文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

so you should turn off the TV and read the monthly magazine I mentioned.

2016年11月29日 16時59分10秒 | 日記

It was the prime minister that the majority of Japanese citizens had asked for immediate resignation at this time that decided a foolish policy equal to the hysteria of kindergarten children, such as immediate full stop of nuclear power plants.

Asahi Shimbun on the day As a big scoop article of the morning edition, a political contribution from foreigners (violating the Constitution) was reported, and it was finally decided that aftermath of the 2011 in the afternoon of the day when most of the people thought that he would resign as soon as he resigned Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami happened as described above.

To say that I want to cling to the prime minister's job, in other words, what the citizens of Japan casually memorized is that it was a lump of private self-interest.

The article of this time is also as described above.

To this Naoto Kan Prime Minister, Mr. Masayoshi Son, who was also trying to expand its business to areas other than telecommunications business, was also acquiring private interest, and just prior to acquiring a major renewable power generation company with a strict cancellation order. He seems to have whispered to Naoto Kan to spread solar panels in the disaster area.

Not only that, but at the time, it was only foolish to say, (That is, they grew up subscribing to the Asahi Shimbun and made that editorial their own brain, examination Honor students), it is a memorable fact that the heads of various places were hiding at the meeting presided over by Masayoshi Son.

Besides not only accepting defense of prostitutes but also advice to the hands and adding attorney who spreads extraordinary randomness to the world, it joined the two men with journalists' comfort women’s report of Asahi Shimbun’s comfort women and joined Fukushima Mizuho.

As already mentioned, the article that was proud that she was asked to Naoto Kan to stop the full stop of Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant was posted on Weekly Asahi or AERA.

Three such unbelievable people, policies related to the fundamentals of Japan's energy policy were decided.

As a result, because (it was a country that can take action only for kindergarten children and less), forced forces that are more lumps of self-interest than they, taken advantage of a large Japan Premium came over, at a price more than double the international price, we had to keep purchasing petroleum and natural gas.

As a result, Japan suffered a large loss exceeding 10 trillion yen in only a few years.

Elementary school students should know how much their evil was a terrible thing if they think that this amount can be used for food expenses and educational expenses of children who grow into poor households.

So-called cultural people have been saying that they can learn from Germany, as well as learn Switzerland, an eternal neutral state.

However, Switzerland is not a foolish citizen who makes the decision concerning the foundation of the state with three people like the one mentioned above.

Masayoshi Son continued to attack NTT as a monopoly company every time, and finally became a monopoly company itself at the end, he now does not even listen to the government's order easily.

It goes without saying that although the CM of SOFTBANK, which is the foundation, is not more than kindergarten children, it is adapted to the mental age of 12 years, but the Swiss citizens are not citizens who keep all such stations running such CM.

It is no doubt that those who are fighting against the prevailing nuclear technology to weaken the nuclear technology of Japan are under the crafting of anti-Japan propaganda countries.

However, those who were easily brainwashed by them, in particular, I would like to tell the Niigata prefecture as the same Northeast. I know that the winter is difficult. So I think that the time to watch television in a house with a family is overwhelmingly larger than those who live in big cities. But that is not enough. The monthly magazine I continue to mention has an average of 780 yen.

Regardless of where you live, it is no different to being a living person in the 21st century, so you should turn off the TV and read the monthly magazine I mentioned.

The following is from yesterday's Asahi Newspaper Evening Papers.

Emphasis in sentences other than heading is me.

Swiss nuclear disarmament "accelerate" rejection

Following the accident of the Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, on 27th in Switzerland, a public referendum was held asking whether or not to achieve "nuclear power plant failure in 2029", which was rejected by opposition.

The result of voting is 54 · 2%, against 45 · 8% favor.

Opposition accounted for 20 in 20 of the 26 provinces.

Switzerland showed the policy of departing nuclear power plant in the future after the accident in Fukushima, but clear timing is not fixed. On the other hand, "Swiss Greens" points out the dangers of old nuclear power plants.

In the referendum, it was questioned whether to plan to stop three nuclear power plants that will reach 45 years of operation before the next year among the five nuclear power plants, and to complete the final nuclear disarmament until 2029.

Meanwhile, the federal government and industry have opposed the "premature" due to the fact that the nuclear power plant has covered about 35% of the total electricity generation..

According to Rutan in the French-speaking world, in Switzerland since 1979, 16 referendums and referendums were conducted over nuclear power, but all proposals leading to abandonment of nuclear technology and closure of the nuclear power plant have been voted down.

(Bern: Matsuo Ichiro)
