文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Failure of the Tokyo Olympics is a Big Win for China.

2021年05月31日 16時49分09秒 | 全般

The following is an article that appeared in yesterday's Sankei Shimbun titled "Failure of the Tokyo Olympics is a Big Win for China."
The readers should have reconfirmed in this case that the editorial in this column is correct.
U.S. newspaper editorial argues for U.S. aid to the Japanese government
By Etsunari Kurose (Washington)
In an editorial dated April 28, the Wall Street Journal said that it is up to Japan to decide whether to cancel or reschedule the Tokyo Olympics and argued that the U.S. can do more to help Japan as an ally and that the Biden administration should support the Yoshihide Kan administration in its efforts to host the Olympics. 
The editorial criticized the U.S. State Department's decision to raise the travel alert level for Japan to a "stop travel advisory" due to the spread of the new coronavirus, saying that it would "send the wrong message" as Japan begins to host athletes and officials. 
He also pointed out that President Biden had announced in a joint statement issued after the Japan-U.S. summit in April that he supported Prime Minister Kan's efforts to hold the Olympics and Paralympics safely and securely.
"If Mr. Biden is serious, withdrawing the travel suspension recommendation will be a good starting point (to support the Olympics)," it said.
It also suggested that the U.S. offer Japan emergency assistance for vaccines. 
It also said that we should remember that China will host next year's Winter Olympics in Beijing, saying, "Authoritarian countries will use the Olympics as an opportunity to demonstrate the superiority of their political forms. The failure of the Tokyo Olympics would be a major propaganda victory for the Chinese government," he warned, emphasizing the political importance of hosting the event. 
At the same time, it stressed that holding the Tokyo Olympics would "send an important message that the world is on the move again" after more than a year of lockdown.
*It's only recently that I've stopped watching most TV news programs, if only because there have been growing calls for a boycott of the Beijing Olympics in that short period.
I was dismayed to see that they have started to criticize the government for canceling the Tokyo Olympics, of all things.
The national ruin program "Talk Show" is probably the epicenter of this.
The CDP got on board with the movement started by the Communist Party and their mobilization campaign on social media.
The talk show actors and others sympathized with them and incited the viewers.
It is how it was structured, a well-informed person tweeted.
I want to remind the Japanese people and people worldwide that when the Japanese mass media and others like them start to chorus with the righteous, it is time to destroy Japan's national strength.
The total volume control in 1990 brought about the stagnation of the Japanese economy that continues.
At that time, it was Atsushi Yamada, a reporter in the economics department of the Asahi Shimbun, who started a chorus of righteous men asking why public funds (the people's blood tax) should be invested in what the real estate, construction, and banking industries did on their own.
It was a kindergarten-level approach to economics.
Even the president of Mitsubishi Bank joined in the chorus should make it clear how much of Japan was controlled by the Asahi Shimbun at the time.
Today, not one of the central banks used to represent Japan, including Mitsubishi Bank, is a single name. 
The Japanese economy suffered a catastrophe from which it has yet to recover.
In the aftermath of 3.11, a chorus of righteous people started by the government of Naoto Kan, the Democratic Party of Japan's (DPJ) worst cabinet in history, and Masayoshi Son, among others.
The "total shutdown of nuclear power plants" has not only caused the loss of over 10 trillion yen in national wealth in just a few years but has also caused the Japanese economy to stagnate to this day.
Not only that, but it has also caused a power shortage.
People worldwide need to know that pseudo-moralism and political correctness will only destroy the liberal camp and give way to a totalitarian state.
Those who first shouted against the Tokyo Olympics are the equivalent of Chinese agents. Still, the fools wielding pseudo-moralism and sympathizing with them must know that they have become fools who are complicit with China.
Do you say you are on the side of justice?
No way!
You should know that there is no gate to heaven for you, only the gates of hell waiting for you.
You should know that there are no gates to heaven for you, only gates to hell, and those who are in favor of Xi Jinping have no qualifications as human beings in the first place.



