文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

China denies, WHO confirms, but world proves new corona 'Wuhan outflow

2021年08月04日 15時59分58秒 | 全般

The following is from the August issue of Themis, a subscription-only monthly magazine.
This month's issue is incredibly full of genuine articles.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people all over the world.
In particular, the following article is full of facts that, for some reason, the Asahi Shimbun and other newspapers and NHK and other T.V. media do not report at all.
China denies, WHO confirms, but world proves new corona 'Wuhan outflow
Internet information, involvement of U.S. researchers, and the defection of a senior official of China's Ministry of State Security lead to the outbreak in China and its expansion.
U.S. President orders intelligence gathering. 
The outbreak of a new type of coronary disease in Wuhan, China, has taken the world by storm, claiming the lives of 180 million people worldwide and killing 4 million (as of July 14).
In addition, mutated strains of the disease are rampant, and there is no sign of complete control. 
As early as the March issue of last year, this magazine pointed out the possibility that the new Corona had leaked from the Wuhan Institute for Virus Research.
Since then, the theory that the virus leaked from the Wuhan Virus Research Institute has spread to a certain extent, but many scientists have issued statements denying the view. It has been dismissed as fake news or a conspiracy theory. 
In January 2021, a joint WHO (World Health Organization) and the Chinese research team also denied the leak theory.
Needless to say, the background to this was the close relationship between WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom and China.
In addition, China has also been distributing untruthful information such as "the U.S. military spread the corona" and has been manipulating information so that China would not be the target of criticism. 
However, the "Wuhan Virus Research Institute leak theory" and the "Chinese biological weapon theory" are now gaining credibility.
On May 26, U.S. President Biden also asked the U.S. intelligence agencies to gather information on the origin of the Corona and report back within 90 days.
The results are expected to be revealed in August. 
The reason why the "laboratory leak theory" was revisited was that Internet users who questioned China's claim steadily collected past papers and other public information and found evidence that the new Corona was artificially created. 
An international critic living in the U.S. says, "They are not scientists. "They are not scientists, but a group of so-called "Internet geeks" who call themselves DRASTIC. Online information revealed that the new coronavirus gene sequence and the RaTG13 virus, discovered in 2001 by Dr. Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, share 96.2% in 
Collecting such solid evidence one after another has increased the momentum for scientists around the world to re-examine.
The Australian also reported the existence of a report allegedly prepared by a Chinese People's Liberation Army scientist in 2015.
The report pointed to World War I as a "chemical war," World War II as a "nuclear war," and World War III as a "biological war. 
Even more astonishingly, the report details effective methods of spraying biological agents, such as "using biological weapons in the middle of the night or on a cloudy day, when the wind direction is stable, can direct aerosols toward the target area" and "can drive the enemy's medical care into collapse.
In other words, it is clear that China has been steadily preparing for biological warfare to seize global hegemony.
U.S. Funds for Wuhan Institute 
On the other hand, in the U.S., the uproar over Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has become one of the factors supporting the theory of a "laboratory leak.
Mr. Fauci, an expert in infectious disease control, has been leading the fight against new coronas since the Trump administration and served as the chief medical advisor in the Biden administration.
Some 3,200 of his emails have been released in response to Freedom of Information Act requests. 
A former international critic said. "The emails reveal that N-A-D, of which Fauci is the director, provided more than 400 million yen to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for coronavirus research through the EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit organization. The background to this is that during the Obama administration, "gain-of-function" research, in which genetic engineering was used to increase the infectivity of viruses, was halted. It seems that Mr. Fauci wanted to have the Wuhan Institute of Virology conduct the gain-of-function research." 
In addition, Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit organization that provided the funding, also had a close relationship with China, collaborating with Dr. Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute for Virus Research.
Mr. Daszak was the only U.S. investigator on the joint research team sent by the WHO and is believed to have led the findings that rejected the "laboratory leak" theory. 
Fauci's emails show that he and Daszak tried to lead public opinion in the direction of denying the "laboratory leak theory" by keeping silent when other scientists pointed out that the virus was artificial. 
Fauci was probably afraid that he would be held accountable if the leak came from a laboratory he had funded.
However, we can see from the above that, like the Science Council of Japan, China's U.S. tactics extend to the center of government and the academic community.
In the midst of all this, the U.S. Internet media outlet Red State (June 4) reported that "the number two man in China's intelligence agency, the Ministry of State Security, has defected to the United States," shocking the world.
The person is Dong Jingwei, deputy director of China's Ministry of State Security, who defected to the U.S. with his daughter in February and is now under the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) protection. 
A public security official said. "He is said to have conclusive evidence that Corona was leaked from the laboratory, and China has not denied it. The truth is still unknown, but it is a fact that the U.S. has a lot of information supporting the leak's theory."
Moves to seek huge compensation from China
According to an estimate by the Henry Jackson Society, a conservative think tank in the U.K., the damage caused by the new Corona could amount to about 430 trillion yen for the G7 alone.
Class-action lawsuits are already spreading in the U.S., and, likely, the world will again demand massive compensation from China in the future.
WHO has also responded to criticism from around the world, and on July 16, Director-General Tedros proposed an additional investigation of Wuhan City. China, of course, disagrees. 
It is unclear whether China intentionally leaked the new coronas, but a public security official said the following. 
"In China, when the new corona outbreak occurred, the number of infected people and deaths spread, but afterward, using cameras and A.I. surveillance technology, China quickly suppressed the outbreak with coercive measures that a liberal state cannot take. China may have aimed to seize hegemony from the U.S. in one fell swoop by spreading the virus worldwide and causing a pandemic, damaging itself but relatively weakening the world. 
Looking at the current global economy, China is quickly recovering, and Japanese companies, especially in the manufacturing industry, are returning to a structure dependent on China's huge demand.
In addition, countries are introducing infection-prevention tracking applications and surveillance technology, and remote work is spreading. Still, Huawei and other Chinese I.T. companies are taking advantage of this trend to invade the world. 
On the other hand, Japan, which has little knowledge about biological and chemical weapons and has not taken countermeasures against infectious diseases as a security issue, has been unable to respond effectively to China's "biological weapon" called Corona and has only been able to go this way and that. 
"It is said that Japan lost the battle against Corona, but Japan should also focus on biological and chemical weapons research to protect the nation.



