
2016-08-15 07:51:53 | シャル君
ミンミン ジージーとかん高くないて昼間の暑さを告げています。
For two to three days the temperature has remained below 30 degrees Celsius so my horse and I have been very happy. Both of us are in good health this summer unlike the last one. I am enjoying eating watermelons and corns from the field along my way to my horse.
Summer in Japan is difficult to spend comfortably. Horses find it difficult to overcome hot weather, thus summer is not so much fun for them. Two horses died at my club in this August. We grieved for the death of those horses. Tora died by an accident. Lots of flowers were offered for them.
In the riding ground we can hear cicadas chirping. The singing cicadas is telling us that summer will be over soon. All of us can feel the gentle breeze in the early mornings and it gives us a wonderful reminder that the season is changing for a cooler one. I am looking forward to a cooler and colorful autumn. I can’t wait for the changing colors of the leaves around me.
This summer, a friend of mine lent me a lot of books. She is not only a horse lover but also a book lover. She collects a lot of books. Because of this reading has become my new past time now. I usually get up by 4:30 in the morning and because of this an afternoon nap is necessary. Sometimes I wonder which is more important for me, reading books or taking a nap.
I choose taking a nap. Enough sleep keeps me in good health which in turn enables me to spend wonderful, precious time with my horse Charle. We both are longing for the cool autumn wind.


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Unknown (alohadream)
2016-08-24 12:15:09
Unknown ()
2016-08-24 17:10:53
