文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

but this is not the case when you are a child whose home is a roost.

2024年05月28日 08時38分37秒 | 全般

I was neither a scholar nor a writer when I started my business career from having empty pockets with Osaka as the stage of my life.
30 November 2023.
As an adult, it is clear that people are all different and that there are countless people with problems, but this is not the case when you are a child whose home is a roost.
As an adult, you can understand that even a simple family problem can be a fatal affliction for a child.
No child can remain unscathed when faced with a family misfortune.
Almost everyone who has the means to escape tries to do so.

I have already mentioned that I read Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov in secondary school.
In this novel, the eldest brother, Dmitri's defense lawyer, had a great speech in which he said.
'If all fathers were good fathers to their children, human problems would be solved.'
It was no surprise that the phrase, "If all fathers are good fathers to their children, then the problems of mankind will be solved," was the one that stayed with me most deeply.

The most significant and most painful of all the sufferings that God gave me in exchange for the brains he gave me were domestic misfortunes.
(I have mentioned this several times from the beginning of Tolstoy's Anna Karenina, the world's most excellent novel.)
to escape from,
As mentioned, I lived my youth like Le Clézio's 'Book of Fugitives.'

In the process, I once earned a living as a part-time live-in worker at a merchant's house in Kyoto.
As mentioned, I was deeply moved the other day when I found out that the merchant house was three doors down from the birthplace of Jakuchu Ito.

Eventually, I realized that I could no longer follow my former teacher's orders to 'Stay at Kyoto University and stand with Kyoto University on your shoulders'—in other words, to live in academia.
As mentioned, for the next ten years, I decided to concentrate on business, without watching the films I wanted to see or reading the books I wanted to read, and worked like a carthorse.

I was neither a scholar nor a writer when I started my business career from having empty pockets with Osaka as the stage of my life.
This article continues.


2024/5/25 in Kyoto


