文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Repost!Besides, they continued to stigmatize Japan and the people of Japan by giving false lies

2023年11月09日 11時48分18秒 | 全般

Besides, they continued to stigmatize Japan and the people of Japan by giving false lies
Last night, I woke up unexpectedly, forced me to get up and open my PC.
Suddenly, the number of PV began to rise like a dragon.
It quickly took the first place.
The exact appearance of this article was once again the same as the previous day.
Readers, please share this article with the world.
Just doing so changes the world.
It is because the world that has been violated by 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie' has changed.
Asahi Shimbun and NHK, which are masses of masochistic view of history and anti-Japanese thought, so-called cultural people who have synchronized with this, so-called civil society represented by IMDAR which controls the UN Human Rights Council, etc., such as Takagi and Kaito So-called human rights lawyers,
They helped the Korean Peninsula and China, the countries of 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie,' and have put Japan in the international community as a political prisoner 75 years after the war.
Besides, they continued to stigmatize Japan and the people of Japan by giving false lies.
The shortest and best way to fight it off is to spread my editorials in different languages to the readers around the world.
That alone will change the world.
The world where bad money drives out good money has turned into a world where good money drives out bad money.


2023/11/8 in Osaka

