文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is a fabricated story to make people think that the V-22 is dangerous. 

2023年12月14日 11時47分59秒 | 全般

The following is from Masayuki Takayama's column in the latter part of the weekly Shincho, released today.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
A good friend, a prolific reader, called me to say that he and I were soul mates.
I immediately agreed.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people worldwide.

Hit Pyongyang.
Japan is surrounded by China, Russia, North Korea, and other countries whose intelligence is questionable. 
The U.S. military, together with the Self-Defense Forces, is on the lookout for these countries that are acting with impunity. 
A U.S. V-22 Osprey aircraft carrying out such military duties crashed during an emergency landing on Yakushima Island, killing the eight people on board. 
It was a terrible accident, but I was saddened by the NHK news reporting it. 
The news said, "Residents voiced their concerns" when they saw the same type of aircraft joining the search for the dead. 
It was a dangerous plane. 
It means, "Will it fall toward us? 
The Asahi Shimbun also had a "50-year-old woman" in Futenma say, "I'm afraid it will fall here someday." 
There are no such "residents."
It is a fabricated story to make people think that the V-22 is dangerous. 
Indeed, Okinawans do not like the U.S. military.
One out of three islanders was killed in the last war.
Iperit was sprayed in Ginowan, and live poison gas bombs have still been found. 
But when U.S. generals die in the line of duty, I feel sorry for them and join hands with them.
I don't act like Shinji Miyadai of Tokyo Metropolitan University, who cheered the death of Prime Minister Abe.
It is because Okinawans are Japanese. 
However, Asahi created the residents' stories and reported that the plane "flew around out of control" as if it was fatally flawed. 
It is the same as in the case of Morikake.
They make allegations on a hunch without any evidence.
They are confident that this is how they brought down the Abe administration. 
When the U.S. military halted all flights of the same aircraft type, Asahi took it as a mourning for the V-22 and went into a frenzy. 
The invasion of Japan by the People's Liberation Army would begin with the islands.
No other aircraft is capable of vertical takeoff and landing than the V-22, which has a large payload and can fly at high speed.
Xi Jinping wants to eliminate them. 
Asahi is writing an article according to his wishes. 
However, Asahi's image of the V-22 as "dangerous" has some basis.
It is that they are too greedy in terms of performance. 
To put it plainly, it forcibly combines the maneuverability of a helicopter with the capabilities of a high-speed transport aircraft. 
The reason for this excessive greed actually lies in the incident that took over the U.S. Embassy in Tehran half a century ago. 
Islamic fanatics under Ayatollah Khomeini attacked the U.S. embassy and took 52 people hostage, including the building's staff. 
War could break out, but the hostages must be rescued before that happens. 
Carter approved a rescue operation mainly by helicopter, but helicopters have short legs and are slow.
Even if the hostages were rescued, they would run out of fuel and would not be able to leave the country. 
To compensate for this,
(1) A temporary relay base is set up in the desert in central Iran to refuel the helicopters and enter Tehran.
(2) A separate team will take control of an Iranian air base near Tehran and send a rescue plane.
(3) A helicopter team raids the embassy, rescues the hostages and flies to the airbase to get out of the country. 
It was a complicated plan. 
However, a sandstorm hit the first relay base, and the operation was aborted when a passing bus spotted the helicopter.
During the evacuation, the helicopter crashed, killing eight soldiers. 
The hostages were finally released a year later, bringing shame to the United States and the world. 
Based on this shame, in the year of the hostage release, the development of the Osprey, which "has a 90-degree tilt-rotor, can take off and land vertically, and can carry 32 people and fly at a speed of 565 km/h over a distance of 3400 km. 
It took 13 years to complete mass production, and the development cost exceeded that of the Apollo Bandai Ghost, which sent a man to the moon. 
The development of the Osprey was similar to the Zero-sen, which required "high speed, lightweight, high mobility, and two 20 mm machine guns. 
The Zero-sen was completed in three years at the cost of two pilots dying in a test flight, but the U.S. version has not yet reached the point of completion. 
Now, the crew of the V-22 knows the high accident rate.
Still, they fly every day as test pilots in an effort to put Tehran to shame. 
If a complete version of this hostage rescue plane can be built, rescuing Ms. Megumi will no longer be a dream. 
Asahi and NHK should think about the meaning of the V-22 as Japanese people, instead of watching the face of Xi Jinping.


2023/12/13 in Kyoto


