文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The government and LDP lawmakers should all be ashamed of themselves.

2023年03月01日 12時52分20秒 | 全般

The fact that such an outrageous person is a university professor reveals how much stupidity exists in the ranks of university professors.
Not only that, but this kind of fool, pretending to be a representative of Japan, has visited the United Nations frequently to have the UN issue human rights recommendations to Japan on numerous occasions!
He was one of the representatives of those who abuse and misuse the fact that everything starts with one person.
Still, does Tokyo Zokei University deserve the name of a university that has such a terrible person as a professor?
Nothing could be more foolish than taxpayers' money being invested in such a university.
Even if the opposition party lawmakers and others are out of the question, where in the world are the LDP lawmakers getting their eyes?
These absurd people make their living with taxpayer money as university professors.
And while you were letting their activities go unchecked, Ms. Mio Sugita, who was still an ordinary person, stood up for the Japanese people and went to the UN at her own expense to expose their lies.
She single-handedly did the work of 120 million people.
Recently, when she was subjected to an unprovoked attack by anti-Japanese lawmakers in the Diet, the anti-Japanese and left-wing media joined in.
The government and LDP lawmakers saw this and removed her from her position. It was as stupid and vile as if they had exposed to the whole world that they were no better than Maeda Akira and other leftist activist lawmakers/politicians in the opposition parties.
The government and LDP lawmakers should all be ashamed of themselves.


前田 朗(まえだ あきら、1955年 - )は、日本の法学者(刑事人権論・戦争犯罪論)。東京造形大学教授。アフガニスタン国際戦犯民衆法廷実行委員会共同代表。無防備地域宣言運動全国ネットワーク呼びかけ人。日本民主法律家協会理事、在日朝鮮人人権セミナー事務局長。日韓つながり直しキャンペーン2015共同代表[1]。

1998年11月 - 2000年10月、青年法律家協会東京支部長。


出典検索?: "前田朗" – ニュース · 書籍 · スカラー · CiNii · J-STAGE · NDL · dlib.jp · ジャパンサーチ · TWL(2015年10月)


1998年8月31日に北朝鮮が周辺国への事前通告も告知もなしに打ち上げた「衛星」と称したミサイルを大気圏外へ突入させた後に日本列島上空を通過し太平洋上に落下させた事案(北朝鮮によるミサイル発射実験 (1998年))について、「北朝鮮から事前通告がなかった」と非難する日本政府の姿勢に対し、衛星打ち上げを日本が北朝鮮に対して事前通告、中国に対して事前通告を行うよう求めたことがないとして日本が批判することは相互主義に反すると主張している。しかし、日本はいつ、どこで、何を打ち上げるかきちんと事前にマスコミなどを通して国内外へ告知しているし[3]、北朝鮮はそれでも批判している[4]。また、この事案に際し、在日朝鮮人への嫌悪が起きると予測された事態に対し、政府もマスコミもなんら対策を取らないとして批判している 。


