文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

So, why is Japan full of such despicable, stupid journalists?

2021年09月15日 11時50分43秒 | 全般

The day before yesterday, Ms. Takaichi announced on Twitter that she would appear on a program called "Every day" on Nippon Television at 3:50 p.m., so I recorded it.
Just as the time for the live broadcast came, I watched it live.
NTV is a TV station where I only watch sports broadcasts such as the Giants' games on BS Nippon Corporation and Nittele G+, and the weekend sports information program "Going" from the past.
So yesterday's programme was the first time I watched it.
NTV is a subsidiary of the Yomiuri Shimbun. The Yomiuri Shimbun is supposed to be a much better newspaper than the Asahi Shimbun. This TV station sometimes airs a strange program on Sundays late at night, after "Going" is over, which seems to pander to the anti-Japanese propaganda of China and South Korea, with its self-defeating history and anti-Japanese ideology. No, it is correct to say that it is a ridiculous program.
They air programs that say there was a Nanjing Massacre, and that seems suspicious to me.
After encountering such programs a couple of times, I realized something.
It is a TBS employee who published on the Internet a laborious work on how TBS came to be controlled by Chongryon. 
I realized that it was the same thing for all TV stations, including NHK.
The Chinese Communist Party's manipulations have reached all TV stations.

The strange darkness of a human being, the political department director, appeared as a questioner to Ms. Takaichi in the opening program. What the hell is that?
His questions were also disgusting. They made me think that he was an employee of the Asahi Shimbun. I was really taken aback when he started criticizing the Abe administration. He said that it was the strain of a long-term government and that it was harmful. He then said that he had been involved in the false reporting of the Moritomo issue, which Asahi had started to attack the Abe administration.
He also mentioned the suicide of a staff member. However, the person who drove him to suicide was Sugio of CDP, a former TBS employee who was also a scumbag who gave Aleph (Japanese cult) materials to provoke the incident.
There is an article on the Internet that tells us that the real cause of the employee's suicide was that he yelled at the employee for a long time, even late into the night, and pursued him endlessly.
I guess the political director has been saying "learn from Germany" for years.
Merkel was the prime minister for 16 years, and even before that, 16 years after the war, Germany was the country where their political party, the CDU, had been in power for almost the entire period.
The only exception is the short-lived government of Schmidt. According to Korean anti-Japanese propaganda, this despicable, stupid bastard is married to a Korean woman and continues to condemn Japan.
In Germany, which they have been praising, there is not a single vile and foolish media outlet that continues to attack Merkel for the strains and evils of long-term government.
There is no stupid reporter in Germany who is accusing the CDU's ultra-long-term government of distortions or harmful effects.
So, why is Japan full of such despicable, stupid journalists?
The time has come for Japan and its people to think about this.
It is time for them to realize that they are the ones who have degraded Japan's national power, undermined Japan's credibility, and caused harm to the Japanese people.



