Enchanted Serendipity

Love generously, praise loudly, live fully.


2010-09-05 | tweet
00:08 from Twitter for iPhone
Had a creative night.
Was good.
Creativity energize me a A LOT.
06:36 from Twitter for iPhone
My body soars... what did I do?
10:27 from Twitter for iPhone
People start to get old bcuz they stop using their imaginations. Once U stop using them, there is no room for growth.
12:45 from Twitter for iPhone
@shibapa 柴Pさん!
12:57 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @magnolianyc
@magnolianyc 超ウケる!落ち着くことは一生ないんじゃないかい?
私は広島から帰ってきたらかわいい弟(妹?)のポールちゃんとhang outする予定♪
13:59 from Twitter for iPhone

14:35 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @magnolianyc
@magnolianyc 9だったと思うな。けいこママのお家にstayだって。YAって東京でぜったい宿代かからないからいいよね。
14:36 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @UT_mari
@UT_mari まゆが損保ジャパンだよ。
15:28 from Twitter for iPhone
Like interpreting and I'm sure I'm good at it.
Dislike translating and I'm not sure I'm good at it or not.
17:38 from Twitter for iPhone
Still HOT but the sound of cicadas tells us it is no longer summer. The season is changing.
by Kana_Jane on Twitter
