastic shopping bags will be charged and will abolish gasoline cars, we cannot oppose it in this age of global warming.
There is a technology that can bring dinosaurs back to life.
One thing that makes me wonder is Mr. Musk's insistence on implantable chips.
If the skull is hollowed out and a chip is implanted, will it be possible to remove it by oneself?
If I had a chip implanted in my skull, I would never be able to remove it by myself, even if I wanted to. I would have to have someone operate on me to remove it.
There is a possibility that it could control my brain in this way without my knowing it.
The mask itself says that it can be removed at any time if necessary, but there are certain risks and dangers involved.
We have to keep in mind that Mr. Mask has said that he will conduct human experiments in the second half of 2021 if he gets permission from the U.S. government.
It's already the second half of 2021! There may not be much of a future left for humanity. ...  
Of course, it can use the technology for implanting chips in humans for military purposes, can't it?
Yes, it is. Mr. Musk's research has been funded by private investors and mega-corporations such as Google and by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) of the U.S. Department of Defense, contributing vast amounts of research and development funds for over 30 years.
The U.S. launched a plan called "Brain Reform" during the Obama presidency, with a budget of $6 billion.
Of that amount, $4.5 billion was provided to the NIH, and the NIH began researching "brain-implantable interfaces," which Neuralink Corporation is working on. 
NIH is working on a technology called "V2K".
V2K stands for "Voice-to-Skull," and refers to a system that transmits voice (Voice) directly to the skull (Skull). It is like telepathy.
In fact, during the Iraq War, the U.S. military experimented with sending voice messages such as "I am Allah" and "Drop your weapons" to Iraqi soldiers to make them lose their will to fight. 
In April of this year, Max Hodak, the former President of Neuralink, who had such a vast amount of R & D funding, said, "Using Neuralink's technology, we can revive real dinosaurs and make Jurassic Park. It can be built. "
It is also possible to artificially create the genes to restore dinosaurs.
After "Terminator," "Jurassic Park" is next?
So, if we use the Neuralink technology, it will be possible to modify humans genetically.
That would be a piece of cake. Research into the application of animal organs to human organs and the incorporation of genes from wild animals into humans has been going on for a long time.
This article continues.



