文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The reason for this is to cover up the crime of the United States,

2024年08月18日 21時58分18秒 | 全般
His conclusion that China is a country of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies" now continues to prove its correctness to the world.
Sep 28, 2019
My discovery that Japan has been, in fact, a "political prisoner" in the international community throughout the postwar era is a Nobel Prize-worthy discovery, along with the discovery of the "turntable of civilization."
The discerning people of the world must have instantly realized the significance of my discovery because, truthfully, I discovered it.
Because of the truth I discovered, one can instantly understand why problems such as the comfort women issue, the being moved forcibly issue, and the Nanjing Massacre are occurring and why such lies are being perpetrated in the international community, as they should be.
It is because we can instantly understand why Japan has been criticized by the international community so quickly based on these unbelievable fabrications.
At the same time, it is the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA). Other so-called civil society groups continue to go to the UN to make the UN recommend a resolution condemning Japan, saying that Japan is a discriminatory nation and that hate speech is rampant, without knowing that Japan is a country that has been continuously discriminated against by the international community, You can instantly understand how foolish and how "worst of the worst" they are.
You can also instantly understand the extreme stupidity of Asahi, Mainichi, and others who repeatedly support them in their reporting.

It was necessary to keep Japan a "political prisoner" in the international community for U.S. reasons.
The media, led by Asahi, reported a completely different war situation...except for the Japanese people, who were continually forced to read reports that Japan was winning...
In the last days of the war, when it was apparent to everyone in the world that Japan had lost the war, not only did they indiscriminately bomb 127 cities, but they also used incendiary bombs, a weapon against humanity, to kill millions of civilians in a very short period, but they dropped two atomic bombs, the biggest crime in human history, on the beautiful cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the innocent civilians living there. 
The reason for this is to cover up the crime of the United States, which dropped two atomic bombs, the greatest crime in human history, on the beautiful cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the innocent people who lived there and obliterated them in an instant.

Because of this original sin and the existence of the Japanese people, who are the only people in the history of humankind who neither protested against this original sin nor demanded huge compensation for damages, the United States must continue to be the world's police officer.

But, just as the pretended moralism that gave Obama the Nobel Prize has taken over the world, Obama was utterly blind to this absolutely unforgettable truth.
His eyes were utterly blinded by pseudo-moralism.
Or perhaps he did so by falling for China's cunning strategy.
He could not have been more foolish in declaring that the United States was not the world's policeman.

As soon as he did so, China, a one-party Communist dictatorship, and Russia, which is not too much to say Putin's dictatorship, quickly grew and began to rampage.
They began to alter and disrupt the postwar world order.
China, for its part, has begun plotting to gain global hegemony, and this is a godless outrage.

Rather than criticizing China, Europe, led by Germany, fell in love with it for economic reasons alone.
People worldwide with good memories know that China has been saying this to Japan at every opportunity.
Japan is trying to change the postwar order and is a revisionist, and they have been accusing Japan of such things in the international community.

The results of the fieldwork of Tadao Umesao, one of the greatest and few genuine scholars ever born in Japan, are even more like a shining gold mine.
His conclusion that China, or any country in the Chinese sphere, is a country of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies" is now proving to the world to be correct.

In a century of war, driven by the strategies of the U.S. and others, this is a country that even Nazi Germany would not have taken a stand against...Japan launched a war against the U.S., which was the most powerful country in the world even then.
It was because Japan was a nation of samurai, unlike any other country of all ages and cultures.
However, it is also evident that the primary instigator of this reckless war was the Japanese mass media of the time, led by the Asahi Shimbun.

They were the ones who said, "The devil is America and Britain," and "We don't want it. Until we win." and "100 million all-out war" were widely danced on the front pages of the Japanese mass media at that time to keep the Japanese people inspired to start the war.
Even when the war was heading toward defeat, the Japanese people were not informed of the reality of the war.
What they did inform the public about, on the contrary, was to continue to report the news as if Japan was still winning. 
As a result, it was the Japanese mass media that caused the unprecedented catastrophe that had never existed in human wars before.

The mass media has increased the number of Japanese who do not know this.

They not only put all the blame on the military but also became honor students who accepted the occupation policy of GHQ and lived on to avoid their responsibility,
To avoid their responsibility, they still hold the military accountable for everything and wield the pseudo-moralism that Japan is a wrong country and the Japanese people did terrible things, which is no better than kindergarten children's moralism.
This article continues.

2024/8/18 in Mihara, Hiroshima


