なんじゃこりゃ!天皇が中国みたいな礼装じゃないか ここまでくると故意の演出としか思えない 清洲城も中国の紫禁城そっくりじゃないか
#和田愛子 詐欺師を政治家に! 皆さんで応援する #立憲民主党 蓮舫さんも辻元清美さんも 応援ですね お二人は大丈夫ですよね
Resend! can not be compared with Japan...The UN is a collection of countries full of problems
Resend! disloyal retainer human beings themselves and agents of China and the Korean Peninsula
Resend! It is a treasonist and it is a traitor and the lowest foolish people in the history of Japan
Esta pregunta expuso bellamente los abusos de los derechos humanos de los extranjeros ilegales.
Resend! Ho raccolto e bevuto il sangue con le mie mani e ho applicato il sangue giapponese sulla...
This question beautifully exposed the