

私も同意見です。って言うか十分可能!そして機雷戦術「72時間で中国海軍を全滅させる(エリザベス・フロノイ)」【DHC】2020/11/18(水) 上念司×大高未貴×居島一平【虎ノ門ニュース】

2020年11月24日 15時09分19秒 | 技術超越国家日本の眩しい未来それは現実だ!















Wuhan Hongxin Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Requisited by local govement.

2020年11月23日 16時36分17秒 | 権力に執着する完全な無能で魅力の無い馬鹿の無様過ぎる末路

For the time being, bad chip i.e. Demon’sCratic Party’s minion struggle Presidency Election vote fraud diligently in not fitted their evil fashon. Such a fascinated fucking China but is almost on the verge of bankruptcy in the center of termoil. Why they who think themselves as clever , do their best to save sinking bad smell big ship. And for it, they totally get eager to seize Presidency desparately without honest  belief and reliance of almost all american at all.

This is a rare cheap commedy of vote theaf by hams notorious for bad face and acting.

Its something like that foreshadowing of the story is already exposed already, but stupid hams who don’t know whole audience have known foreshadowing of the story perform according to the script. The inside of their dirty hand is clearly exposed, but perform is going on as if audience should not know foreshadowing of the story.

Now coming back to a real world story of undergoing, why are stupids eager to seize presidency ? That is for Profit! Making money by passing bribe from China, But China practically have already become bankrupt with unperformed debt possibly. If they seized presidency in extream cunning way, what they would do for ?

Most of american presidency watcher have already known the evil minion named Biden have concealed every wrongdoing they made. And now they undergoing a series of wrongdoing continurously. What wrongdoing? take bribe from Fucking china and told china an intelligence agent who infiltrated china to exterminate them forever. And have sexual intercose with teen aged niece. 

But on a series of Bide Gate, who is worst? That is Hillary Clinton the Boss of Obama and Leader Evil for all. There are not objecthion! It never appear in front, but commit everything behind. Barac Obama never protest IT.

That Obama fraud all people of U.S.A. of bin laden assasination plan which accompllished fake assasination and bury in red sea but infact No assasination and laden take over Usama-familiy in Saudi arabia. I never accuse this plan but The a mass of Eavle did worst thing. In order to hide the real of fake plan! They killed almost 50 navy seals gathered in that plan secretly.

These activity all that so! Why did female devil kill special soldier on its side! I can not imagine that evil’s way of thinking. I am a Man! Not devil! honest human being different from Demon’sCratic Party!

So, only one thing they must do is hide hide hide secret a hundred of misery ruthless murder and sacrifice, which helped anyone or admired by anyone, only hide and run away in whole life.

Only One Trick can hide their worstdoing!

Dictaion i.e. Communism.

So Joe Biden Will be first dictator of america namely Uncle Joe = same nick-name of  Starin.

I will kill them difinittely! I will kill them All! none of them never be able to survive!


2020年11月22日 16時32分59秒 | 権力に執着する完全な無能で魅力の無い馬鹿の無様過ぎる末路






Demon’sCraticParty make its misery rogue side desparate appearance repairing.

2020年11月21日 15時00分29秒 | 権力に執着する完全な無能で魅力の無い馬鹿の無様過ぎる末路

Mr.Trump’s Attorneys almost resign because all of them are threatened of their wife or child by Demon’s CraticParty’s Devil.

This is True!

But Now is good time to participate in Demon’sCraticParty! Because you can make love with LadyGAGA! She is extremely loving to sex with many men and women. Diffinitly this is a great power of entanglement.

If possible you can have abnormal sex with Obama’s daughter and Hanter Biden’s niece with drug. If possible you can have abnormal sex with Joe Biden’s Wife! This should be a rare experience.

Which side do you choose? I never condemn you. But this is the The final battle of the apocalypse. God side is Mr.President Trump, Evil Demon’s side is Demon’sCraticParty’s worst Queen Hillary Clintn, Existing worst minded devil.

But Some profecy tells one advice “God dispatched Angel Grandmaster Michael for exterminating these satans to U.S.A. 

Evil Existance Demon’sCraticParty! You are freely dead in spark of God's lightning strike!

You Devil’s group abandon faith for the God.

And Tell You. You are already dead! Within a few day You The Evil will blow into pieces “BoW”.