文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Shameful Side of America

2024年09月27日 22時41分18秒 | 全般
The following is from a dialogue between Masayuki Takayama and Miki Otaka, published in the monthly magazine WiLL, on pages 184-200, under the title "Let's hit back at the outrageous 'anti-Japanese' books that insult Japan."
This dialogue also proves that Masayuki Takayama is the most deserving of the Nobel Prize for Literature or the Nobel Peace Prize.
It also proves that the dialogue partner, Miki Otaka, is a genuine journalist.

Anti-Japanese discourse is linked to it.
How can they not even acknowledge the achievements of Kiichiro Higuchi...
Countering the outrageous book!

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The Shameful Side of America
They get away with rape.
They don't spend any money on it.
The "Amerasian 1982 Act" in the United States symbolizes this.
The term "Amerasian" was coined by Pearl Buck, a Nobel Prize-winning author, to refer to children of mixed race between Americans and Asians. 
American servicemen in countries such as South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines raped women and then abandoned the resulting mixed-race children.
This irresponsibility became a problem, and in 1982, a law was created to grant citizenship to children whose fathers were Americans.
It is the Amerasian 1982 Act.
However, it was stipulated that this did not apply to Japan and the Philippines.

Why were these two countries excluded?
Starting with the Spanish-American War in 1898, the United States ruled over the Philippines for half a century.
The United States was involved in the Philippines for nearly a century, and as a result, the number of rapes was extremely high, and there were more than 500,000 mixed-race children.
It would be a disaster if they gave them citizenship, so they decided to exclude the Philippines.
It is said that there were around 5,000 mixed-race children with Japanese after the war as a result of rape.
However, for example, in John Dower's "Embracing Defeat," it says, "All the American soldiers were gentlemen and did not rape," and "MacArthur was charismatic, and his occupation rule was successful around the world, and saying that "we will provide relief for the children of mixed-race rape victims" would also reveal the severity of GHQ's press censorship.
So, they have been hiding the facts about this law from the Japanese government.
Also, there is no trend among Japanese people to be grateful for American citizenship.

On the other hand, I've never heard of many children being born between Japanese soldiers and local women.
If Japanese soldiers were raping women everywhere, as is claimed in books such as "Japan's Holocaust," it would be no surprise to hear such stories.

The United States they have raped women all over the world to such an extent that they had to pass the Amerasian 1982 Act, but they keep lying to Japan, saying, "You are a nation of rapists."
They should be ashamed of themselves.

As for looting, the US military plundered the Shō family's treasures during the Battle of Okinawa.
They did return some of it, though.

During the Battle of Iwo Jima, Lieutenant Nishitake Ichiro (Baron Nishitake), a gold medalist in equestrian events (1932 Los Angeles Olympics), was killed in action.
Usually, the belongings of the deceased would be collected, but the American soldiers took everything from Lieutenant Nishitake, including his military uniform, sword, and boots.
They often say things like "the dead soldier had it" and return the Japanese flag with the words "victory" written on it.
But that is something you would put in your bellyband.
They go to that extent to search the dead for things.
It's a matter of national character, or rather, they can't get rid of their predatory instincts.

It's a genuinely terrible act.
On the other hand, the Japanese army rarely committed acts of looting.
From the perspective of Western countries, that was a problem.
That's why, during the First Sino-Japanese War, there was a time when a false rumor called the "Lushun Massacre" was spread. 
James Creelman, a Jewish correspondent for the New York World, reported that 60,000 Chinese had been massacred.
In his autobiography, Creelman explains why he made up such a lie, saying that he had seen Japanese soldiers killing Chinese soldiers, ripping out their chests, taking out their hearts, and eating them all together.
It was the Chinese soldiers who did such things.
In fact, after the First Sino-Japanese War, during the Boxer Rebellion, the German Minister Von Ketteler was attacked, and after being tortured to death, his chest was ripped open.
His heart was removed, and the Boxers ate it.

The story of the Japanese army eating human flesh has been spread from the writings of Mr. Toshiyuki Tanaka, a former professor at the Hiroshima Peace Institute of Hiroshima City University, who Mr. Rig often quotes.
His spouse is a Jewish woman, and Mr. Tanaka uses several pen names, including Yuki Tanaka, Tetsu Namba, and Masami Akasaka.

This article will continue.

2024/9/26 in Umeda


