
2016-07-18 11:11:08 | シャル君
暑いので放牧は短めの30分くらいで切り上げました。その後スポーツドリンクを一リットル飲ませ、それから馬装してパパとレッスンでした。レッスンが終わって再びスポーツドリンクを飲ませ、シャンプーをつけて洗ったら、足元を流れるアワアワにおっかなビックリ、あわてて箒で泡をはいて流しました(いつもは水だけで洗っていましたから)怖いものが多すぎです。煙 桜の花びら あしもとの泡、みな危害を加えないものばかりなのに。
We have a muggy summer season now in Japan. I don’t know why but I am doing quite alright unlike last summer. Usually I dislike this season, but my health condition and Charle’s are good this year.
On a hot day it’s comfortable to stay in an air conditioned room. But I have to go out to my horse to ride and to take care of him. But I don’t mind it at all. I feel rather happy with him.
The club where my horse stays is surrounded with lots of green fields and trees. There are shades you can rest. And how beautiful that you can see way far beyond the distant fields. I like the time I spend with my horse. This makes me perky and healthy.
Around noon, the riding area changes into desert in summer time. During noon time from 11:00-2:00 the temperature becomes the hottest and no one rides during that time.
In summer, the field produces watermelon, corn and green soy bean ( these are my favorites) and other kinds of vegetables. Sometimes on the way home we buy fresh veges. There is a shop run by farmers union along the way.

On July 14, a mascot cat of our club was found dead in the parking area. His name is Tora (tiger in English) a 15year-old male cat. He was loved by many members.
I just can’t tell how sorry I am. Everybody in this club has the same feeling for that cat.

I hope he is now in heaven.


2 コメント

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Unknown (alohaream)
2016-07-28 22:17:15
Unknown ()
2016-07-30 13:13:06
