文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Abe's Bold Economic Policies Dragged Down by Japan's Bad "Criticism is Cool" Climate

2024年08月06日 19時34分54秒 | 全般


The cover of the 2013/1/22 issue of Newsweek Japan also had the following headline.
Abe's Bold Economic Policies Dragged Down by Japan's Bad "Criticism is Cool" Climate
My introduction of just a few of those headlines shows how brilliant this issue of Newsweek is.
I, too, initially overlooked the headline at the bottom of the cover.
But the fact is, as Newsweek points out.

When "The Turntables of Civilization" was circulated in Japan about 25 years ago, the U.S. GDP was about 750 trillion yen, and Japan's GDP was about 550 trillion yen.
Twenty years later, the U.S. GDP has almost doubled, while Japan's GDP has fallen below 550 trillion yen.

I have been saying that Japan has lost 900 trillion yen in wealth, including 450 trillion yen that should have been spent on growth and 450 trillion yen in government debt deficits that have increased as the economy has remained mired in deflation.

It is no exaggeration to say that the editorialists of the Japanese mass media have been misleading the economy to this extent.

Prime Minister Abe has made the most impressive start to a new term in Japan in two decades, and yet the editorial board members continue to harp on such clichéd logic as the problem with monetary easing and the independence of the Bank of Japan,

The prime minister is still writing loudly in his editorial columns about the problems with monetary easing and the independence of the Bank of Japan.

Even though the Bank of Japan is not yet at the point where it can be said to be in full swing,

How could they make such a foolish statement?

If they have time to worry about such things, they should seriously review and reflect on the past 20 years.

They write critical editorials as if they are economic experts without even realizing that they are the ones who brought about such a huge political disaster.

There is no medicine for fools, they say.

He is writing this because he has only the brains to easily be talked down by those he knows, such as the Korean professor at the University of Tokyo and his friend, the thief baron to whom I referred yesterday.

If you had the time to write such things, why didn't you strongly criticize the Korean government's extremely weak currency policy over the past few years?

Since the end of World War II, our country has been supported by world-class corporations, each employing hundreds of thousands of people.

Korea's policy of currency depreciation has driven these companies to the brink of collapse in just a few short years and deprived many Japanese citizens of their jobs.

Taking advantage of their small and closed market, South Korean officials, as they have stated, have repeatedly and arbitrarily intervened in their front yard.

As a result, the value of the won was reduced to less than half that of the yen in just a few years! The result is that in just a few years, the value of the won has dropped to less than half of its value against the yen!

What kind of people are you?

Shame on you.



7/30/2024 in Onomichi


