文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

in a situation similar to a slave, and until the Japanese annexation was not given a name

2019年04月28日 18時57分36秒 | 日記

'Left-Wing' Communism: An Infantile Disorder Patients, two papers that are themselves ... that it is no exaggeration to say that they are children of the Asahi Shimbun or the red flag, that Okinawa is ruled by two papers,
Not only will Japan be divided, it will also undermine Japan's security base and make Japan equally vulnerable.
Okinawa is like a sitting duck for stratagem of China and the Korean peninsula.
Okinawa is ...
Being the most important point in defense and attack, both strategic for Japan and them,
Because of that, the United States military (GHQ) has put a base in Okinawa,
In order to reduce its burden, Japan continues to drop special subsidies out of 47 prefectures in Okinawa,
As a result lifeline, infrastructure is provisioned Okinawa ...
It is no exaggeration to say that it is now Japan's No. 1 disaster resistant prefecture.
Without these, say 'Okinawa is pitiful ...' etc ...
Psuedo-moralism that agrees with Left-Wing fact ...
It is no exaggeration to say that it is no longer a serious criminal act against Japan.
From the latest published book of Masayuki Takayama, who is the one and only journalist in the post-war world.
As for Okinawa, it is no exaggeration to say that we can not speak anything unless we read this paper.
Why does Okinawa look like Korea?
The countries surrounding China, they were going to trample on China beyond the Great Wall if they felt inclined to do.
Xiongnu threatened Han and made a tribute to food, and also got Wang Zhaojun, one of the four great beauty girls.
Xianbei built the Tang Dynasty over the Central Plain.
The Tibetan Empire attacked and destroyed the Tang's metropolis, Chang'an.
Mongolia came to conquest, and after a while the Manchus also invaded and slaved the Chinese together.
According to the Chinese, Japan also took their territory and ruled more culturally.
That's because 75 percent of the words they use in their constitution are 'kanji' that Japan created.
Such 'Four Barbarians Eight Barbarians' have their own experience of ruling China, but the closest 'My only Korea could not rule the Central Plain. How a poor country?' Im Che lamented.
There is a reason.
As soon as Korea appeared in history, it continued to be ruled by Japan and China.
The average nation wars and gets slaves, but because the Korea hasn't ever won, it enslaves its own people.
As a result, a mysterious 'self-sufficient slave nation' was created in the world (Kō Bun'yū).
Slaves occupy 40 percent of the population.
The woman was in a situation similar to a slave, and until the Japanese annexation was not given a name, and lived in a strange custom that exposing both breasts of her when she had a boy.
The reputation of the 'Abandoned Country' with neither resources nor human resources was not very good.
'The people are incompetent, ostentatious people, dislike their efforts' (Goncharov).
So fields and mountains remain rough.
They made their country even poorer.
'They lack the ability to reform themselves' (Isabella Bird) In the meantime, they are only proud, envy is the strongest in the world.
Korea is thinking of Japan as a lower rank in a self-serving manner, but when prompted to be independent by Japan, Korea cuddled with China and made the cause of the Sino-Japanese war.
When Japan defeated Qing and made Korea independent, it drew Russia in turn.
In addition to envy, the country's native hanger-on nature has continued to drive destabilization of the region.
So, Japan has fallen into battle with Russia.
Theodore Roosevelt writes to Alfred Mahan that he feels 'a serious threat' about Japan across the Pacific Ocean.
Seeing that Japan won a major victory over Russia in the Battle of the Japan Sea, he said he would lead a peace talk of Japan and Russia a week later.
He pressed the Portsmouth Treaty against Japan with no compensation from Russia or custody of the land, so that 'Japan in the threat' would not be stronger.
He also came up with the idea of 'pressing Korea against Japan' (C. Shaw, 'External pressure that destroyed Korea's independence').
Japan will be embarrassed and tired if it takes on a burdensome country.
A fact, too, went like that.
They continue to rub us the wrong way, not only to appreciate the modernization by Japan with 20% of the national budget, but also they are saying saying positively, '1,000 years grudge'.
Okinawa looks like Korea.
The former Ryukyu Dynasty was the same as North Korea, and issued a communist dictatorship, tormenting the people, and ravaging agricultural land.
The domain of Shimazu, which was unable to let pass unnoticed, intervened in Ryukyus and abolished misconduct. The people rejoiced.
After the Meiji Restoration, when Nabeshima duke was appointed as governor, Ryukyu King called Qing for relief because he would lose his position and directly filed a complaint with the United Kingdom.
He did the same thing 30 years ago, as did Joseon who sued the Hague World Peace Conference.

In the previous war, the US military occupied Okinawa as a strategic base for the Pacific Ocean with all its might.
Armacost added its importance to 'cobblestones'.
Japan defended hard.
The special attack was launched, and the battleship Yamato was also issued.
They complain that Japan's hard defenses and battles are 'sacrifice Okinawa for'.
Victim awareness is worse than Korea's 'seven robbery'.
Paul Wyatt Caraway, a third-generation Okinawa High Commissioner, supported finance by saying 'making Okinawa a Japan also envy high-income area,' and improved the medical environment.
However, only the relative and local bosses were selected by the bank.
They put all good medicines on the black market to the mainland of Japan
The good intentions of the United States produced only privilege and corruption.
It looks like Korea, who is incompetent, ostentatious and does not make efforts.
Nevertheless, shout out autonomy expansion in the mouth.
Caraway ran out and said, 'It is a myth, such as the autonomy of Okinawa.'
After being aware that being occupied with Okinawa, Japan was resurrected to open the Olympics.
The United States remembered Theodore Roosevelt when it saw the resurgence of 'Japan in threat'.
That's it.
We let a holy terror push on Japan.
Japan will be embarrassed, and will be as tired as it was when Korea was pressed.
Onaga is similar to Park Geun-hye and responds well to US expectations.
(August 13, 20, 2015 issue)


