文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Surveillance takes away our freedom. A person without liberty can never be creative.

2020年05月27日 17時58分06秒 | 全般

The following is from an article by the author, Emi Kawaguchi-Mahn, published yesterday in Hanada. This monthly magazine is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide, in which the No. 1 German newspaper published a paper titled 'Declaring war on Xi Jinping.'
Ms. Kawaguchi is married to a German who is living in Germany.
Her article also proves that my editorial against the Germans was correct.
Anti-Japanese, pro-China, pro-Korean Germans, The Asahi Shimbun is also contributing significantly to the creation of such Germans.
Whether or not they are aware of the reality of Germany, NHK, and other TV media, whenever they criticize the Japanese government or want to undermine Japan, they always cite and praise Germany.
No matter how much they are a bunch of self-deprecating historians, there is no one else in the world as stupid as them.
How would you feel if your country's TV stations were such idiots who continuously praise the people who despise them?
Mentions claims against China for compensation 
First, I will state the facts.  
On April 15, the German daily Bild-Zeitung published an article titled "How much does China owe us?
The subtitle is "Bild-Zeitung presents corona bill." 
It was written by Julian Reichert, the paper's chief editor. 
The content is pretty radical, almost a challenge, that China should reparate to the world for infesting Corona Equivalent to.
Mr. Reichert estimated German claims at 150 billion euros (about 18 trillion yen). 
In response, the Chinese Embassy in Berlin released a reaction on the same day.
The spokeswoman, Tao Lili, wrote it. 
In it, she hit back sharply, saying, "Leaving aside the fact that it's in bad taste to place the blame for an infectious disease that the whole world is suffering from on a single country and claim compensation, this article ignores some obvious facts. 
Well, usually, the side blamed by the Chinese here, i.e., Bild, would apologize, and it would be over.
So far, whether it's Daimler, Dior, or an American professional basketball team, everyone who has incurred the wrath of the Chinese embassy has met that fate. 
However, what happened to the Reichert editorial chief of the Bild newspaper? 
Amazingly, the next night, instead of apologizing, he issued a letter that further strengthened the momentum of the attack.
It addressed to "President Xi Jinping." 
And there's a video of Mr. Reichert himself reading the letter.
It also uploaded to YouTube.
The video had a message in Chinese (although I don't think it will be released in mainland China).
The World Champion of Theft. 
The letter begins thus. 
I have received an open letter from your embassy to me. We posed the question on Bild that China should compensate for the enormous economic losses that the coronavirus is currently causing around the world. Your embassy called it a "vile thing" and accused me of fostering nationalism. I want to say a few things in response to that. 
Mr. Reichert then listed the following five things in bullet points.
Below is the full translation.
(1) You are governing the country by surveillance. Without supervision, there is no President you. You monitor the entire population but refuse to watch a market that is at risk of epidemic disease. Shutting down all the critical newspapers and internet sites, but not the stalls selling bat soup. You are not only spying on the public; you are putting them in harm's way. On the contrary, the whole world.
(2) Surveillance takes away our freedom. A person without liberty can never be creative. You can't invent if you lack the spirit of innovation. So you've made your country the world champion of intellectual property theft. China became rich not by its own inventions, but by the creativity of other countries. The reason for this is that it forbids people to think freely. China's biggest export, the centerpiece of an export that no one wants, but has gone out into the world, is the Corona.
(3) You, your government, and your scholars knew long ago that the Corona was going to be transmitted from person to person, but you didn't let the world know about it. When western scholars were inquiring about what was going on in Wuhan, your entourage did not pick up the phone or respond to your emails. You were so prideful a nationalist that you felt the truth was a national disgrace and did not publish it.
4) The Washington Post reported that several laboratories in Wuhan were using bats to study coronaviruses without adhering to safety standards. Why weren't the poison laboratories as protected as the prisons of political prisoners? Are you going to explain this to the wives, husbands, daughters, sons, and parents of Corona's victims who are grieving all over the world?
(5) In your country, everyone began to hiss and whisper about you. Your power is wavering. You've made a cryptic, opaque China. It is an inhuman surveillance state, a country that has spread a deadly epidemic. It is your political legacy.
This article continues.


