Masaca's Blog 2


Science News | April 2, 2008

2008-04-02 19:58:00 | Science News
  • The Scientist : Blogs : The perils of DNA import/export
     # 生体の移動なら制限すべきだけど、DNAまで制限されると困るな

  • 深刻化する「越境大気汚染」、東シナ海上空で7年ぶり観測 : 科学 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
     # 日本では汚染しない努力をしてきたけど、これからは如何に除染するかに努力を払うべきかも…

  • 特殊な抗体の再現に滋賀県大グループ成功 血栓症治療に期待 - MSN産経ニュース
  • A novel antiplatelet antibody therapy that induces cAMP-dependent endocytosis of the GPVI/Fc receptor γ-chain complex.
    Hiroshi Takayama, Yoshitaka Hosaka, Kazuyuki Nakayama, Kamon Shirakawa, Katsuki Naitoh, Tomokazu Matsusue, Mikihiko Shinozaki, Motoyasu Honda, Yukiko Yatagai, Tetsushi Kawahara, Jiro Hirose, Tooru Yokoyama, Michiru Kurihara, Shoji Furusako.
    J. Clin. Invest., New Online | doi:10.1172/JCI32513
    Platelet adhesion to vascular subendothelium, mediated in part by interactions between collagen and glycoprotein VI (GPVI) complexed with Fc receptor γ-chain, is crucial for thrombus formation. Antiplatelet therapy benefits patients with various thrombotic and ischemic diseases, but the safety and efficacy of existing treatments are limited. Recent data suggest GPVI as a promising target for a novel antiplatelet therapy, for example, GPVI-specific Abs that deplete GPVI from the surface of platelets. Here, we characterized GPVI-specific auto-Abs (YA-Abs) from the first reported patient with ongoing platelet GPVI deficiency caused by the YA-Abs. To obtain experimentally useful human GPVI–specific mAbs with characteristics similar to YA-Abs, we generated human GPVI–specific mouse mAbs and selected 2 representative mAbs, mF1201 and mF1232, whose binding to GPVI was inhibited by YA-Abs. In vitro, mF1201, but not mF1232, induced human platelet activation and GPVI shedding, and mF1232 inhibited collagen-induced human platelet aggregation. Administration of mF1201 and mF1232 to monkeys caused GPVI immunodepletion with and without both significant thrombocytopenia and GPVI shedding, respectively. When a human/mouse chimeric form of mF1232 (cF1232) was labeled with a fluorescent endocytosis probe and administered to monkeys, fluorescence increased in circulating platelets and surface GPVI was lost. Loss of platelet surface GPVI mediated by cF1232 was successfully reproduced in vitro in the presence of a cAMP-elevating agent. Thus, we have characterized cAMP-dependent endocytosis of GPVI mediated by a human GPVI–specific mAb as what we believe to be a novel antiplatelet therapy.
     # doi未登録な様なので、アクセスはこちらへどうぞ
     # おぉ!これをうちの父のワルファリンの代わりに使えば内出血とか減らせるかも…

  • 「カプセル内視鏡」 小腸の検査・治療で飛躍的な成果上げる (1/2ページ) - MSN産経ニュース
  • Given Imaging 医療関係者専門サイト ギブン・イメージング株式会社
     # そうか、これなら内視鏡で苦しむだけじゃなくて今まで届かなかったところも観察できるってメリットがあるのか

  • 【それってホント? 健康情報】人間のこと? 動物のこと? - MSN産経ニュース
     # このブログが、ニュースの根拠となる情報の発信源になれば幸いです

  • バイオ燃料、米トウモロコシの収穫急減見通しで議論再燃へ | ワールド | Reuters
     # だから言ってるじゃん!早く食糧原料からのエタノール生産とその利用を制限すべきだって

  • ペア・フィギュアスケーターの実物人体標本が登場!? 「人体の世界」LA展覧会 国際ニュース : AFPBB News
     # あいかわらず凄いな…
     # それにしても、やっぱり人気あるんだな

  • 米大陸最古の金細工、4000年前の首飾りをペルーの遺跡で発見  国際ニュース : AFPBB News
  • Four-thousand-year-old gold artifacts from the Lake Titicaca basin, southern Peru.
    Mark Aldenderfer, Nathan M. Craig, Robert J. Speakman, Rachel Popelka-Filcoff.
    PNAS 105, 5002-5005 (2008) | doi:10.1073/pnas.0710937105
    Artifacts of cold-hammered native gold have been discovered in a secure and undisturbed Terminal Archaic burial context at Jiskairumoko, a multicomponent Late Archaic–Early Formative period site in the southwestern Lake Titicaca basin, Peru. The burial dates to 3776 to 3690 carbon-14 years before the present (2155 to 1936 calendar years B.C.), making this the earliest worked gold recovered to date not only from the Andes, but from the Americas as well. This discovery lends support to the hypothesis that the earliest metalworking in the Andes was experimentation with native gold. The presence of gold in a society of low-level food producers undergoing social and economic transformations coincident with the onset of sedentary life is an indicator of possible early social inequality and aggrandizing behavior and further shows that hereditary elites and a societal capacity to create significant agricultural surpluses are not requisite for the emergence of metalworking traditions.
     # 4,000年前に既に金細工があったってことは、金の精錬とかも出来ていたんだなぁ…

  • NASA、新型宇宙人員移送カプセル「オリオン」イメージ図を発表 国際ニュース : AFPBB News
     # デザインがApollo計画の頃に戻ってしまったように感じるのは気のせいですか?

  • ナイジェリアの森林は12年後に全消滅、専門家が警告 国際ニュース : AFPBB News
  • Nigeria: The Desert is Fast Encroaching But Why? (Page 1 of 1)
     # たった12年で自然資源を食いつぶしてしまうのか…

  • 高校生が眠いのはホルモンと環境が原因?豪研究報告 国際ニュース : AFPBB News
  • Media Releases | News | Late to bed, late to rise - findings suggest teenagers prefer to function as night owls
  • Holiday and school-term sleep patterns of Australian adolescents.
    Suzanne Warner, Greg Murraya, Denny Meyer.
    Journal of Adolescence, Article in Press | doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2007.10.005
    The holiday and school-term sleep patterns of 310 Australian senior school students were surveyed in a longitudinal study, along with self-reported sleep quality, mood, daytime functioning, grades and circadian preference. Evidence was found that with the impact of school schedule, students accrued a significant sleep debt, obtaining insufficient sleep for their needs and reporting lowered mood and daytime functioning. Support was found for the hypothesis that trait circadian preference mediates mood, daytime functioning and academic grades through its effect on sleep variables at school time. It was concluded that while the imposition of school schedule negatively impacted on mood and daytime functioning for the sample as a whole, evening-oriented adolescents were the most vulnerable to poorer outcomes. These students obtained poorer quality and less sleep than morning-oriented students. Sleep factors impacted negatively on evening-oriented students’ mood and ability to function at school during the day, which in turn predicted poorer academic achievement.
     # あの頃、朝、起きれなかったのは別に怠け者だったからじゃなかったのね

  • 体の線が透けて見えるボディースキャナー、豪空港で試験運用 国際ニュース : AFPBB News
     # ミリ波で中身をスキャン…「顔は認識できないし、体の一部にはぼかしが入る」…ぼ、ぼかし?どうやって?

  • 有機化学美術館・分館:フラーレンの生合成経路解明 - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
     # 一つくらいネタもないとね…

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