

Our New Family

2008年02月20日 | わんこの日常
We've had a puppy since the 9th of January. He is now three months old, and so naughty!
When I first met him, he was in a show case in a pet shop. At that moment,it was like falling in love with him because he was so handsom!
And I also felt he has a very sweet nature. I was really convined that we would become good partners for each other. Of course we have wanted a puppy for a long time and we were looking for a good boy, but we hadn't met one until then.

I asked the pet shop assistant how much he was. I was very surprised by the answer!
I thought that we couldn't afford to pay so much, so unfortunately I gave up on having him this time.
At home that night I told my husband the story. He said that maybe we wouldn't have another chance to meet such a good boy and what's more he might have been bought by somebody else already.
After hearing this I rushed into the shop the next day. I bought hime home and from that time he has became a member of our family!

This picture was taken on the first day after bringing him home:

Since that day he has lived with us, and he has grown so quickly. Now his weight is over 10kg from 3.5kg on the first day.

He has shown us such a sweeeeet nature that it's like healing. He's been with us for only one month but he's definitely one of our family now.

His name is 'Raimu' らいむ(来夢), the meaning is 'Dreams Come True'.

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