文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

When did Japan go to war with Switzerland and Greece?

2023年11月23日 06時32分52秒 | 全般

I published The following chapter on 2018/7/25 entitled 'Japan who has paid compensation up to Italy and Switzerland.'
Today (7/25), it is an exertion found on the net.
I admire this person from the bottom of my heart and admire the work.
2013-06-01 09:32:49 | Material
From the blog "Country lost the war."
Japan paid compensation to Italy and Switzerland.
There are other things that textbooks and media must convey, as well as huge taxes and incentives for Okinawa.
It is a thing how Japan made sacrifices for and did processing after the war.
We should teach these facts in the textbook, and the media should communicate at every opportunity.
[Japan implemented the post-war process in good faith]
Of course, in China and the Korean peninsula, there are still people who are responsible for the war in Japan, the United States, and Europe.
And many Japanese people feel guilty, probably because the post-war process for foreign countries was insufficient.
But was Japan's post-war process really inadequate?
In fact, Japan carries out postwar processing at the best possible cost.
That is not the content that Japan considered, but it has accepted and executed even the unreasonable one decided by the partner country.
First, I want to confirm that in any war, there is no way to reimburse forever.
At least in the case of a country-to-country relationship, having a treaty resolves it and continues to a diplomatic conclusion. (Especially unless the agreement is clearly stated as unresolved by the agreement)
Japan has done it faithfully.
We have decided on the compensation content in the treaty with each country and paid it.
It was after the defeat that Japan had no power, so there were many at their request.
To put it worse, they thought they could now take whatever money they wanted from Japan, which had lost its ability to fight.
The list of the reparations is ※ Remarks 1.
Please take a look.
There should be many surprised people.
Switzerland, which was supposed to be a permanently neutral country, and Italy, which was supposed to be an ally, required compensation from Japan, and they received it.
There are other countries, such as Greece and Argentina, which we want to look into.
When did Japan go to war with Switzerland and Greece?
Besides this, a total of 379,499,000,000 yen (amount of money in 1945)
The Japanese government's and private-sector's foreign assets have been confiscated.
In particular, the assets of the Korean peninsula and Manchuria are massive amounts.
By the way, the elementary school teacher's starting salary in 1952 was 5,850 yen.
If you guess from that, is it about 25 to 30 times the current value?
The property, ten and several trillion yen, are forfeited.
The Forfeiture of these foreign assets is at least a violation of international law about private assets.
・ Forfeiture of personal property strictly prohibited by international law (Land War Article 46)
・ All public and individual assets in neutral countries are not forfeited
From Japan, whose power to resist is a result of the loss, it only seems that they rob without restriction.
After that, during the occupation period, we were forced to bear the expenses of the occupation force.
It included one-third of Japan's national budget, including the cost of golf courses, mansions, and luxury goods.
Also, support such as food aid, considered good intentions of the United States, is required to return with interest and is the highest postwar processing expenditure.
* Also, in the form of ODA to China, by the end of fiscal 2003, Japan had provided approximately ¥3.47 trillion in ODA loans, about ¥ 141.6 billion in grant aid, and about ¥ 144.6 billion in technical cooperation.
This manuscript continues.

2023/11/22 in Kyoto


