文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

What Japan should do is have a "hostile strike capability"

2023年07月13日 14時41分24秒 | 全般

Re-transmission! Japan has been touting its "exclusive defense," but if it can't even solve a simple problem like the Takeshima issue...
July 13, 2023
Japan has been calling for an "exclusive defense," but it cannot protect its people and land if it cannot solve simple problems like the Takeshima issue.

I found this chapter in Japanese sent from Goo guilty of obstructing searches.
The Internet is the largest and fastest library in human history.
Any company that has become one of the world's leading Internet companies must keep the Internet clean.
First, please identify the perpetrators of this case, file criminal charges against them, and punish them severely.
First, please identify the perpetrators of this case, file criminal charges against them, and punish them severely.

The following is from an article in today's Sankei Shimbun titled "Enemy Base Strike Capability" rather than Countermeasures, by Masao Shimojo, a visiting professor at Tokai University and Shimane Prefectural University, in his column "Thinking about Takeshima.
It is a genuine article that should be required reading not only for Japanese citizens but also for people around the world.
On December 21 of last year, the ROK Navy and Maritime Police conducted a closed-door "Dokdo (Takeshima's Korean name) Defense Drill" (East Sea territorial defense drill).
The ROK side has been conducting these drills twice a year, and this time was part of the same exercise.
But is this really all there is to it? 
It is because it is not unrelated to the November 16 incident in which South Korean National Police Agency Commissioner Kim Chang-ryong landed on Takeshima.

A False Signal to South Korea
On November 24, a joint meeting of the LDP's Foreign Affairs Subcommittee and Diplomatic Research Committee was held, at which it was announced that a team would be established to study countermeasures.
On December 8, the first meeting of the "Working Team to Study Policy toward South Korea," established in the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee, was held.
Naturally, the ROK side must have been interested in Japan's moves.
However, the working team is expected to develop a countermeasure by this summer's end.
It would be meaningless without immediate implementation, but the Korean side was probably concerned about the redundant response.
The South Koreans were therefore testing the Japanese response by conducting the customary Dokdo defense drills behind closed doors.
The Japanese government fired a blank salvo of "regret."
Furthermore, some Japanese media reported that the closed-door drills were "a consideration by the ROK side.
It is a false signal to the South Koreans.
In fact, the Korean press reported the "consideration" view as it was and used it as an excuse to justify the closed-door drills.
Think about it.
If South Korea were concerned about Japan, it would not have conducted the drills themselves, regardless of whether or not they were open to the public.
For Japan, which has been occupying Takeshima since 1954, the fact that the Dokdo defense drills were conducted was the problem.
The defense drills by South Korea are usually conducted in June and December of each year.
One more drill will be conducted in June before the summer when the Working Team on Korean Policy is expected to finalize countermeasures.
Will the Japanese government also set up a working team to study the policy toward South Korea and formulate countermeasures then as well?
Japan has been calling for an "exclusive defense," but it cannot protect its people and land if it cannot solve a simple problem like the Takeshima issue.
In the current situation in East Asia, China is growing more robust, and territorial sea violations by vessels of the Chinese Maritime Police Bureau around the Senkaku Islands have become a regular occurrence.
Even ordinary people can understand the importance of cooperation between Japan, the U.S., and South Korea at a time like this.

Unprepared System to Solve Problems
The rise and fall of states that emerged on the Chinese mainland has been repeated many times in the history of East Asia.
There are natural ways to deal with these problems.
One way is through cooperation among neighboring countries.
The Japan-U.S.-South Korea vice foreign minister-level talks held in Washington, D.C., in mid-November of last year were also a forum for discussing policy toward China and the North Korean problem.
However, the landing on Takeshima by South Korea's National Police Agency chief drove a wedge between Japan and South Korea.
Japan has therefore set up a working team to take countermeasures against South Korea.
However, this would deepen the confrontation between Japan and South Korea, and China, Russia, and North Korea would gain the upper hand.
What Japan should do at this point is not to take countermeasures but to resolve the Takeshima issue.
Why was Japan unable to do so?
The answer is simple.
Japan does not have a system in place to resolve territorial and historical issues.
Japan has had a minister in charge of territorial affairs since 2012. Still, the administration's attitude toward territorial and historical issues has varied depending on its current circumstances, and it has yet to be able to take a sustained approach.
On the other hand, South Korea has the Northeast Asian History Foundation as a policy advocacy organization, and the results of its research have been reflected and utilized in education and diplomacy.
The Takeshima issue is strategically studied based on the recognition that it is "a concept higher than Japan-Korea relations.
The South Korean government has been using historical issues such as the comfort women issue and the so-called conscription issue as a diplomatic card in its offensive against Japan, and this has been supported by history researchers centering on the Northeast Asian History Foundation.
Sustained Offensive against the Northeast Asian History Foundation
No matter how many "regrettable guns" Japan fires at the South Korean side, it will only provoke the South Koreans to further provocation and yield no results.
To coexist with China, which has a different social system and ideology, while maintaining a sense of tension, Japan must first resolve the Takeshima issue with South Korea.
It should not be a countermeasure.
What Japan should do is have a "hostile strike capability" against the Northeast Asian History Foundation, which is the headquarter of research on historical issues in Korea.
The Shimane Prefecture Takeshima Issue Study Group has already developed the "real bullets" for this purpose, demonstrating the current status and problems of Takeshima education in Korea.
Now, with a sustained offensive, we can put an end to the false historical research of the Northeast Asian History Foundation.
(Visiting Professor, Tokai University and Shimane Prefectural University)



