文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Dark Side of Solar Power and Junichiro Koizumi

2021年08月11日 15時37分37秒 | 全般
The following is from yesterday's Sankei Shimbun.
I have mentioned many times that Sankei Shimbun is the most decent newspaper in the world today.
This article also proves that I was right.
I am sure that many Japanese people, including myself, did not understand what was going on when they heard on TV and the Internet that the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office had raided the offices of the Diet members of the New Komeito Party.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
The Dark Side of Solar Power and Junichiro Koizumi
Editorial Writer Masato Inui
The closing ceremony is over, and we are now "missing the Tokyo Olympics." 
It was the efficacy of the Olympics that for 17 days, I did not feel the urge to break the ban on declaring a state of emergency and go out for a drink.
Of course, the increase in the number of people infected with the new coronavirus, which was at a record high every day, was also very effective. 
Although it was not widely reported during the Olympics, there was a noteworthy event in Nagata-cho. 
The Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office raided the offices of the Diet members of the New Komeito Party.
Even though the Diet is in session, it is not uncommon for the offices of Diet members to be raided by the district prosecutor's office. 
The case was allegedly a violation of the Money Lending Business Act. A Komeito lawmaker's secretary was unregistered and mediated the loan of a government-affiliated financial institution in connection with a loan fraud case indicted by the presidents of the solar power-related company "Techno System."
However, it does not mean that the secretary did it without permission.
Unlike the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), the Komeito is tightly controlled within the party. It is unlikely that the secretary would have acted on his own without the approval of the Diet members. 
The District Public Prosecutor's Office seems to have its sights set elsewhere. The suspect, Naoyuki Ikuta, president of Techno Systems, boasted of his association with politicians and used them for business. 
The former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi was used as the most prominent billboard. 
The Nihon Keizai Shimbun published two advertisements last year featuring a conversation between Ikuta and former Prime Minister Koizumi.
In the article, former Prime Minister Koizumi, and anti-nuclear advocate, said, "Amazing, Ikuta's work has a dream. (Omitted) Please do your best from now on." 
Mr. Kotaro, the eldest son of former Prime Minister Koizumi, was also appointed as a commercial for Techno Systems and rolled solar money into the Koizumi family.
I wonder if the environment minister, Shinjiro, an enemy of nuclear power plants, will be able to keep his feet on the ground when he recommends solar power generation. 
Is it okay for Environment Minister Shinjiro, who sees the nuclear power plant as an enemy and recommends all to everything solar power generation?
The advertising effect of using the Koizumi clan was so significant that many financial institutions, including local banks, lent large sums of money to projects that had no real substance, easily falling for the "solar power scam."
As a result, the Koizumi family can't be forgiven for their part in the scam. 
Everyone is clamoring for SDGs and solar energy as a clean energy source, but I urge you, readers, to beware and be wary of these tasty tales.


