文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

the United Nations keeps South Korea in the name of anti-Japanese education Nazism!

2019年09月25日 16時02分05秒 | 全般

People who read this morning's Sankei Shimbun added and proofread the chapter sent out on 2019-09-18 with the title that I should have known that the review I wrote against Shinjiro Koizumi was hit the mark at all. Is.
Although I have been in great pain since the total amount regulation issued in March 1990, which brought 'Japan's Lost 20 Years'.
But I have to sum up Osaka, which I chose as the stage of my life.
On February 26, 2003, all the households subscribed to the Nikkei newspaper under Osaka Prefecture, I put an opinion advertisement titled 'From 大阪 To Osaka' in the form of an insert advertisement.
This advertisement had a significant impact on Osaka.
Someone said, 'It ’s an incident 2.26…'.
Also, the old man, one of Osaka's leading asset owners, has frequently been calling, but after a while, he called a frightening phone.
'Did you take months to write that ...' No, I wrote it in half a day. 'Half day! We can't write even a month ...'
The governor at that time was Ms. Fusae Ota, so I was able to write it all at once.
Because I have been acquainted since she was a director of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry.
I realized that if I write to her, I could write at once.
This opinion was written at the beginning of 'Dear Madam Ota Fusae' reverberated throughout Osaka.
The next day, Osaka Vice Governor Suzuki, who was in charge of Osaka Revitalization at the time, asked a question in the Osaka Prefectural Assembly from a member of the Diet inspired by my opinion.
(Mr. Suzuki was also reading my opinion).
'I think Osaka regeneration can only be done by each Osaka citizen thinking about things from the position of the governor…'
Yesterday, Osaka mayor Matsui announced that Fukushima treated water could be received in Osaka Bay.
Asahi and NHK continue to report this treated water as contaminated water, but the actual condition is treated water that contains tritium, just like water.
It is harmless water that all countries with nuclear power plants all over the world are doing the same treatment and discharging water into the sea.
The Korean government and the Koreans are probably so ignorant that they don't even know that their nuclear power plants are released into the sea in the same way.
There is no study or art in South Korea that has continued the Nazism of anti-Japanese education for 74 years after the war.
Even if people who were made with history and scholarship made entirely of lies are people, who have nothing but hatred against the Japanese, as the former Germans had for the Jews It's not an exaggeration.
South Korea immediately sent back to the international community an objection to the remarks of Mayor Matsui Osaka.
It proved that Korea is a country of abysmal evil and plausible lie.
South Korea has abused and slandered Japan and Fukushima indefinitely due to its viciousness and taking advantage of accidents that occurred in Fukushima.
In other words, Korea continues to hate speech between Japan and Fukushima, Japanese people and Fukushima citizens.
I affirm that for countries that are such extremes of evil… a country that continues the Nazism of anti-Japanese education, export controls must be tightened, and Samsung must be crushed.
For the first time, South Korea will realize that it is the result of Nazism, called anti-Japanese education, that has continued for 74 years after the war.
Only then will South Korea stop anti-Japanese education.
Otherwise, the time has come for Japan and the world to realize that Korea will not stop anti-Japanese education.
For 74 years! , Japan and the international community, the United Nations keeps South Korea in the name of anti-Japanese education Nazism!
Otherwise, Korea will not only be forever decent, but it will be a country that does great evil for Japan and the world.
The time has come for Japan and the international community to know this.
Also for the United Nations, the time has come to know this.
This draft continues.


