文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Japan is forced to buy trillions of yen in CO2 emission credits from backward China. 

2023年11月25日 22時51分44秒 | 全般

The Asahi Shimbun carried an article signed by Kentaro Kurihara, head of the political department, on its front page. It is terrible. 
November 20, 2020.
The following is from an article by Masayuki Takayama that appeared in the November issue of the monthly magazine "Sound Arguments" under "Seven Years and Eight Months of Corroded Asahi.

"Global warming" also has a negative side.
The U.S. withdrew from the Paris Agreement, but as Soki Watanabe wrote in the Sankei Shimbun's "Sound Argument" column, the CO2 emissions trading is an international scam created by Canadian con man Maurice Strong, China, and Al Gore.
Japan is forced to buy trillions of yen in CO2 emission credits from backward China. 
The earth is alive.
It gets hotter and colder.
Only the Japanese and the Swedish climate change girl, Greta, are fooled by plausible global warming fears. 
Asahi tells Trump to take care of the "international framework," but China bribed UNESCO Director-General Bokova to register the Nanjing Massacre as a Memory of the Nanking Massacre.
China bought the post of Director General at the World Health Organization (WHO) with money and sent Margaret Chyang, former Director General of the Hong Kong Department of Health.
She made a fortune by working with pharmaceutical companies to designate the 2009 flu epidemic, which was just a flu, as a pandemic.
China also bribed her next Tedros to delay the pandemic designation of the Wuhan corona and let China do the maneuvering to make China a winner. 
The ICPO (International Criminal Police Organization) top position was bought by Xi Jinping, who put Meng Hongwei in charge and conducted a "naked officer" investigation that ran away with the money from Shina.
The ICPO was used privately by Xi Jinping's regime. 
In all these cases, China has taken unfair and private advantage of the international framework. 
Incidentally, Yoo Myung-hee is running for the WTO (World Trade Organization) Director-General's race this September from South Korea, which has been reselling hydrogen fluoride imported from Japan to a terrorist nation.
The purpose is the same as that of Shina.
It is to cover up Korean violations like the hydrogen fluoride incident by grabbing the WTO.
Little China always emulates Greater China. 
The Asahi editorial says that "Japan has deep historical ties with Shina" and should do its best to serve Shina as well. 
Based on Huntington's prediction, Abe warned the European Union (EU) not to get too close to Shina and fled Xi Jinping's visit to Japan with a corona.
Asahi says, "No, the will of the people is anti-Abe," but is that really true? 
On the day Abe announced his resignation, Noriko Ishigaki of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan tweeted, "Hold the people strictly responsible for electing a prime minister with no crisis management."
It was a flirtation typical of CDP lawmakers who pandered to the people's will, according to the Asahi Shimbun, but the genuine will of the people greeted her with outrage and flames. 
One comment by former AKB48 member Rino Sashihara was excellent.
She said, "You can't understand people's pain. I think people who can't recognize such moments are sad." 
Noriko Ishigaki immediately issued an apology.
She said she did not mean to make fun of him.
To make up for her words, Ishigaki wrote precisely what the Asahi Shimbun said.
She did not realize that it was a ridicule.
The Asahi newspaper contains nothing but scorn, ridicule, and derision.
It is not a lack of consideration, but you should know that you are reading the wrong newspaper. 
Yuming was one person who was saddened by Abe's resignation. 
She said, "I cried when I watched it. It was so sad."
Satoshi Shirai, a lecturer at Kyoto Seika University and a member of Asahi's "Ronza" magazine, said, "Yumi Arai should have died prematurely. Really, she should have died sooner rather than being an abomination," he wrote on his Facebook page. 
He has published an article in "Ronza" titled "The seven-plus years of the Abe administration is a stain on Japan's history," in which he merely converted Asahi's arguments into invective.
Some of his arguments were like saying that the people living next door who support their people are filth.
He vilified Yuming with the hubris that the Asahi was excellent and I was a great Asahi, too. Then, he first learned about the world.
The university where he worked was about to fire him, and he bowed his head and said, "I am sorry."
He must have realized how out of touch Asahi was with the world. 
But the reporters at Asahi have yet to notice.
In his front-page column on September 16, Seiki Nemoto, the editorial page editor of the Asahi Shimbun, the chief critic of Abe, summed up the Abe administration as "seven years and eight months in which the foundations of democracy have been corroded. 
But what about the will of the people?
It seems that the Asahi Shimbun, which has imposed its bizarre view of the history of the Tokyo Trials on Japan since the Abe administration came to power, has seen a noticeable decline in circulation.
Public opinion considers it "seven years and eight months in which the foundation of the Asahi Shimbun has been corroded."
(Titles omitted)

2023/11/24 in Kyoto



