文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Tensei Jingo is convinced not by the madness of communism but by the superimposition of the old

2024年06月22日 22時27分15秒 | 全般

Tensei Jingo is convinced not by the madness of communism but by the superimposition of the old Japanese military...
The inexperienced can kill, but columns are hard to come by.
March 03, 2022
The following is from Masayuki Takayama's column in the latter part of today's issue of Shukan Shincho.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
The brilliance of his last sentence must have impressed all those with keen eyes.

The Immature.
My first step as a newspaper reporter was at the Mito bureau.
The first thing I was taught there was to "fertilize the greens.
Rape leaves do not need night soil, extra fertilizer, or manure, only fertilization.
It is a word to satirize the word "at least outside the prefecture" or "just a call-out," which is a brave thing to do.
I thought it was a good expression, and when I went up to the Tokyo head office, no one used it that way.
It could be a phrase only used in agricultural prefectures.
Even so, many of the radicals' claims at the time were of the "rape seed fertilizer" variety.
For example, the Keihin Security Co-operative was launched because it could not tolerate Kenji Miyamoto's "play the hypocrite" style.
Following the "revolution starts at the muzzle," they first raided a gun store in Mooka and acquired 11 shotguns and air rifles.
The Red Army faction was more ambitious and started by setting up military training bases overseas.
To raise funds for this, they robbed a post office in Funabashi and got 15,000 yen, and next, they did a snatch theft in Setagaya and got 38,000 yen.
It may look like fertilizing the greens, but their spirits were sky-high.
The two factions gathered at a hideout on Mt. Haruna with some money and a few guns to form the United Red Army.
It was precisely 50 years ago. 
The head of the Red Army faction was Tsuneo Mori.
He was very timid, and when he and Toshio Fujimoto, the husband of Tokiko Kato, were captured by another sect, he cried out, "Don't hit me. I'll do anything," he cried down.
He is easily agitated, even though he got away with internal strife. 
He looked like Naoto Kan, and Takamaro Tamiya told him, "He's no good."
The Keihin Security Coalition was headed by Yoko Nagata, who was not very good-looking. 
That inferiority complex was matched with Mori.
The Tenseijingo wrote about that faction, "They were lynched for wearing makeup and for other trivial things as if they were not awakening to communism."
That is not true. 
In both groups, women were treated as associate members to provide a sexual outlet for men. 
That is why many of them were beautiful.
Except for Yoko Nagata, they all wore makeup, kissed, and had sex with men.
The Tenseijingo goes on to say that the women and men were flirting with warriors, "The executives assaulted members whom they deemed insufficient (for communization)," but that is not true either.
Hiroshi Sakaguchi, who is on death row, details in "Asama Sanso 1972" that Nagata envied and named a particular woman, and Mori sympathized and made her and the other man lynching targets.
Mori and Nagata decided on their first lynching target on December 27, 1971.
It was only the first week after they entered the Mt. Haruna hideout.
According to Sakaguchi, on that day, Mori said he would "beat and lynch" Yoshitaka Kato, who had kissed Kazuko Kojima.
"It would hit him and knock him out. When he wakes up from his stupor, he will be reborn as a different person and accept true communism."
Neither Lenin nor Miyamoto Kenji ever said such a thing.
In fact, when Mori was a student at Kitano High School, he once fainted in a kendo match.
When he woke up from the faint, everything was so refreshing," he said, using it as a justification for beating him in the name of communism.
Nagata asks Mori, "How hard do you hit your opponent to make him pass out?"
Mori replies, "If you hit him until his face swells to twice its size, he will pass out."
Nagata asks Mori again, "Would he really pass out?"
Mori nodded, and the lynching of Yoshitaka Kato began.
Both Kazuko Kojima and Mitsuo Ozaki were beaten.
But no matter how much it beats them, people do not faint.
Kunio Bando told them to hit the solar plexus.
It is Atemi of Jidaigeki. 
In movies, people faint immediately. 
Ozaki was punched repeatedly in the stomach and died at dawn.
Sakaguchi was astonished: "He didn't just pass out when I hit him; he died."
But Mori and Nagata's bluffing did not stop. 
The organization collapsed after killing 12 people in two months, including Michiyo Kaneko, who was eight months pregnant.
Immature men, including Kenji Miyamoto, had killed people with impunity when they talked about communism.
That should be the case's lesson, but Tensei Jingo is convinced not by the madness of communism but by the superimposition of the old Japanese military.
Toynbee credits the Japanese army with "a historic achievement in shattering white colonial imperialism."
The inexperienced can kill, but the column is complex.


6/10/2023 in Osaka


