文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is the reality of a country that, until just yesterday, had been cajoling poor Africa and Asia

2024年04月08日 10時04分58秒 | 全般

I found the following "President Online" while searching for information on the WHO's declaration of a state of emergency.
In this article, the reality of China is also revealed.

A country that is trying to become a hegemonic state under the one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party, a system that none of the developed countries accept.
A country that has spent enormous amounts of money on military expansion, including the development of nuclear weapons, while continuing to inflict air pollution on its people for more than 20 years, to the point where it is no longer a habitable environment for human beings.
It is the reality of a country that, until just yesterday, had been cajoling poor Africa and Asia with money to gain global hegemony while continuing to receive large amounts of ODA from Japan every year.
Emphasis in the text other than the headline is mine.

No need to panic over the spread of infection in mainland China
The true nature of the disease is gradually becoming clear.
The Wu Han coronavirus, the pathogen of the new type of pneumonia, is now a problem.
As of January 31, the number of infected people in mainland China, especially in Wuhan City, China, has continued to increase.
As of January 31, the number of infected people worldwide is about to exceed 10,000, surpassing the number of people infected in the SARS epidemic of 2002 to 2003 (about 8,000). The number of deaths has exceeded 200. The infection has spread to more than 20 countries and regions, and infected people have also appeared in Japan.
However, there is no need to panic over this spread of infection. There have been no deaths in countries or regions other than Japan and mainland China. It is because China does not have adequate medical facilities and systems that the infection has spread so widely, and as a result, the number of deaths has increased.
In fact, according to SNS videos from China, hospitals in Wuhan have not even been able to perform "triage," in which the order of treatment is determined by the severity of the illness.
One medical staff member excitedly complained, "I have a fever, but they won't examine me. The hospital is in a state of panic and dysfunction.
On January 30, Director-General Tedros of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared an "international public health emergency" at its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
The spread of infection in Japan like that in China is unlikely.
In light of these facts, it is clear that there is no need to be overly fearful of the new coronavirus.
There is no specific cure or vaccine, but symptomatic therapy can adequately treat the disease.
Most of the Japanese media are making too much noise.
It is as if a highly lethal pathogen like the Ebola virus has become airborne and is attacking the human race.
Getting the facts right and dealing with the situation calmly is essential.
In a nutshell, the spread of infection in Japan, with its excellent medical care, is unlikely to occur as it did in China.
However, please note the following two points.
The first is the "incubation period."
The new coronavirus is believed to have an incubation period of 1 to 14 days from infection until the onset of symptoms.
During this incubation period, there is a risk of infecting others.
Subclinical cases of infection exist in which the infected person does not develop the disease.
In such cases, the infected person has no subjective symptoms, so there is a risk of walking around in good health and spreading the infection.
The second point concerns "health vulnerable persons. Most of the symptoms of the new coronavirus are mild, but there is a risk that the symptoms may become more severe in those who are in poor health, such as the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions such as heart disease.
You need to be especially careful if there are such vulnerable people around you.

2024/4/7 in Kyoto



