文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

He comes from a cosmopolitan environment, which makes him a good spy

2022年05月10日 09時20分28秒 | 全般
I am re-submitting the chapter I sent out on 10/27/2020.
The following is from the monthly magazine "WiLL," published 10/26/2020.
A three-column article titled "The Invisible Invasion of China and South Korea" by Ms. Reisfeld Masami.
The December special issue of the monthly magazine, which is full of these genuine articles, is priced at 950 yen.
It is full of genuine articles that people who pay subscription fees of 5,000 to several thousand yen per month to Asahi, Mainichi, and Tokyo newspapers can never read for 950 yen.
The subscribers to the Asahi Shimbun and other newspapers should seriously consider the value of their products.
It is a must-read for the people of Japan and people around the world.
NHK or any Japanese TV station has never reported the facts that this paper clarifies.
Confucius Institute and the installation of comfort women statues:
The invasion of Germany was unimaginably horrific for the Japanese.
Invisible Aggression in Germany
In Germany, China's "invisible invasion" is progressing with an unimaginable ferocity.
As part of this, there are as many as 18 Confucius Institutes and Confucius Institute-affiliated "Chinese language schools" in Germany attached to the Gymnasium.
Japan has 15, but when you consider that Germany has such a large number, with a population of about 80 million, the ratio of Confucius Institutes in Germany is quite dense.
Most of the Confucius Institutes are affiliated with universities and take "public service corporations" (Verein). Still, the cities of Badgerhorn and Dusseldorf (since then 2020), among others, have been managed by the AG (AG).
Interestingly, in the city of Stuttgart, the mecca of Mercedes-Benz and BMW, talk of creating a Confucius Institute was squashed, even though two state universities, one in informatics and the other in technology, had come forward to collaborate with the Confucius Institute.
According to the electronic Stuttgart newspaper (June 3, 2015), the collapse was due to "financial problems."
What did it mean that the Chinese were supposed to provide funding for the Confucius Institute's construction?
Stuttgart is the center of Germany's automobile industry and is also a financially prosperous city, so it would be strange if the reason were "money."
It would be odd if the reason were "money" since Stuttgart is also an economically prosperous city in the German automobile industry's heart.
The people of the Swabian region where Stuttgart is located are notoriously "thrifty" in Germany, so perhaps they were only reluctant to give.
However, as the article reads, the two universities that came forward were "eager" to establish a Confucius Institute.
It is conceivable that a stop was made at the intelligence level, saying that it would be a shame if "industrial espionage" were carried out in the automobile industry.
Germany had already known for more than 20 years that China would steal intellectual property from other countries.
At the time, I worked part-time at a prominent German international company at a famous trade fair.
A Chinese man tried to take a picture of the latest model of this company.
The German manager spotted him and said, "No pictures! He exclaimed, "This is exactly how they copy everything," he spat out.
In the past, the manufacturer's handsets were trendy in the German and European markets.
However, it gradually lost its international competitiveness and, in 2005, was forced to sell its handset business unit to a Taiwanese company.
The only remaining production site in Germany went bankrupt in 2014, and the "German end of It has been called the "death of the end" (Stern, electronic edition / December 25, 2016).
Dusseldorf's city has been actively introducing 5G, as the telecoms giant Deutsche Telekom has been testing 5G since June 16, 2020. As a result, the debate on whether to exclude Huawei or not is still smoldering.
The "no to eliminating Huawei" from the business camp, including Telecom CEO Tim Hedges, has been vehemently opposed by Christian Democratic Union politician and anti-spying czar Christophe Bernstiel and China-skeptic politicians in the Social Democratic Party.
Chancellor Merkel faces her colleagues' complaints if she leans toward China and executives at global companies to leave China.
The Realities of the Confucius Institute
What is going on at the Confucius Institute in Germany?
There are, of course, Chinese language courses, but there are many other events as well.
Many of the projects at the Confucius Institute targeted children and adolescents.
Among them, the short-term study abroad program seems to be the program's highlight.
The Confucius Institutes all over Germany organize these events during the spring, summer, and autumn school holidays.
The Confucius Institute in Freiburg, planning this event since 2011, intended to hold a "China camp" to coincide with Easter.
The purpose is to have young people up to 19 stay in China and experience the "empire in the middle."
They will have to pay for their travel expenses, pocket money, and insurance, but China will bear all the costs for their stay in China, including hotels, food, and transportation, which is quite generous.
I wonder how impressed the parents who attended the pre-departure guidance will be with China's economic power that "China covers all the expenses for staying in China.
The main destinations are Shanghai, Beijing, and Nanjing.
They will visit the Chicken Ming Temple, the Zhongshan Tomb of Sun Yat-sen, and Nanjing City in Nanjing.
The Heidelberg Confucius Institute is also hosting an exhibition called "80 Years After the Nanjing Massacre" in January 2018, inviting John Labe's grandson, Thomas Labe.
The museum will offer various activities during his stay, including Chinese language classes, calligraphy, Qigong, Chinese martial arts viewing, and Chinese music.
One boy who attended the Confucius Institute of Nuremberg-Erlangen's 2019 "China Camp" wrote in his report, "What a great opportunity to try Uyghur food" and "My stay in China was the best time of my life.
Another girl wrote, "Great memories, new friends, and encounters with the unknown. You should go to the China camp".
Another girl wrote, "Chinese is a language I am very interested in" and "I will never forget my wonderful experience in China."
The Confucius Institute spread quickly in Germany, but the movement to exclude it has gradually emerged in the United States, Canada, Sweden, France, and most recently in Germany in response to the closure of the Confucius Institute at the Free University Brussels.
According to the electronic edition of General Anzeiger (January 15, 2020), the Minister of Education and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia, Isabelle Pfeiffer-Ponsgen, gave a speech on its effect should discontinue the Confucius Institute.
In response, the University of Dusseldorf added: "There is no specific cause for the termination of our cooperation, but we cannot say that the CPC does not influence at all.
Jens Brandenburg, a liberal party FDP, which leans toward workers' groups, asked parliament whether the Confucius Institute is a political organization directly under the Chinese Communist Party's control.
In its reply, the government said that Hanban, the Confucius Institute (the government agency that runs the Confucius Institute worldwide), is directly under the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda bureau.
Brandenburg added: "In the Confucius Institute, there is no academic freedom, and there is censorship. What it does is political activity. The fact that issues such as human rights in Tibet, Taiwan, Uyghur, and China are taboo at the Confucius Institute is proof of this. We are aware of this," he replied.
Even the city of Hamburg, which benefited from the One Belt One Road and established Germany's first Confucius Institute, has decided to end its university affiliation this year.
The reason is "a change in China's academic policy."
According to the Weather Courier (February 12, 2020), the Confucius Institute in Bremen has decided to eliminate the breathtaking teachers in China.
On the other hand, there are still people who repeatedly make pro-China statements.
Professor Thomas Heberle, director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Duisburg-Essen, has defended the "propaganda allegations" of the Confucius Institute.
Professor Heberle worked for a Beijing-based publishing house from 1977-to 81, where he experienced the Cultural Revolution and subsequent political developments in China in real-time.
Although he retired from the University of Duisburg-Essen in 2013, he remains the director of the Confucius Institute, a position he has held since 2010, and is a visiting professor at Zhejiang University, Renmin University of China, and Nankai University.
The paper he recently wrote is "From top to bottom: a study of Chinese social discipline."
It intended to show how well the Xi regime has been able to "discipline" society.
The book focuses on the "moral policy" of the Xi administration's "social discipline" to further the problem of bribery in the Party, which it has been implementing since 2014.
Case studies include a credit card data monitoring system that has been "spearheaded by the West as a total digital surveillance system,
Besides, regarding Corona in 2020, creating an assessment system for "Internet and civilization of ethnic minorities" for government personnel is also an example of "social discipline."
It's a "propaganda paper" that gives the impression of China's superiority over Germany, where digitalization policies such as the "Corona App" and the "Emergency Alarm System" have not gone as far as expected as a way to "learn from them.
Germany has an anti-spy law.
According to Article 99 of the German Criminal Code, a person who violates the law is sentenced to imprisonment with work for not more than five years or a fine.
Felony is punishable by imprisonment with work for not less than one year and not over ten years.
According to the electronic version of the "Frankwalter Allgemeine newspaper" (January 30, 2020), Gehardt Sabatil, who was seconded from the German Foreign Ministry and worked in the European Parliament until 2017, and two other individuals were "suspected of spying through China."
The electronic edition of "Tageshau" (May 26, 2020) also states that in January 2020, the Federal Criminal Police Office launched a mandatory investigation of Sabatil on charges of "espionage" and, at the request of the Federal Prosecutor General, conducted a search of his home and office.
Mr. Sabatil was an "informant, adviser and recruiter" for China's foreign ministry, who passed information and received money to a person with the code name "Jimmy," who worked for the Shanghai European Society in Shanghai for camouflage, it said.
Mr. Sabatil is the head of a Brussels-based lobbying firm called Utop after he finished his European Parliament duties in 2017. "At the same time, he was able to 'legally' receive money from China by taking a visiting professorship at Sichuan University," explains Chen Yonglin, a former first secretary of China (German Epoch Times, electronic edition / February 21, 2020).
Incidentally, he appears to have dual citizenship and a Hungarian pass.
He comes from a cosmopolitan environment, which makes him a good spy.
This article continues.


