文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are regulars, Heizo Takenaka is a councilor at Davos

2023年09月06日 10時27分08秒 | 全般

Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are regulars, Heizo Takenaka is a councilor at Davos
May 27, 2023
The following is from a separate edition of the July issue of the monthly magazine WiLL.
It is a must-read not only for the people of Japan but also for people around the world.

The True Nature of the "Davos Forum
Keiko Kawazoe
Tetsuhide Yamaoka
What the Davos Forum Plans to Unify the World that the Japanese Do Not Know
The headquarters of globalism
Tetsuhide Yamaoka 
When one claims that the totalitarian controls (forced vaccinations, excessive quarantine policies, etc.) being carried out to take advantage of the Corona disaster are being planned by a "certain organization," one is sometimes labeled a conspiracy theorist.
That organization is the "Davos Forum.
The World Economic Forum (WEF), or the Davos Forum, is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
I have always considered the Davos Forum, where about 2,500 of the world's top leaders and billionaires gather, to be inextricably linked to the deep state, or in other words, the front man for the deep state. I have been following the agenda (plan) and speeches of the participants and Mr. Klaus Schwab, founder of Davos. 
Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft) and Mark Zuckerberg (CEO of Facebook (now Meta)) are regulars, and Heizo Takenaka is a Davos Council member.
The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, George Soros, and others have long been international finance capital with economic power that surpasses that of nations.
IT companies such as GAFA have had tremendous economic power in recent years.
I do not refer to them as the "deep state" but as the "global elite.
They strive for a global society where business is possible worldwide, taking away the concept of national borders as they acquire companies worldwide.
The Davos Forum is an organization that brings these global elites together. 
I have long argued that a distinction should be made between "internationalization" and "globalism.
The former is the idea of deepening international exchange while respecting national traditions and cultures, while the latter is the idea of removing national borders and uniting the world. 
The evolution of technology has inevitably led to globalization, which has made the world more convenient. Still, globalism, which seeks to unify the world under the control of a few super elites, has sprung up to take advantage of this.
The Davos Forum is the headquarters of this movement.
Globalism is simply the idea that borders and nationalities are unnecessary and is the very essence of communism.
Mass media propaganda has deceived many people that "communism has been defeated and the West has triumphed" in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, but this is outrageous! 
In the 21st century, the world has been continuously deceived by changing "signs" on the opposing axis of "globalism is good" and "nationalism is evil and parochial right-wing."
Karl Marx, the father of communism, was related to the globalist Rothschilds.
It shows that globalism and communism have the same roots.

The True Nature of Prime Minister Kishida
The Davos Forum is held every January to shape the agenda and move the world. 
The theme for 2021 was "The Great Reset.
The general public interprets this to mean resetting all the various systems that makeup today's society and achieving a sustainable society.
However, it is not such a pretty idea.
Schwab said on FOX Business on June 25, 2020, "In all industrial sectors, all nations must participate in the transformation. We need a Great Reset of capitalism."
The "we" refers to the Davos meeting, not the world's desire for a Great Reset. I also interpreted the statement in the Japanese translation of Schwab's book, "The Great Reset," which reads, "There is no going back," as a declaration that "there is no going back.
On January 18, 2022, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida attended an online conference hosted by the Davos Forum and said, "We must envision the world beyond the Great Reset.
Once you became Prime Minister, you showed your true colors.
The Great Reset has three major reform principles: (1) environmental initiatives, (2) digital technology reform, and (3) correcting the disparity between rich and poor. 
(1) is mainly recommended by the British Royal Family, including Prince Charles and Swedish environmental activists Greta Thunberg, whom I call "Greta doll," and Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States.
Recently, I have often seen people wearing rainbow-colored round S.D.G.s pin badges on their suits or jacket lapels.
Japan has been coexisting and co-prospering with nature without the S.D.G.s being forced on us!

Realization of a Surveillance Society
(2) Digital technology reform, described in a paper by the Davos Forum in April 2018, refers to "new forms of governance and management systems that make maximum use of advanced technology.
It refers to a system that fully uses cutting-edge I.T.I.T. technologies, such as artificial intelligence (A.I.A.I.) and big data, to anticipate social problems before they occur and deal with them in advance. The "Fourth Industrial Revolution" signage sounds cool, but it carries the danger of the "realization of an AI-surveillance society.
It is the very world that the writer George Orwell described in his novel "1984.
It is a totalitarian future where individual freedom is thoroughly managed and controlled, surveillance cameras and microphones are installed everywhere in the city, and people with anti-government ideas are detected and taken away.
Schwab and Gates, not surprisingly, praise Xi Jinping's surveillance society.
Mr. Zuckerberg has made Xi Jinping's book, "Governing China," his favorite book.
When one hears the term "surveillance society," some people think it is a conspiracy theory. Still, the core members of the Davos meeting are trying to achieve a Chinese-style surveillance society.
It is reported that the United Kingdom will also introduce a "social credit system" (a system to quantify the creditworthiness of citizens), which China has already introduced. 
In Japan, the Cabinet Office calls for integrating cyberspace and physical space (real space), including AI and big data, under "Society 5.0.
Sadly, will there be fewer and fewer opportunities for flesh-and-blood human contact in the future?

It is worse than communism.
Let us also mention the true meaning of (3), the correction of the disparity between rich and poor.
It is in line with the goals of communism, "seizure of wealth" and "control of wealth."
The top 10 wealthiest people in the world were recently announced, including Elon Musk (C.E.O. of Tesla), Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon), and Bill Gates.
The total assets of the top 10, which were ¥80 trillion before the Corona disaster, have more than doubled to ¥170 trillion.
The 170 trillion yen is much larger than the national budget of Japan, a major economic powerhouse. 
Of course, their business has grown because demand for computers has increased due to the increase in remote work with the Corona disaster and because demand for home delivery has increased from nest eggs.
However, that isn't the only reason for such an extreme asset increase.
The word "distribution" was prominently featured in the 2021 House of Representatives election pledges, regardless of the ruling or opposition party.
Prime Minister Kishida also advocates "distribution and growth," but where will the distribution come from?
He may not touch the personal wealth of billionaires but exploit ordinary people by raising taxes, creating a new tax system, and eventually imposing penalties.
If so, the standard of living of the middle class will decline even further.
The expression "revolution" is too stimulating in Japan, so they camouflage it by calling it "reform.
In November 2016, the Davos Forum released "Eight Predictions for 2030.
In it, it clearly predicts the "abolition of private ownership.
It is a future where citizens are not allowed to own private property, and the things they want are rented from the government and delivered by drones for free. 
In his "Theory of Capital," Marx called for the abolition of private property, but he did allow private ownership.
The future that Davos predicts will be much more thorough than the communist world that Marx envisioned.
I conclude that the Corona disaster was not a pandemic but a "planned pandemic.
Biological weapons have existed for more than a century.
Gates' warning at T.E.D. on April 4, 2015, and elsewhere, that "the threat to humanity is not nuclear war but an unknown virus" was the item for the Great Reset.

Vaccine Inventory Disposal
There were other predictions that "the values of the West will be tested to the limit.
Right now, Western-style democracy is being tested in the face of communist control using the new Corona.
For the past two years, we have been restricting people's freedom by adding stay-at-home, social distance, telework, and, in 2022, isolation.
The goal is to make people extremely poor and lonely, destroy small businesses, relationships, and Japanese cultural customs, destroy the spirit, and collapse and bankruptcy.
Who has been leading it, the government or the mass media, has been inciting us with "fear" and making us follow them.
The spread of the Omicron strain is currently causing a stir, but there is no need to panic because Omicron TM is known to be a virus that does not cause serious illness.
However, major media outlets have reported that "the number of infected people is the highest in history! And so on.
I wonder how many people believe the theory that the cause of the spread of infection is "delay in the third round of vaccination.
When Prime Minister Kishida said, "The greatest preventive measure is the third vaccination, regardless of the type," I could picture Mr. Gates in the background (smiles).
Isn't this a vaccine inventory process? I suspect that this is a way to dispose of the vaccine stock.
As is clear from the vaccination situation in Israel, even booster vaccinations cannot prevent the spread of infection.
According to Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who was former President Trump's doctor, "Pfizer C.E.O. Albert Bura said, 'Israel is the largest laboratory on earth.'" Will Israel continue to vaccinate for the fourth and fifth time? 
And then there is Moderna, which has become famous worldwide as the new Corona vaccine. Before the Corona disaster, were there any new medicines approved and distributed worldwide? 
I am surprised that you don't think it is strange.
Moderna, a venture company founded in 2010, is CEO of French-born Stéphane Bancel and is a secretive company that focuses on political maneuvering in the United States and information manipulation in collaboration with CNN and other mass media. The details were revealed to the Defenders, a group led by attorney Robert Kennedy Jr., the God of the anti-vaccine movement, including the departure of top executives from the manufacturing pipeline and project, and even the chief executive of vaccine research and development who resigned several years ago. 
The word "Moderna arm" was coined because the arm of the person who hit Moderna swelled up.
*It was when I received my second vaccination with Moderna that I suffered from unusual side effects for nearly a month*.
Vaccine companies are globalists with great power.
To eliminate profits, they are trying to vaccinate not only older people but also young children.
It is even though they admit that future risks are unknown.
As a power structure since the Corona disaster, the vaccine companies are already above the state.
Former Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga invited the CEO of Pfizer to the guest house during the Tokyo Olympics, a first for a private citizen, to secure the vaccine.
The CEO also stated, "I only do (vaccine negotiations) with the head of state.
Vaccine companies and their major shareholders are becoming increasingly giants, and small countries will become weaker, and their economies will collapse.
Corporations have become so powerful today that nations are forced to bow down to vaccine companies.
It was unimaginable a few years ago.

World Communist Revolution
What is strange is that Western countries, which are liberal democracies, are taking the lead in suppressing unvaccinated people.
They are implementing policies suspected of violating the Constitution, and the unvaccinated are forced to live so they cannot even lead an everyday life.
Djokovic could not participate in the Australian Open tennis tournament because he had not been vaccinated. Still, around 100,000 people in Australia are campaigning against compulsory vaccinations and discrimination against those who have not been vaccinated. 
In New Zealand, even though the number of coronavirus deaths was only 53 (as of February 14), the quarantine policy was tightened, and unvaccinated public servants were forced to retire.
The Japanese who worked locally are returning home.
The people were shocked at the level of coercion and started an anti-vaccine movement.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was popular for her image as a young and leadership female prime minister, but her approval rating has plummeted.
Recently, it was discovered that she was once a communist activist, adding to her declining support.
In Canada, 50,000 truck drivers rallied in the capital city of Ottawa and started an anti-vaccine mandate movement.
Eighty percent of them had been vaccinated twice, but they demonstrated because they were forced to vaccinate everyone.
If you look at an aerial photo, you will see a surprisingly long line of trucks.
Such anti-vaccination mandate movements have spread worldwide, including in the Netherlands, Germany, and Italy. 
Why is mandatory vaccination being forcefully promoted worldwide even though vaccines are ineffective as a countermeasure against infectious diseases?
I believe the global elite is using pandemics as a tool for communist revolution.
The fight against such communist rule is taking place in Western countries.

America is moving to the left.
In the United States, the fight against the Biden administration is not limited to public-level demonstrations but also in states such as Texas and Florida.
The Biden administration is operating following the communist revolution envisioned by the Davos Forum.
For example, even as millions of immigrants and refugees flood the southern border, the Biden administration is willing to accept them.
More than an intention to increase the number of future Democratic Party supporters, this shows a communist agenda to deepen division and destroy the nation by accepting immigrants and refugees.
It is precisely the same method used by the global elite to create division by funding radical far-left groups such as B.L.M. and Antifa.
At the center of each state in America are courts and churches.
It was American democracy that citizens prayed to God and brought court cases.
However, churches have somehow become a den of communists.
Not all of them, of course, but the deep churches, so to speak, have expanded.
The courts also seem to have become a stronghold of mainly Jewish leftist judges.
Furthermore, they have introduced left-wing ideas such as political correctness and cancel culture, destroying traditional American society.
This division of America did not occur spontaneously but is happening as planned by the Davos Conference.
One of the eight predictions made by the Davos Forum is that the U.S.U.S. will no longer be a superpower.
Davos predicted that "several nations will rule the world.
I take it that they "foretold" so.
Although the specific country name is not mentioned, it is probably a European country such as the United Kingdom or Germany.
As you know, China also makes no secret of its ambitions for world hegemony.
If that happens, what will happen to Japan's security, which depends on the United States?
Even in an emergency in Taiwan, which is currently the most feared situation, we are discussing it on the premise that the US military will help us.
In an actual Taiwanese emergency, the US military may not be able to arrive in time and may not function properly.
Japan must quickly take a proactive approach to security by, for example, amending Article 9 of the Constitution.
This article continues.


