文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

He showed that loving one's country means risking one's life to protect it.

2022年03月07日 13時23分21秒 | 全般

The following is from Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai's regular column in today's Sankei Shimbun titled "Have the Will to Protect the Country.
This article also proves that she is a national treasure defined by Saicho, the supreme national treasure.
This paper is a spot-on "national theory" by one of the greatest minds of the 21st century.
It is a must-read not only for the people of Japan but also for people all over the world.
The emphasis in the text is mine.
Russian President Vladimir Putin's insane aggression against Ukraine continues.
On March 3, Putin told French President Emmanuel Macron that he would not stop until he had achieved his goal.
The power of nuclear weapons underpins Mr. Putin's extraordinary determination to seize all of Ukraine, even at the cost of countless lives.
The threat that "we are a nuclear power" must be Putin's real intention.
Almost 30 years after the end of the Cold War, we are now, for the first time, faced with the emergence of a despotic dictator who is willing to use nuclear weapons, and we are astonished at the reality that this should not be the case.
At the same time, we have seen the emergence of a striking leader who stands up to Vladimir Putin.
President Zelensky of Ukraine.
While the U.S. offered him the means of asylum, he said, "What we need are weapons. Not a vehicle," he refused.
When the U.S. and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) rejected his request for a no-fly zone over Ukraine, he demanded more weapons and fighter jets be sent.
The Ukrainians have not wavered one millimeter to the bitter end in their fight. 
They are risking their lives. 
He has shown the world that he is prepared to share his country's fate.
The image of the ideal leader was deeply engraved in the hearts and minds of the people. 
A leader is a fighter.
He showed that loving one's country means risking one's life to protect it.
Mr. Zelensky's decision shows how to face the abnormal wars caused in the 21st century.
It tells us that the only way to confront Mr. Putin's satanic nuclear threats is to fight.
It is precisely what the Japanese people should take to heart. 
We should remember that this is what it means to defend one's country.
Japan has forgotten how to fight since its defeat. It has abandoned the principle that the nation should defend itself and has taken it for granted that the United States will protect it.
The world will not allow such a sloppy nation to survive.
Like Ukraine, Japan faces the threat of Russia, added to the threat of China.
Japan is the only country that is sandwiched between two nuclear powers of aberration and that constantly scrambles its Air Self-Defense Force fighter jets.
That is how severe the environment surrounding Japan is.
If Vladimir Putin's nuclear threats succeed, China will claim that it is one with Taiwan and the Senkaku Islands (Ishigaki City, Okinawa Prefecture) and that Okinawa Prefecture is also Chinese territory, and may threaten China with nuclear weapons.
What would Japan do then?
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida emphasizes that he is from Hiroshima and stresses the three non-nuclear principles, but will that be enough to protect Japan?
Prime Minister Kishida is not only a Hiroshima native but also the Prime Minister of Japan, a position that requires him to fulfill his responsibility for the security of Japan.
He should have no choice but to stand up for patriotism and national defense like Mr. Zelensky.
Both Japan and the Japanese people must wake up to the fact that when a tyrannical dictator has nuclear weapons and attempts to achieve his goals with that violence, it is far from possible to confront him through diplomatic talks alone.
Losing the battle against Russian President Vladimir Putin would not only be a tragedy for humankind, but it would also certainly be a tragedy for Japan.
We must have enough military power to make him flinch. 
It is a fact that German Chancellor Scholz suddenly realized.
In one stroke, he reversed the course that he had followed for years, prioritizing economic interests over military efforts in his appeasement policy toward Russia.
He froze the approval process for the "Nord Stream 2" undersea pipeline, which will transport natural gas from Russia to Germany. 
He announced that the aid program of 5,000 helmets would be replaced by 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 1,000 "Stinger" portable surface-to-air missiles of 500 units. It changed the direction.
It abandoned Germany's pacifist policy of not supplying lethal weapons and declared that it would immediately raise defense spending to over 2% of gross domestic product (GDP).
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's $100 million emergency humanitarian aid to Ukraine was the same as the Gulf War.
The provision of bulletproof vests is a step behind Germany's support for helmets.
There is no future for Japan unless it immediately changes the law prohibiting military aid to war-torn countries and stands on the front lines to help Ukraine in its fight against Mr. Putin's aggression. 
China's targeting of Japan is far more formidable than Russia's.
President Xi Jinping will not play rough in full view of the world like Vladimir Putin.
He will proceed with gruesome genocide (mass murder) in a manner that is invisible to the world media and the Chinese people.
At the National People's Congress (National People's Congress), which opened on March 5, it announced that defense spending would increase by 7.1% year on year, exceeding the government's target of around 5.5% real GDP growth rate.
Amid the Ukraine turmoil, it is steadily accelerating its military expansion.
Japan is naked in front of the Chinese threat. 
I believe we must now seriously consider the ultimate crisis.
Under President Zelensky, men are fighting, and women and children are being evacuated by land to neighboring friendly countries.
But what will Japan do when the time comes? Will the men fight? Where will the women and children go if they are evacuated?
The sea that protects Japan will also be the sea that blocks the people's escape routes.
As a country that believes in peace, there are no bunkers.
Just as Germany understood the nature of international politics instantly and changed its ways, it is time for Japan to make a significant turnaround.
Japan cannot endure the mentality of placing the responsibility for national defense solely on the shoulders of the Self-Defense Forces.
We must nurture a spirit of national defense in all citizens and then hasten preparations for national security.
It is advisable to significantly increase defense spending, maintain offensive power, including intermediate-range missiles, and broadly discuss with the public "Nuclear sharing" to deploy and jointly operate U.S. nuclear weapons in our country.
Just as Germany shares nuclear weapons with the U.S., Japan should explore the possibility of sharing nuclear weapons with the U.S. 
The strengthening of its alliance with the U.S. and revision of the Constitution are urgently needed.





