文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is a mass of pseudo-morality and a mass of pseudo-political correctness. 

2024年06月18日 13時07分11秒 | 全般

The following is an article I sent while watching Watch Nine last night.
Those who control the NHK news department are rotten people.
Wakuda, what did this woman study for at the University of Tokyo?
It is a mass of pseudo-morality and a mass of pseudo-political correctness. 
Then NHK is all Chinese tools.
Furthermore, as usual, scholars who talk about what they want,
They are talking about how we now have to live with viruses!
I'm sick and tired of telling them the same thing.
Japanese people should remember this article.
A scholar named Taro Yamamoto of Nagasaki University is also one of the people who has the backing of China.
If the United States refuses to allow it, what will it look like when the U.S. identifies the Wuhan virus most directly?
No, we now have to ban them from the Japanese press forever.
Scientists, symbiosis, hope, Africa, Wakuda, and Arima defended China with an unbearable and repulsive pseudo-morality.
Since these people control Japan's national broadcasting station, Japan cannot become a world leader.
They are the most vicious Chinese minions.
I didn't read the Sankei Shimbun, reporting the most critical facts right now, because I had a little business yesterday.
All NHK news programs last night ignored this article.
On the contrary, Wakuda's comment from last night's Watch 9 about the appointment of Taro Yamamoto, a professor of Nagasaki University that most Japanese people do not know at all, is NHK's official opinion: "There is no choice but to coexist with the virus." 
It is the flip side of the Sankei Shimbun's reporting of facts = good journalism.
It was the content of the NHK news department, which has CCTV in the head office, to defend China entirely.
The maliciousness of the people who control the NHK news department is as bad as the pachinko parlor that NHK Osaka reported last night. 
It has been operating, ignoring the request calmly for a business suspension.
The virological authority I discovered and sent last night.
It told us that 'the super spreader is likely to be asymptomatic.'
I'm 100% confident I can put it together with a genuine article from the Sankei Shimbun.
The rapid increase in the number of infected people from last week resulted from the K1 force held by Chongryon officials, which gathered 6,000 people at Saitama Super Arena on March 22.
Most of the participants should have been young to middle-aged.
In other words, they became super-spreaders of asymptomatic infected persons and spread the infected persons to various places, mainly in Tokyo.
The next day, as the experts on TV had pointed out, it was the time of onset, and the number of infected people was increasing, so my point was 100% correct.
It is no exaggeration to say that the K1 forced commemoration was a Chongryon terror.
It is no exaggeration to say that the Asahi Shimbun, so-called humans, and TV stations such as NHK are all responsible for this.
It is no exaggeration to say that they are evil organizations they have supported and promoted.
The following is from an article published in the Sankei Shimbun yesterday.
New Corona Wuhan Institute allegedly reported in the U.S.
"Staff infection and outflow."
[Washington = Etsunari Kurose] Regarding the new coronavirus, the view that the infection was first confirmed in the United States is likely to be caused by the Wuhan Virus Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Wuhan, Hubei, China. FOX News reported yesterday that the virus had infected laboratory personnel and was leaked outside, as a story of several relevant sources that could be used to find out. ‥
According to FOX News, a bat, a research animal with the virus, infected a staff member who went out to Wuhan city, and the infection spread. ‥
The person concerned revealed on FOX News that the Chinese government initially announced that the source of infection was the fresh market in Wuhan City, which used to treat bats to conceal that the source of the virus was the institute. Developed false information targeting the United States. ‥
At the same time, the media reports that the Chinese government has modified the research coronavirus research data and has carried out thorough concealment, such as discarding all the research samples and thoroughly cleaning the facility. ‥
Meanwhile, the Washington Post reported Wednesday that the U.S. Department of State warned in 2018 that the institute's safety measures for coronavirus research were inadequate. ‥
According to the paper, science officials from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing visited the Wuhan Virus Research Institute several times in January 2018. They then twice issued an official telegram warning that the safety measures of the research institute were insufficient, which was sent to the State Department.
Official Telegram warned that despite many contaminated bacteria, there is a significant shortage of properly trained technicians who can operate safely. 
However, research on coronavirus derived from bats was conducted at the Wuhan Virus Research Institute.
Official Telegram also said, "The study results revealed that there is a strong possibility that the bat coronavirus will infect humans and cause diseases such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)." ‥
Regarding the institute, the scientific journal "Nature" also pointed out the risk of coronavirus research using bats in November last year. ‥
At the press conference yesterday, Chairman Millie of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said there was no evidence to conclude that the virus had leaked from the institute. Still, senior officials of the Trump administration said in a newspaper, '((Official Telegram) is one of the evidence that reinforces. The possibility that the virus was leaked from an institute in Wuhan in an accident.'
In February, the institute announced the world's first research result: "The new corona originated from bats." From the beginning, they were aware of the identity of the virus and pointed out the danger. ‥
Secretary of Defense Esper appeared on the FOX News program on the 15th. 
He stressed that "China still has hidden information" and expressed his intention to increase pressure to disclose and share the new Corona information.

2024/6/13 in Kanazawa


