文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The deadly poison planted in the SDGs sprinkled by the U.N.

2022年01月01日 17時10分51秒 | 全般

The following is a chapter I sent out on October 31, 2021, titled "The Deadly Poison in the SDGs Sprinkled by the U.N.
The following is a reprint with corrections to typos, paragraphs, etc.
It is one of the articles that should be read by the Japanese people and by people worldwide on 1/1/2022.
I watched NHK's historical drama "Kirin ga Kuru" from the middle of the story until NHK's masochistic view of history started talking about it.
I watched the episode where Nobunaga and Princess Nohime were the main characters.
I had never heard of Haruna Kawaguchi before. 
I thought she was an outstanding and genuine personality. 
So I searched and found that she grew up on Fukue Island in the Goto Islands, and even now, whenever she has time, she goes back to Fukue Island.
I thought my intuition was correct.
When I was in the prime of my business life, I was invited for the first time by an employee of Dentsu, who was a close friend of mine, to visit the Somehow Kingdom on Fukue Island in the Goto Islands.
It is in connection with a travel expo held in Nagasaki.
I will describe the outstanding experience I had at that time later.
Haruna Kawaguchi has been selected as the host of Kohaku. 
So I watched a good part of it last night, but not the whole thing.
NHK didn't stop with the second half of "Kirin ga Kuru" (The Kirin is Coming), which was dyed with a foolish historical view, and last night they brainwashed Kawaguchi (and the viewers) into believing in the SDGs by featuring footage of her at Fukue Island.
That was yesterday, December 31, 2021, at the annual year-end NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen.
So, even more so, the Japanese people must read the following authentic article, especially the parts highlighted in black today, January 1, 2022, New Year's Day.

This column was the first in the world to point out that the United Nations is a horseshit organization, the worst and most ridiculous in history, no exaggeration.
China and Russia are permanent members of the U.N. Security Council prove that we were right, as even an elementary school student can see.
When other permanent members of the Council have tried to pass resolutions on world peace and security threats, these two countries have always vetoed them.
In the meantime, China has spent astronomical amounts of money building up its armed forces, creating the dangerous and unstable world we live in today.
The U.N. has done nothing to prevent this situation.
We were the first in the world to point out that the SDGs are bogus and a Chinese plot.
The article by Jason Morgan, Associate Professor at Reitaku University, published in the monthly magazine WiLL on October 26, proves that I hit the nail on the head.
It is a must-read for the Japanese people and people worldwide.
It is no exaggeration to say that this is one of the best articles of the 21st century. 
It reveals the inexpressible stupidity of the Asahi Shimbun and the so-called intellectuals. 
They have followed it in placing the U.N. above the Japanese nation.
The monthly magazine I have been referring to is full of genuine articles like this one, yet it costs only 950 yen (including tax).
Every Japanese citizen who can read must go to the nearest bookstore to subscribe or get a subscription with a favorable discount.
(Emphasis in the text except that the headline is mine.)
The deadly poison planted in the SDGs sprinkled by the U.N.
They are protecting the environment, eliminating discrimination, creating a sustainable society. 
If the SDGs ring a bell, beware!
The gimmick to introduce socialism. 
On January 26, 1948, a person claiming to be "Jiro Yamaguchi, a doctor in the quarantine division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government" entered a branch of the Imperial Bank in Shiinamachi.
"There has been an outbreak of dysentery in the Shiinamachi area; please take this 'preventive medicine' before GHQ disinfects the area," Dr. Yamaguchi instructed the bank staff. 
Dr. Yamaguchi gave the prophylaxis to 16 staff members, and 10 of them died immediately.
The reason is that what Dr. Yamaguchi gave the staff of the Imperial Bank was not a "preventive medicine" but a deadly poison.
Jiro Yamaguchi was not just a doctor; he was a horrible murderer.
A person impersonating a government person lied for public health and caused significant damage to the general public.
Seventy-three years later, in 2021, the same thing is happening.
"Preventive medicine" has turned into "sustainable development." Under the name of "protecting the global environment," the United Nations, which is far more frightening than Yamaguchi Jiro, is forcing the world to drink the poison of "socialism. 
According to the major national media parroting the slogans of the U.N., sustainable development promises the future development of the planet and that the nations of the world will be able to grow safely, peacefully, economically, educationally, and politically.
The United Nations has put together some keywords and sent them out to realize this future.
These are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
Will the SDGs really lead to the development of the earth?
The New American, a conservative American magazine that has been reporting on the "true nature of the United Nations" for many years, concluded that the SDGs have "nothing to do" with "sustainable development. 
The New American reported that the real goal of Rio+20, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012, was to "socialize the entire world. 
The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), using the same acronym and translated into Japanese, are nothing more than (S) Socialism (D) Introduction (G) Socialism Debut Gimmick.
The Hidden Aim of the SDGs
Why can we assert that the purpose of the SDGs is to "socialize the whole world"? 
It is because the predecessor of the SDGs is the Millennium Development Goals (2000), and it is part of its predecessor, Agenda 91 (1992).
Agenda 21 describes the future of a "global society" in which the United Nations will centrally manage humanity to achieve a sustainable civilization for the future, including eradicating poverty and combating environmental pollution.
It could be called the "Bible of Globalism. 
Globalism is an altered form of socialism, and like socialism, it is a way of thinking in which the elite class controls the masses.
As in today's world, control by the elite will be easy if the SDGs are followed. 
The SDGs include educational goals, and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has been running the "Education for SDGs" program for ten years since 2005.
Specifically, it is an education to eliminate state sovereignty, private property, freedom of speech, etc., which is a goal that socialists have been trying to achieve for a long time. 
The end of the sovereignty of nations, the destruction of the imperial family, the disintegration of the family, the revocation of natural human rights, etc., do not need to be called "socialism." Still, they are going on today under cover of the SDGs.
The Strange Relationship between the U.N. and the CPC 
The Secretary-General mentioned above of Rio+20 is a leading figure in the Chinese Communist Party named Sha Zukang.
In 2010, Sha Zukang gave the "World Harmony Award" offered by the World Harmony Foundation to Chi Haotian.
Chi Haotian is the genocide master who planned and carried out the Tiananmen Square massacre. 
"The day before Rio+20 opened, the Xinhua News Agency, the official media of the Chinese Communist Party, picked up Sha Zukang's comments and reported on them.
"China has already achieved excellent results in the field of SDGs, and there is a good chance that it will be involved in more international SDGs in the future.
It seems that China and the U.N. are becoming more and more inextricably linked. 
It is common knowledge among Japanese conservatives that China is hijacking the U.N., but it seems natural to consider why China could seize the U.N. 
The U.N. was not founded as a forum for the world's nations to solve global problems.
A base for realizing the dream of "global domination" that the United States and the Soviet Union (as well as many of the Chinese Communist Party and the Nationalist Party) had dreamed of during World War II, the socialism that Japan confronted, and the liberal globalism It was founded as a base.
The U.N.'s genes are anti-Japanese.
Hijacking it would be a piece of cake for the "anti-Japanese giant" China. 
The U.N. is supposed to be an international organization, but it is merely a "screen" to hide the presence of the U.S., the Soviet Union, and China, which hold the real power.
Japan is still not a member of the Security Council, despite its economic, technological, artistic, literary, and military prowess (Japan's military is superior even if it is not mentioned in the Constitution), because the U.N. continues to hold Japan back. 
Japan's emphasis on freedom and democracy is a hindrance to the U.N.'s goal of global domination, in other words, a one-world government, and the same is true for Germany, the American public with its loud advocacy of human rights, and those who are concerned about socialism around the world.  
If globalism and socialism are suppressed from above, people will rebel, using the SDGs (Socialism, Deployment, and Gimmicks). 
The whole world is now working together to realize the "socialist domination of the world" that socialists, communists, and liberal imperialists in the U.S. (represented by the racist President Woodrow Wilson and President Franklin Roosevelt, who tried to destroy Japan) have always imagined.
Why the UN is an "Enemy of Japan" 
The conclusion that the UN is "Japan's enemy" is not a conspiracy theory. 
An editorial in the Sankei Shimbun in September 2020 appears to be skeptical about the purpose of the U.N. 
Of particular concern to the Japanese side is the "enemy clause" in the U.N.'s founding documents.
Article 1 of the "enemy states clause" states that U.N. member states are allowed to invade past enemies, Japan and Germany, without the approval of the Security Council. 
Some say the "enemy clause" has been nullified by subsequent charters, but the first article has yet to be removed.
The Sankei Shimbun and the Japanese government have pointed out that if China tries to use that first article for its own benefit, it has legal legitimacy and is dangerous. 
The Japanese people have a good image of such a U.N., and as if to symbolize this, the U.N. University, the U.N.'s signature university, has been placed in Tokyo.
The U.N.'s decision to locate its flagship university in Tokyo was not a bullshit decision but rather a decision by the U.N. to use Japan as a base for its propaganda activities because the Japanese people believe in their government and officials. 
Why do Japanese people have a good image?
I think it is because Japanese people value the spirit of fair play, strict adherence to rules, and the existence of government officials. 
Of course, it is good to value fair play and strict adherence to rules.
But in many countries of the world, "officials," or people in the majority government, are primarily involved in corruption.
American officials in my home country have less government corruption like Japan at the local level, but the central government is corrupt to the core.
Whenever the central government decides to act, it is always for the personal gain of someone in the government. 
In other words, the enemy of the American public is not China or Russia, but Washington DC.
Those who trust the officials will be ridiculed.
However, the Japanese trusted the government so much that in 1948, people believed "government officials" and drank poison even when he suddenly told them to drink it when they walked into a bank.
Population Reduction Plan 
In response to China's takeover of the U.N., UNESCO is also bowing to Chinese pressure. 
The Chinese government, which uses the U.N. for propaganda, has registered materials related to the fictionalized history of the Nanjing Massacre as a Memory of the World Heritage Site.
China has even said that it wants to register the Mao Memorial Hall, where Mao's body is enshrined, as a World Cultural Heritage site. 
When UNESCO and the United Nations are becoming a part of the One Belt, One Road movement, we should not simply accept the Trojan horse of SDGs that the U.N. is trying to implement in Japan. 
The United Nations, under the ideology of "international peace," chants cleverly crafted slogans while controlling the world. 
Only when such an organization comes up with a slogan like SDGs should it be careful. 
It is highly contradictory to introduce the SDGs in Japan, desperately battling a declining birthrate.
The top priority of globalism is to reduce the earth's population drastically. 
In the "Kissinger Report," a white paper on the "population problem" prepared by the U.S. federal government in 1974, it is shocking that the number of "colored people" in the world should be reduced as much as possible because there are too many of them. 
The idea of Kidzinger, the king of globalism, represents the essence of the SDGs.
Unbeknownst to them, Japanese universities and the government are trying to cause a lot of suffering by advocating the SDGs, which explains why former NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana (a socialist) praises the SDGs as "the next great leap forward."
Clean up the SDGs! 
As "The New American" points out, when the U.N. announced the SDGs, it made a nice-sounding statement that "It will remove none of humanity," but in other words, "all of humanity must follow these instructions." 
The then U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, "We must change the world with this goal. Every organization, institution, etc., in the world must become worthy of this new and great goal," he said squarely.
When Agenda 21 was announced in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, then U.S. President George Bush urged his people, "The American people must swear an oath of fidelity to the sacred principles of Agenda 21.
The New World Order advocated by Bush is not a New Order for the American people, nor the Japanese people.
The SDGs are an attempt to socialize the entire world in the service of the global elite. 
We must not do as the anti-Japanese and anti-American organization called the U.N. tells us to do. 
The U.N. should be wiped out, and it should give the interests of the Japanese people top priority by restoring the full sovereignty of the Japanese nation. 
In short, we must thoroughly investigate who Jiro Yamaguchi is before we take the "prophylactic medicine" that it suddenly offered to us.






