文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

the Okinawa history-making propaganda is used as a card to divide and destroy the Japanese people

2023年12月16日 17時41分12秒 | 全般

While the other two historical battles are used as a card to make the Japanese people lose pride and prevent them from defending themselves, the Okinawa history-making propaganda is used as a card to divide and destroy the Japanese people.
April 22, 2019 
It is the chapter I sent out on 9/9/2015.
Who thought Okinawa Governor Onaga was a bit crazy,
If you thought the UN Human Rights Commission was a bit crazy, subscribe to this month's "Sound Arguments" (780 yen).

If you subscribe to Asahi, Mainichi, or Tokyo Shimbun and watch "News Station" or "News 23," you will realize that you will never know the truth about anything.

Satoru Nakamura, a journalist born and raised in Okinawa, does actual work and writes accurate articles.
His article should answer the first question you have been asking yourself all this time.

Or, perhaps "News Station" and "News 23" are working together to bring a Mozambican farmer to Japan...
Or "News Station" and "News 23" jointly organized a visit to Japan by a Mozambican farmer to criticize the Japanese government's attempt to resume full-scale economic aid to Africa...
The so-called citizens' group that invited him to Japan and had his protest to the relevant authorities,
And they invited a frail older man from Norway to lecture on the anti-Abe administration.
The news program reports only on the civic group with anti-Abe administration lectures held in Okinawa and other places.
For the first time, it should be clear who these so-called citizen groups are.
Then, everyone will be horrified by the horror.
At the same time, they will be disgusted at the cruelty of Asahi and Nichinichi, who have been using such civic groups to realize their distorted ideology and overthrow the Abe administration without care.

Still, I think.
Satoru Nakamura is doing his job for next to nothing.
On the other hand, Furutachi, Zemba, and their ilk earn over 100 million yen a year, far from telling you anything about the absolute truth, wielding a pretense of moralism that created Japan's lost 20 years and is now making a volatile world.
I am convinced that they and the so-called cultural figures who have been sympathetic to them, be they Nobel laureates or professors of the University of Tokyo, are the most sinful people who must suffer the most severe punishment by King Yama in Hell.

The following is from the beginning of a 10-page article by Satoru Nakamura in the monthly magazine "Sound Arguments."
I have been working on the Okinawa issue for about seven years and have taken a big step into its history. This big subject needs to be more relevant and worthy of my background.
Japan is being engaged in a "history war" by China and South Korea through historical fabrications such as "comfort women," the "Nanking Massacre," and "being moved forcibly."
However, I believe Japan's biggest and most important historical war is the Okinawa historical war.
While the other two wars are used as a card to make the Japanese people lose their pride and prevent them from defending themselves, the propaganda of Okinawa's history is used as a card to divide and destroy the Japanese people.

While this issue is the biggest crisis of the Japanese people as a whole, I am convinced that the Japanese people will be restored as a strong and united world leader only when Okinawa's history is restored and the deep-rooted Okinawa problem is resolved.
Citizens' Groups Guide UN Speech 
Local newspapers in Okinawa reported that Governor Takeshi Onaga will attend the UN Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, from September 14 to October 2 to make a speech on the Henoko relocation. 
The relocation of the Futenma Air Station to Henoko is a matter of national defense diplomacy between Japan and the United States.
It is not and should not be possible for the head of a local government to appeal to the UN on defense diplomacy.
Inexplicably, however, Governor Onaga plans to make a speech on the theme of "the Henoko relocation" to block it.
The Okinawa Prefectural Government is not actively helping to make this happen.
It is a private organization, a UN NGO.

2023/12/13 in Kyoto


