文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Asahi Shimbun, which incited in print during the cervical cancer vaccine scandal,

2021年06月12日 06時43分21秒 | 全般

The Asahi Shimbun, which incited in print during the cervical cancer vaccine scandal, and the News Station, which incited visually.
The following is from the serial column of Masayuki Takayama, who brings the weekly Shincho released on June 10 to a successful conclusion.
The moment I read this article, I was convinced that Masayuki Takayama and I were in correspondence.
The search sabotage from the criminals in question was so severe that I had lost interest in writing about it.
My priority was crowdfunding, which I would start soon.
I knew I had to write about the same thing as Masayuki Takayama.
Those of you who watched "News Station" when it was hosted by Ichiro Furutachi, as I did, will remember this.
The Asahi Shimbun instigated the cervical cancer vaccine scandal in print, and TV Asahi, which prompted it visually with frequent appearances of the girl in question.
Most of the mass media, including NHK, followed suit.
The mass media attacked the government, saying that it was lagging in the development of vaccines and that vaccination was below that of developing countries.
I was not only furious with them but also despised them.
The people who make their living from the mass media are the most vicious and dishonest in the world.
They are not the true elite of Japan, which proves that I hit the nail on the head when I first mentioned them.
I will discuss it later, but I would like to introduce to Japan and the world a paper by Masayuki Takayama.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
Testicles of Asahi
Kumiko Takeuchi, an animal behaviorist, says that liberals have small testicles and are not popular. 
Because they are unpopular, they beg for a woman for themselves and call for an equal society.
The Democratic Youth League and the Japan Revolutionary Communist League exploit this point by inviting people to join them, saying, "We are free sex. 
The Asahi Shimbun gives the impression that they, too, are unattractive and have a small penis. 
The company-wide campaign against the cervical cancer vaccine can also be viewed as a backlash against their lack of popularity. 
Cervical cancer is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), and 10,000 people lose their wombs, and 3,000 die every year in Japan. 
Not only women but also men are infected by the virus, and many die of throat cancer.
To the backward Asahi Shimbun, this appears to be a natural punishment for men and women who are too popular and have too much fun. 
Yet, the WHO has called for HPV vaccination, and Japan recommended vaccination for junior high and high school girls eight years ago. 
The vaccine is an intramuscular injection, the same as the corona vaccine.
In addition, the vaccine is administered three times in a row with the same thick needle used in Europe and the United States. 
Even the corona vaccine is painful and tiring after the injection. 
Asahi took advantage of this.
A junior high school girl in Suginami was unable to walk and suffered brain damage due to a strange injection," wrote Tomoko Saito.
"There were 956 cases of adverse reactions nationwide, most of them fainting. The rest are in serious condition," it continued. 
She encouraged the mood that "a child who doesn't go crazy is neither slim nor sensitive" and finally made the fuss bigger until "132 people filed lawsuits because they couldn't walk or something.  
The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) did not want any trouble.  
It discontinued the vaccination program after only one year.
It was a one-sided victory for Asahi.  
The world was surprised, even though HPV is an enemy of humanity.
The WHO reiterated its recommendation to Japan, and the British scientific journal Nature commended Riko Muranaka, a doctor who single-handedly resisted Asahi's lies.  
But the small testicles of Asahi have no remorse. They have won the battle against the HPV vaccine. Now let's kill the next one.  
At the time, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) was rampant in South Korea.
In preparation for this, the Japanese were developing a messenger-type vaccine.  
Unlike conventional weakened vaccines, this is a genetically engineered vaccine that uses ribonucleic acid to create immunity.
The corona vaccine manufactured by Pfizer is of this type. 
The laboratory at the University of Tokyo had achieved results in animal experiments, but they could not conduct clinical trials on humans.
It is because they knew they would be accused of human experimentation. 
The Wuhan coronary disease and the 100 million vaccination fiasco began just as Asahi enjoyed a comfortable uncontested victory. 
Asahi was aiming for a third consecutive victory. 
First of all, Motoharu Okada, in the "Ronza" magazine, scares people by saying, "The new vaccine has not been fully tested" and "There are side effects that have never been experienced by humankind. 
Then he urges people to refuse the vaccination, saying, "Decide for yourself.
Incidentally, Okada, who wrote the article, has been working for "Shukan Friday" since leaving the Asahi Shimbun. 
The paper also had Makoto Oshima, a professor emeritus at the University of Tokushima, say that inoculations that skip clinical trials are human experiments and warned that it should not inoculate children and pregnant women. 
The paper also mobilized people who have made a name for themselves in the AIDS drug epidemic to explain that the human body is being turned into a gene manufacturing machine by inserting genetic fragments into ribonucleic acid and other substances.
They predicted the onset of "terrible autoimmune diseases. 
It is all very plausible. The response was so strong that the University of Tokushima was inundated with inquiries.
And now the University of Tokushima has a sign saying, "The University has nothing to do with Professor Oshima, who has left." 
The other day, when I had an acrylic plate meeting with some sensible acquaintances in their seventies, I was surprised to hear them all say that they would not be vaccinated, citing any of the above reasons.
Those who laugh at Asahi's argument are all falling into the trap set by Asahi. 
If you get the disease, the first thing you will do is cause trouble for those around you.
Even if they are cured, 90% of them lose their sense of taste and say that their food tastes terrible. 
Are they going to continue eating bad food for the rest of their lives? 
In the UK, Queen Elizabeth and her family took the initiative to get vaccinated.
Biden also got vaccinated.
It's like noblesse obliges, and those who are in the top position are showing the way they should be. 
Will the Japanese let the little Asahi win three times in a row?



