Masaca's Blog 2


Science News | November 1, 2007

2007-11-01 20:44:03 | Science News
  • The Scientist : Sensing through non-sensory cells
  • The origin of spontaneous activity in the developing auditory system.
    Nicolas X. Tritsch, Eunyoung Yi, Jonathan E. Gale, Elisabeth Glowatzki, Dwight E. Bergles.
    Nature 450, 50-55 (2007) | doi:10.1038/nature06233
    Spontaneous activity in the developing auditory system is required for neuronal survival as well as the refinement and maintenance of tonotopic maps in the brain. However, the mechanisms responsible for initiating auditory nerve firing in the absence of sound have not been determined. Here we show that supporting cells in the developing rat cochlea spontaneously release ATP, which causes nearby inner hair cells to depolarize and release glutamate, triggering discrete bursts of action potentials in primary auditory neurons. This endogenous, ATP-mediated signalling synchronizes the output of neighbouring inner hair cells, which may help refine tonotopic maps in the brain. Spontaneous ATP-dependent signalling rapidly subsides after the onset of hearing, thereby preventing this experience-independent activity from interfering with accurate encoding of sound. These data indicate that supporting cells in the organ of Corti initiate electrical activity in auditory nerves before hearing, pointing to an essential role for peripheral, non-sensory cells in the development of central auditory pathways.
     # 聴覚神経系統発生における本物の音刺激に代わるシグナル伝達が行われていることを示しています

  • タミフル、脳に侵入…厚労省見解覆す?動物実験結果 : 科学 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
     # 活性体ではなくタミフルの方が脳関門を通りやすいのか

  • 中国初の探査衛星、月に向けて周回軌道離脱 : 科学 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
     # 中国も無事に月に到達出来ますでしょうか?

  • ISS:太陽電池パネル修理で宇宙飛行士が船外活動へ - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)
     # 頑張って復旧してくれぃ

  • 手話を理解するチンパンジー死ぬ - MSN産経ニュース
     # 死んじゃったそうです

  • 肉食恐竜の歯化石を発見、和歌山の湯浅層 - MSN産経ニュース
     # 和歌山でも恐竜化石…

  • WIRED VISION / シリコンウェハ上で細胞による文字を作成――「光ピンセット」の新たな可能性
  • Active particle control through silicon using conventional optical trapping techniques.
    David C. Appleyard, Matthew J. Lang.
    Lab Chip | DOI: 10.1039/b711507e
    Functional integration of optical trapping techniques with silicon surfaces and environments can be realized with minimal modification of conventional optical trapping instruments offering a method to manipulate, track and position cells or non-biological particles over silicon substrates. This technique supports control and measurement advances including the optical control of silicon-based microfluidic devices and precision single molecule measurement of biological interactions at the semiconductor interface. Using a trapping laser in the near infra-red and a reflective imaging arrangement enables object control and measurement capabilities comparable to trapping through a classical glass substrate. The transmission efficiency of the silicon substrate affords the only reduction in trap stiffness. We implement conventional trap calibration, positioning, and object tracking over silicon surfaces. We demonstrate control of multiple objects including cells and complex non-spherical objects on silicon wafers and fabricated surfaces.
     # ほほぉ!こりゃ、IBMの原子配置電顕写真並みに衝撃的だな

  • 帝王切開で母親のリスクは2倍、逆子の死亡率は大幅低下 国際ニュース : AFPBB News
  • Maternal and neonatal individual risks and benefits associated with caesarean delivery: multicentre prospective study.
    José Villar, Guillermo Carroli, Nelly Zavaleta, Allan Donner, Daniel Wojdyla, Anibal Faundes, Alejandro Velazco, Vicente Bataglia, Ana Langer, Alberto Narváez, Eliette Valladares, Archana Shah, Liana Campodónico, Mariana Romero, Sofia Reynoso, Karla Simônia de Pádua, Daniel Giordano, Marius Kublickas, Arnaldo Acosta.
    BMJ | doi:10.1136/bmj.39363.706956.55
     # 必要のない帝王切開というのは危険を伴うということを理解しておくべきですね

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