文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

They should know their stupidity, close up their country, and refrain from doing so

2020年10月28日 17時12分32秒 | 全般
It is the chapter I sent out on 2020-03-06.
The following is from the serial column of Masayuki Takayama, who brought the weekly Shincho released today to a successful conclusion.
People worldwide will be reminded that he is the one and only journalist in the post-war world.
What I want to say in Wuhan
The new coronavirus seems to be a new model that has been fully redesigned. 
The old model was the SARS virus that was popular two years ago and was transmitted to humans via civet cats from bats.
It was transmitted from human to human either by droplet infection or orally from patients' feces. 
In Hong Kong, where many deaths have occurred, it was the latter, orally transmitted through feces. 
An example of this was a spreader who lived at the top of a high-rise apartment building in Hong Kong. 
He didn't sprinkle fecal matter from there into the sky; he flushed it down the toilet properly. 
However, it released some fecal matter from that sewer pipe out of the apartment through the ventilation ducts. 
As a result, it sprayed droplets there onto people who were cooling off on the balcony of the apartment building downwind.
It drew the patient's location of the outbreak on a map, and it made a beautiful fan shape, it said. 
The virus in Wuhan pneumonia is similar to that of SARS.
Therefore, it was initially assumed that the patient had been infected by a bat or pangolin sold in the Wuhan seafood market.
However, the symptoms were different from those of SARS, and the virus was highly contagious.
It was then identified as a new strain. 
The new strain's characteristic feature was that the viral projections attached to human cells like that of HIV and the projections' DNA sequence were similar to that of HIV.
That's why AIDS remedies have begun to be used.
In Guangzhou, for example, it was reported that 14% of patients who were cured relapsed. 
Chinese residents in Osaka have also relapsed after being cured and discharged from the hospital. 
If a human being is cured of a disease, they will not contract the same disease.
It is because the human body produces antibodies against both germs and viruses.
It is common knowledge in the medical world. 
Immunity and antibody therapy, such as using the plasma of a person cured with it, was well established. 
That doesn't seem to work with the Wuhan virus. 
When something that doesn't happen in the natural world, it raises the suspicion that it's some biological weapon made by human hands. 
If it's human-made, impossible to get infected again can happen if we take Volkswagen's method. 
Wagen devised a method of indicating "normal" emissions.
The theory is that it hides the virus in the test.
So, first of all, the University of Delhi pointed out the possibility that someone mixed the coronavirus with HIV. 
The "someone" was impliedly referring to P4 researcher Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virus Research. 
She was working on a chimeric virus at the University of North Carolina in the United States. She was working on a chimeric virus that incorporated another gene into the same coronavirus. 
After returning to China, she has continued her research at P4.
Incidentally, P4 is located 16 kilometers from the Wuhan Seafood Market. 
India and her relatives in Guangzhou took the "leak" theory as another "leak" from the Wuhan Disease Center. 
She was angry. 
Her team announced in the British Nature that the new coronavirus in question was "96% identical to that of the bat in Yunnan".
Once again, they attributed it to the bat-to-human transmission and added: "This time, the new coronavirus is a big deal. 
'The upcoming coronavirus is a punishment that nature has given to humanity's stupid and uncivilized lifestyle (which rejoices in eating wild animals) and has nothing to do with my "P4".' 'Close that stinking mouth of yours.' 
You seem quite angry, but I'd like to refute her words a bit. 
It is never "humanity" with "stupid and uncivilized habits" that have eaten civet cats, bats, and pangolin.
Only the 'Chinese' alone have done this barbarism.  
So in the past, they devoured rats and created the plague germ, and nearly destroyed Europe.
In the last century, it spread the Hong Kong flu, and in this century, it has already produced SARS, which has killed tens of thousands of people in total. 
This time, in addition to humans, it is killing the global economy. 
China is not a great people, and its recovery is not possible. 
They should know their stupidity, close up their country, and refrain from doing so.


