文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

China is extremely evil, but the U.S. was too stupid to see it.

2021年05月05日 16時36分06秒 | 全般

The following is from an article by Nobuhiko Sakai, former professor of the University of Tokyo's Institute of Archives, which appears in this month's issue of Themis, a monthly magazine for subscribers.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people around the world.
Amidst the growing "China is the culprit" theory of the new Corona
Asahi Shimbun comes to China's defense with "WHO investigation report
A report on the slavery in China that cleverly covered up for Xi Jinping and Tedros and turned it into a criticism of Trump and a confrontation between the U.S. and China.
International Organizations Swept Away by China 
On the occasion of the first anniversary of the WHO pandemic declaration, the Asahi Shimbun wrote a comprehensive article about WHO in the "Time and Time" column on March 10.
First, in Reed, "Although it was expected to be a command tower for infection control, it was swayed by international politics without sufficient authority. The unprecedented infectious disease that crosses national borders highlights the limits of international organizations blocked by national walls. " but this is entirely incorrect.
It is not "swept away by international politics," but "swept away by China," or more correctly, "dominated by China.
In other words, it is Asahi Shimbun's reticence and speculation about China, which naturally leads to its defense of Tedros.
Already here, the keynote of this article is clearly expressed.
At the beginning of the article, it says, "We issued the highest level of warning on January 30 last year, when we said it was a 'public health emergency of international concern,' not on March 11, when we said it was a pandemic. During that time, we continued to issue warnings, but only a few countries responded," he said.
At a press conference on March 8, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom emphasized this and introduced Tedros' one-sided argument, saying, "We have checked the criticism of the delay in recognizing a pandemic.
But here lies a severe deception by Tedros and the Asahi Shimbun.
As Tedros points out, the emergency declaration was more critical than the pandemic declaration. Still, the biggest problem with the January 30 emergency declaration was eliminating the recommendation to restrict the movement of people and goods at China's request.
It was clearly stated in the Asahi Shimbun on February 23, 2020.
On the 28th, just before the 30th, Tedros went to Beijing and must have been ordered by Xi Jinping.
Thus, Chinese Spring Festival tourists traveled around the world and spread the coronavirus.
This crucial fact is not pointed out in this article, nor is it mentioned in the chronology attached to this article.
The article then states: In the early days of the outbreak, Tedros praised the Chinese leadership's response at press conferences and other events. In the early days of the epidemic, Tedros praised the Chinese leadership's response at press conferences. He did not change his stance even when the international community began to distrust the Chinese government for withholding information, such as when a doctor who warned of the spread of the disease before the authorities did was punished. Then U.S. President Trump criticized him as a puppet of China. As the spread of the disease in the U.S. spread, he stepped up his attacks on the WHO to dodge criticism of himself and finally announced his withdrawal from the organization."
The Asahi Shimbun introduces a U.S. expert's argument in defense of China. 
President Trump is right about what is being said here.
There is no doubt that Tedros is a puppet, as he removed the restrictions on the movement of people and goods from the emergency declaration at the behest of Xi Jinping.
However, in the Asahi article, "Lawrence Gostin, a professor of public health law at Georgetown University in the U.S. who cooperates with the WHO's expert committees, said, 'I don't think the WHO is pro-China, just polite to a mighty country.
As shown above, the Asahi Shimbun carries a comment by a U.S. university official denying the WHO's pro-China stance.
Asahi's article then went on to investigate the origin of the coronavirus, saying, "The deepening US-China conflict has also affected the investigation of the source of the virus WHO puts this investigation first to prevent the next pandemic. Positioned as an issue, China also showed a cooperative attitude at the WHO annual meeting in May last year.
However, when the Trump administration emphasized the "China responsibility theory," such as the alleged virus leak from the Wuhan Institute, the Chinese side stiffened its attitude. It has been a long time since the WHO advance team entered China in July without being included in the investigation, " Asahi said, replacing the delay in the research with the responsibility of the Trump administration.
"Professor Antoine Freiholt (Public Health) of the University of Geneva commented on the difficulty of investigating WHO, saying, 'We have to negotiate with the target countries one by one when who, what to look for, and where to visit. It is the same in Japan and Britain, and the United States does not want foreigners to investigate their own country, not just in authoritative China. "Asahi even introduces a complete defense against China.
The above is the analysis of the Asahi article on March 10, but on March 30, WHO published a research report on the source of the coronavirus. The report was questioned, and 14 countries around the world expressed common concerns.
In the first place, the WHO is entirely under the control of China, so there is no way they can produce a proper report.
Whether it is the laboratory or the seafood market, there is no doubt that the outflow came from Wuhan, and the frozen food theory is obviously Chinese bullshit.
Regarding this report, the Asahi Shimbun wrote an unfocused editorial on April 2. 
In the beginning, Asahi says, "Infectious diseases are a universal threat. In order to clarify it, all politics should be eliminated, and science-based research should be exhausted." Still, the spread of the virus was caused by the ultimate political plot of bioterrorism by China, which was politics from the beginning.
Asahi added, "The previous Trump administration had suggested that the virus had leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan, but the report largely dismissed this. On the other hand, the report did not rule out the possibility of China's claim that the virus was attached to frozen food and brought to Wuhan.
It resulted from the WHO's slavery to China, but the way it was also written clearly shows the slavery to China of the Asahi Shimbun itself.
Used as a tool to promote hegemony 
"In the first place, the confrontation between the United States and China has cast a shadow over Corona and WHO. The United States, which criticizes WHO as being closer to China, has made a fuss about withdrawal. This report also had such an effect. It is said that the announcement was delayed. It would be an outrageous folly if a great power could use the elucidation of Corona as a tool for supremacy amid a global crisis, "Asahi's article said.
However, it is a well-known fact around the world that the delay was caused by China's refusal to conduct an investigation.
Rather than using the elucidation of the Corona as a tool for hegemony, as we have said many times, China used the coronavirus itself to promote China's hegemony, or more precisely, as a weapon.
Near the end of the editorial, it says.
"We need a robust system based on universal humanitarianism that is not swayed by the agendas of the major powers. In particular, measures to combat infectious diseases are a long-term challenge facing the world. We must take steps to reform the functions of the WHO and other organizations fundamentally."
I have no objection to this part. 
However, there is one thing that must thoroughly recognize.
The fact that China is not based on "universal humanism" at all.
China's domination of the WHO and the entire U.N. has been established while the U.S. has been careless. 
While the United States was alert, it established China's control system for the WHO and the entire United Nations.
China is extremely evil, but the U.S. was too stupid to see it.







