Masaca's Blog 2



2007-10-04 19:41:24 | Weblog

14:00からのYKでの用事に合わせて12:00頃に会社を出まして、順調に一般道を抜けて最寄りの首都高速ICまであとカーブを抜けるだけ…というところで白バイにやられました。見事に三列目の学童用シートの背もたれの死角に二台の白バイに入り込まれました。どうも、信号が青になって抜け出したのをつけられたようです。学生時代にはじめて白バイに捕まったときとほぼ同じシチュエーション…。とにかく後悔だらけです。一応、24 km/hオーバーで15,000円の違反金です




Security Update for QuickTime 7.2 (Windows)

2007-10-04 08:50:37 | Apple
Security Update for QuickTime 7.2 (Windows)が出ているようです。以下、Apple Product Securityからのメールをそのまま引用。

APPLE-SA-2007-10-03 Security Update for QuickTime 7.2

Security Update for QuickTime 7.2 is now available and addresses the following issue:

CVE-ID: CVE-2007-4673
Available for: QuickTime 7.2 on Windows Vista, XP SP2
Impact: Viewing maliciously crafted QTL content may lead to arbitrary code execution
Description: A command injection issue exists in QuickTime's handling of URLs in the qtnext field in files with QTL content. By enticing a user to open a specially crafted file, an attacker may cause an application to be launched with controlled command line arguments, which may lead to arbitrary code execution. This update addresses the issue through improved handling of URLs. This issue does not affect Mac OS X systems.

Security Update for QuickTime 7.2 may be obtained from the
Software Update application, or from the Apple Downloads site:

The download file is named: "SecUpdQuickTime720.msi"
Its SHA-1 digest is: b264cbbb8e65f6e011a4161eb2d32e856b569cd7

If Apple Software Update is not already running, you can open it from the Start menu under "All Programs". By default it is installed at C:Program FilesApple Software UpdateSoftwareUpdate.exe

To verify that your version of QuickTime has been updated:

For Windows XP:
  • In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:ProgramFilesQuickTimeQTSystemQuickTime.qts
  • Right click on QuickTime.qts, select Properties, then click the Versions tab.

If the QuickTime version is or later, then the security update has been applied.

For Windows Vista:
  • In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:ProgramFilesQuickTimeQTSystemQuickTime.qts
  • Right click on QuickTime.qts, select Properties, then click the General tab.

If the "Date Created" indicates September 21, 2007 or later, then the security update has been applied.

Information will also be posted to the Apple Product Security web site:

・「Apple updates MacBook Pro battery firmware, QT for Windows」AppleInsider