文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

After all, poor publicity is Japan's weakness.

2024年07月15日 10時57分05秒 | 全般
Masahiro Miyazaki is a researcher and writer who is arguably the Tadao Umesao of today.
I glanced at his latest work and was convinced this is one of his best books.
I was confident this was one of his best books ever written.
I want to introduce an excerpt from pages 70 to 77 in this chapter.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people worldwide.

After all, poor publicity is Japan's weakness.
The truth of modern history differs from what postwar historians have analyzed and what history textbooks have written, and in the end, Mao Zedong's schemes overthrew Japan.
It was the Japan-China incident (leftist historians call it the "Japan-China War") in which Japan was caught up in a conspiracy cleverly hatched by the Chinese Communist Party.
The world's bad guys deceived Japan, naive and full of good intentions.
The conspiracy was concentrated in 1937.
"Japan respects international law and values the facts of history. But in China, international law and history are merely weapons of politics. We need to thoroughly debunk the Japanese invader theory and expose China's outright lies," noted Jason Morgan, an associate professor at Reitaku University. 
The Chinese Communist Party involved Japan in exhausting Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang forces, which would have been forced to fight against them.
The KMT-led "Republic of China" ruled China at the time.
The CCP aimed to prolong the war and make it bogged down, thereby exhausting the Japanese military.
The CCP would seize the opportunity when the Kuomintang was exhausted and its morale relaxed and took control of the country.
It was Mao Zedong's strategy.
It is based on the logic of evil all the way through. 
The current CCP describes the ROC Army, the "regular army" at the time, as a "fake army."
Historical memorials in various parts of China are places for their political propaganda, so they position the CCP as legitimate and Chiang Kai-shek's army as a fake army.
It is an easy-to-understand falsification of history. 
Chiang Kai-shek's army committed a series of bizarre massacres, violated the armistice agreement without a care, and conducted propaganda warfare such as the Nanjing Massacre with the cooperation of the West.
Behind this was Mao Zedong's cunning plot.
And behind it was America.
What happened in 1937? 
On July 7, the Tongzhu Bridge Incident (Liu Shaoqi and others opened fire on Japanese troops, setting the stage for the beginning of the war). 
July 29, Tongzhou Incident (hundreds of Japanese residents were slaughtered in an attempt to provoke the Japanese) 
August 13, Shanghai Incident (indiscriminate slaughter, Japan defends itself, and Japanese public opinion is outraged). Japanese public opinion was outraged) 
December 10, Nanjing Incident (Kuomintang troops fled the city, and the people of Nanjing welcomed the entry of Japanese soldiers) 
This series of plots caused Japan to expand its front line.
It was Mao Zedong who gloated. 
Hiromichi Moteki's "The Truth Behind the Sino-Japanese War" (Heart Publishing Co., Ltd.) points out that the "Tongzhou Incident" infuriated Japan.
A large number of Japanese were massacred, and the Japanese media reported it widely.
The Japanese media reported the massacre of many Japanese, and the oversized words "Punish the tyrannical China (= Shina)" decorated the front pages.
However, the Japanese government ended up formulating the Funatsu Peace Plan.
This peace plan called for Japan to give up most of the interests it had gained in North China since the Manchurian Incident.
The bad guys easily deceived the "good intentions" of the Japanese people. 
Who would have thought that in 1949, Mao Zedong would establish a dictatorial state called the People's Republic at Tiananmen Square?
Japan's inaction, foolish diplomacy, and poor propaganda ultimately contributed to the establishment of this dictatorship.
Japan's fatal flaw is poor publicity. 
In "The Inside Story of China's War Propaganda" by American journalist Frederick Williams (translated by Hideo Tanaka, published by Fuyoshobo Publishing), it is written: "The world does not know about these [Chinese] atrocities. If this were to happen in another country, the news would be spread worldwide, and the world would shrink from the horror of it. But the Japanese are not good propagandists. Even if they were adept at taking the Western approach to commerce and warfare, the Japanese would ignore propaganda, even though their enemy was the most potent propaganda force in the world." 
(The Japanese are plan-nothing in their conspiracy to erect comfort women statues, which are still being erected around the world.) 
"The very Chinese soldiers who massacred innocent Japanese in Manchuria were sustained by the Japanese military when they were captured, and in the samurai spirit of 'Hate the sin, not the sinner,' they were told 'Don't do that again. Go now.' Japanese generals did not blame the guilt of the massacre on the ignorant soldiers but on the warlords in Nanjing, Moscow, and the anti-Japanese propaganda that had been hammered into ignorant ears."
A reprint of an extremely important century-old book is now available.
"But are they samurai?" by J.W. Robertson Scott, illustrated by Louis Ramakarz, translated into modern Japanese by Mitsuji Wanaka, with commentary by Miki Otaka (Hart Publishing Co., Ltd.).  
The original book is a propaganda document that had a decisive influence on anti-German public opinion in the United States 100 years ago, and its original title was "The Ignoble Warrior," which in Japanese translation has the easy-to-understand meaning of "Are you still a samurai?"
This propaganda, which portrayed the brutality of German soldiers in Belgium as if it had happened, was spread by the British as a strategic consideration to prevent criticism of their own country in Japan. 
For example, "The corpses were piled in heaps in a gruesome state, and a German soldier brought a baby, placed it on the top, put the child's legs between the corpses, and photographed the gruesome scene," and "German soldiers shot a young man and a girl in front of their parents, then tied them together naked, wrapped them in straw, and set them on fire. "
Why is this book important? It is a classic model that symbolizes the ingenuity of political propaganda and a perfect lousy example from which one can learn how propaganda is for Japan to win the information war.
The propaganda was so effective that Tokuma Ikeda (grandson of Yoshinobu Tokugawa), then a commissioned officer in the Army General Staff, stated, "This one book has distorted my view of Germany." 
The vicious propaganda, including the bayonet skewering of babies, was diverted after the war to Chinese author Iris Chang's book "The Rape of Nanking," in which "brutal German soldiers" were replaced by "Japanese soldiers" as a model version.
Then, POW massacres, Unit 731, sex slaves, etc., were ″invented″.
Kunio Yanagida first translated the original of "The Ignoble Warrior" on condition of anonymity. 
"The Ignoble Warrior" became a textbook for Japanese propaganda organizations during the war.
It was an example of how political propaganda should be done. 
Iris Chang's book "The Rape of Nanjing" is full of lies as if she had seen it herself, such as "Japanese soldiers plundered occupied territories, assaulted women, and threw babies into the air and stabbed them with bayonets while laughing."
At one time, I watched with displeasure at airport bookstores throughout Asia, where piles of Penguin Books editions of this horseshit book were stacked high.
It turns out that not only China but also the U.S. was on board, and the U.K. was supporting such an international anti-Japanese propaganda conspiracy.  
Journalist Masayuki Takayama criticized it in Weekly Shincho. 
"We have all heard of it. During World War I, the German army occupying Belgium attacked homes and committed all kinds of atrocities. Children who would become future members of the resistance had their wrists cut off so that they could not carry guns. Maternity hospitals were attacked, nurses were raped, and babies in incubators were thrown up and stabbed with bayonets.
After the war, however, "a wealthy man looked for the children without wrists to take them in, but he could not find them." 
Arthur Ponsonby's book, "Wartime Lies," noted that "a review of wartime news reports revealed no raped nurses or murdered babies. 
The Committee for Public Information (CPI) of the United States was involved in such fake information and fabricated articles.
This organization was created by President Wilson, who misled the public into the war by sending out false broadcasts to gain an advantage in the war effort.
It may be the runner of the fake information flying around in the social networking space in the modern world.
Lies unheard of at the Tokyo Trials were told by GHQ in a follow-up story and reported by the anti-Japanese media.
The goal was to twist the story to say that the Japanese were cruel and that the two atomic bombs were also a stroke of justice.
The story was relentlessly overlaid on the history of the Tokyo Trials.
Not content with this, the Chinese invented the "Nanking Massacre," something that the Chinese had no interest in.
At first, they had the Asahi Shimbun newspaper report that 20,000 dead bodies had been slaughtered, but that did not account for the deaths from the atomic bombing, so they increased the number of dead by a factor of 10. 
Jiang Zemin, seeking Japanese aid, further inflated the number of massacred in Nanjing to 300,000, renovated a bullshit memorial in Nanjing, and designated it a must-see for students and military personnel. 
Indeed, goodwill is always defeated by bad will.


